* Wspomniani autorzy wnieśli do projektu równy wkład.
Here, we provide a comprehensive protocol to resolve initial local Ca2+ signals, known as Ca2+ microdomains, in primary murine and human T cells using fluorescence microscopy. This protocol serves as a valuable resource for researchers examining Ca2+ signaling pathways within immune cells and to further unravel their function.
Local, sub-second Ca2+ signals, termed Ca2+ microdomains, are highly dynamic and short-lived Ca2+ signals, which result in a global [Ca2+]i elevation and might already determine the fate of a T cell. Upon T cell receptor activation, NAADP is formed rapidly, binding to NAADP binding proteins (HN1L/JPT2, LSM12) and their respective receptors (RyR1, TPC2) sitting on intracellular Ca2+ stores, like the ER and lysosomes, and leading to subsequent release and elevation of [Ca2+]i. To capture these fast and dynamically occurring Ca2+ signals, we developed a high-resolution imaging technique using a combination of two Ca2+ indicators, Fluo-4 AM and FuraRed AM. For postprocessing, an open-source, semi-automated Ca2+ microdomain detection approach was developed based on the programming language Python. Using this workflow, we are able to reliably detect Ca2+ microdomains on a subcellular level in primary murine and human T cells in high temporal and spatial resolution fluorescence videos. This method can also be applied to other cell types, like NK cells and murine neuronal cell lines.
The presented fluorescence microscopy technique enables the visualization of local, temporal initial calcium (Ca2+) signals in primary mouse T cells, termed Ca2+ microdomains. Ca2+ microdomains represent highly dynamic and short-lived Ca2+ signaling events, posing challenges for effective live cell imaging and analysis1.
T cells are challenging for live cell imaging due to the relative differences in central and peripheral fluorescence intensity, which can be attributed to their spherical shape and their small diameter of ~6-8 µm. Upon stimulation and immune synapse formation, T cells undergo morphological changes, further complicating the imaging of T cells1. Therefore, employing a ratiometric analysis becomes imperative, achieved by either recording two images representing different properties of a Ca2+ dye or utilizing a combination of two Ca2+ dyes. The demanding characteristics of Ca2+ microdomains include their rapid, temporally, and spatially limited nature. To capture this, the Ca2+ dyes used must possess both a high basal brightness and a high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) to obtain the highest temporal and spatial resolution possible. Optimal results have been achieved using a combination of the dual-wavelength dye Fura Red and the single-wavelength dye Fluo-4. Co-loading cells with Fluo-4 and Fura Red mitigate the challenges posed by strong photobleaching of dual-emission wavelength dyes and the temporal delay associated with dual-excitation dyes, ensuring suitability for fast image acquisition. This approach further facilitates the visualization of changes in shape and subtle movements. Special demands are also placed on the imaging system in terms of spatial resolution to enable the visualization of Ca2+ signals originating from the opening of small clusters of channels or even single channels1.
Ca2+ signaling plays a pivotal role in activating immune functions within T cells, including synapse formation and cytokine production and release2,3. The specific fate of the cell is regulated through the differently pronounced and locally distributed Ca2+ signals, the Ca2+ microdomains3. Notably, those local Ca2+ signals precede a widespread rise in intracellular Ca2+ levels in T cells and the formation of Ca2+ microdomains depends on both Ca2+ entry and release1,4,5. Upon T cell receptor (TCR)/CD3 stimulation, the formation of Ca2+ releasing second messengers, like nicotinic acid adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NAADP), D-myo-inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) and cyclic ADP ribose (cADPR) is triggered, leading to rising intracellular Ca2+ levels up to 1 µM6,7. Early Ca2+ signaling events are linked to the release of Ca2+ from intracellular Ca2+ stores such as the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), with channels such as the ryanodine receptor 1 (RyR1) and the IP3 receptor (IP3R) being predominantly responsible for this signaling. This subsequently triggers extracellular Ca2+ influx and results in a global Ca2+ signal via store-operated Ca2+ entry (SOCE)8. In addition, there are other channels involved in Ca2+ signaling during T cell activation9, e.g., P2X4 and P2X7 channels ensure adenosine triphosphate (ATP)-dependent cation influx, contributing to the rise in intracellular Ca2+. Remarkably, initial adhesion-dependent Ca2+ microdomains (ADCMs) are already formed before TCR stimulation but with lower Ca2+ amplitudes and frequencies. These initial TCR-independent Ca2+ signals most likely serve the migration of the T cell to the site of inflammation and prime the T cells for restimulation at the site of infection10,11.
By developing the described method for local Ca2+ imaging, we have gained an additional tool for exploring the origin and significance of early Ca2+ signals in T-cell activation. This method enables the user to detect smaller, short-lived, and more rapidly occurring Ca2+ signals than previously possible. Moreover, Deconvolution, Analysis, Registration, Tracking, and Shape normalization (DARTS), the Python-based analysis pipeline, enables sharing the analysis tools with a broader audience12.
All animal experiments were approved and performed in accordance with the animal welfare guidelines of the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee at University Medical Centre Hamburg-Eppendorf.
1. Isolation of primary mouse T cells from lymph nodes and spleens
2. Negative selection of CD4+ T cells
NOTE: For the negative selection of CD4+ T cells, a T cell isolation kit containing a FcR blocker, biotinylated antibodies against non-CD4+ T cells, and streptavidin-coated magnetic particles are used.
3. Loading of primary mouse CD4+ T cells
NOTE: To measure free cytosolic Ca2+ concentrations, fluorescent and membrane-permeable dyes are employed in the Ca2+ imaging experiments. A combination of Fluo-4- acetoxymethyl ester (AM) and the ratiometric dye Fura Red-AM serves as an indicator for rapid detection of local Ca2+ signals. Ensure to work in the dark while using fluorescent dyes.
4. Local Ca2+ imaging
5. Postprocessing/ data analysis
NOTE: For image processing and data analysis, the Python-based open-source pipeline DARTS is used. It has been developed by Woelk et al.12 based on work by Diercks et al.13.
In this protocol, we outlined an updated method to image and analyze initial Ca2+ microdomains in primary mouse T cells based on previous work by our group1,13. This approach was instrumental in unraveling the involvement of CRAC channels such as ORAI1, STIM1, and STIM2, as well as intracellular Ca2+ release channels like RyR1 in early Ca2+ signaling events4.
To do so, we investigated spontaneous Ca2+ microdomain formation by imaging non-stimulated primary mouse Orai1-/-, Stim1-/-, Stim2-/-, and Ryr1-/- and compared them to WT primary mouse T cells. The analysis of Ca2+ microdomain formation encompassed signal onset velocity, Ca2+ amplitude, and number of signals per confocal plane. Notably, except for Stim2-/- T cells, all KO T cells displayed a significant decrease in local Ca2+ signals and a reduced basal free cytosolic Ca2+ concentration compared to WT cells. This led us to conclude that the formation of Ca2+ microdomains is intricately linked to the interaction of ORAI1, STIM1, and RyR14. In addition, we successfully identified and characterized spontaneous Ca2+ microdomains at the plasma membrane. These Ca2+ microdomains were characterized by a Ca2+ amplitude of 290 nm ± 12 nm. Utilizing a color-coded approach for Ca2+ signals allowed for the visualization of Ca2+ microdomains across the cell. Results further highlighted the rapid onset of Ca2+ microdomains, visible within milliseconds, and the capability of this method to detect Ca2+ signals with a longevity of a few milliseconds4. These spontaneous Ca2+ microdomains were later identified as adhesion-dependent Ca2+ microdomains (ADCM), dependent not only on SOCE but also acting via the FAK/PLC-γ/IP3 signaling cascade10 and involvement of P2X49. Furthermore, this technique was fundamental in confirming dual oxidases 1 and 2 (DUOX1/2) as NAADP-producing enzymes21 and HN1L/JPT222 as one of the newly discovered NAADP-binding proteins23.
Figure 2 shows representative examples of Ca2+ microdomains in primary CD4+ T cells upon bead contact from WT as well as P2x4-/- and P2x7-/- mice. Cells were loaded with the Ca2+ dyes Fluo-4 AM and Fura Red AM and imaged at an acquisition rate of 25 ms (40 frames/s). To mimic T cell synapse formation, cells were stimulated with anti-CD3/anti-CD28 coated beads. Initial Ca2+ microdomain formation was analyzed 1 s prior and up to 15 s after bead contact using the DARTS pipeline. Upon bead contact, the WT cell showed rapid formation of Ca2+ microdomains in the first second after stimulation at the bead contact site (Figure 2A). These Ca2+ microdomains further expanded throughout the cell in the following 15 s after bead contact. Opposed to the WT cell, the P2x4-/- and P2x7-/- cells (Figure 2B) showed decreased Ca2+ microdomain formation upon bead stimulation, as well for the P2x4-/- a lower basal level before bead contact. These representative findings are in line with the previously published results by Brock et al.9, indicating Ca2+ microdomain formation in WT T cells directly after bead contact over 15 s and lower signals per frame in P2x4-/- and P2x7-/- cells. Moreover, the amplitude in P2x4-/- cells was significantly reduced, further establishing the role of purinergic signaling in adhesion-dependent Ca2+ microdomains.
Furthermore, this method can also be used to visualize initial Ca2+ microdomains in primary human CD4+ T cells (Figure 3). In line with primary murine T cells, initial Ca2+ microdomains are evoked at the bead contact site. However, the overall Ca2+ response appears to occur on a different timescale compared to murine CD4+ T cells.
The analysis of local Ca2+ signals in a manual manner is not feasible as it is quite laborious and subjective to the individual investigator. Therefore, we previously developed an algorithm in MATLAB Simulink using its image processing and optimization toolboxes for postprocessing13 for analyzing local Ca2+ microdomains.
Recently, we developed a new, open-source, postprocessing pipeline called DARTS for Ca2+ microdomain analysis in high-resolution live cell imaging using the software platform Python12. Here, different deconvolution algorithms can be selected, depending on the user's preference, a cell shape normalization performed to compensate for morphological cell shape changes, and microscope and measurement specific parameters defined (e.g., scale, frame rate, time measured) (Figure 4).
After selecting parameters for Ca2+ microdomain analysis, a second pop-up window is opened for each individual measurement to define the bead contact (Figure 5). To define the bead contact, the user can manually scroll through the tiff file using the slider and select the bead contact frame individually. Bead contact is selected by clicking at the bead contact site (Figure 5, bead and bead contact indicated by yellow ring and arrow) as well as cell selection. This step must be repeated for each cell of interest. Finally, the automated image postprocessing is applied and the results data is summarized and saved in a spreadsheet.
Figure 1: Workflow of slide preparation for imaging. (A) Add and spread both BSA and PLL on the slide using a second glass cover slip. (B,C) To build a chamber, glue the rubber o-rings using silicon grease onto the slide. Ensure that the whole ring is covered with a thin layer of grease to have proper isolation of the chamber. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 2: Representative cells of T cell receptor-dependent Ca2+ microdomains in a primary murine wild type (WT) (A), P2x4-/- or P2x7-/- (B) CD4+ T cell. CD4+ T cells were negatively isolated and loaded with Fluo-4 AM and Fura Red, as described above. T cells were analyzed using the DARTS pipeline, resulting in comparable cell images to previously published results9. (A) WT primary T cell 1 s before stimulation with anti-CD3/anti-CD28 coated beads and up to 15 s after stimulation (scale bar 5 µm), as well as 3D surface plot of a zoom-in from 0 s to 0.65 s in the bead contact region (scale bar 1 µm). (B) Upper lane: representative P2x4-/- primary T cell 1 s before and up to 15 s after bead stimulation. Lower lane: representative P2x7-/- primary T cell 1 s before and up to 15 s after bead stimulation. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 3: Ca2+ microdomains in a representative primary human T cell after TCR stimulation. Primary human CD4+ T cells were isolated from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) by fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) from buffy coats and loaded with Fluo-4 AM and Fura Red, as described above. The figure shows a primary human T cell 1 s before stimulation with anti-CD3 coated beads and up to 15 s after stimulation (scale bar 5 µm), as well as 3D surface plot of a zoom-in from 6.25 s to 7.5 s in the bead contact region (scale bar 1 µm). Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 4: The DARTS graphical user interface (GUI). The GUI is divided into four areas. In the Input/Output area, you need to provide information about the raw data, including the source directory and image configuration (either two channels per file or separate channels), as well as the results directory. In the Properties of Measurement area, the experiment needs to be described with all its relevant information, such as scale (microns per pixel), frame rate, and measurement interval relative to the later determined starting point. Next, a processing pipeline consisting of postprocessing steps, shape normalization, and the actual analysis (microdomain detection and dartboard data accumulation) can be assembled. Finally, the settings can be saved to or loaded from the computer. Once the analysis has been set up, click on Start to proceed. To read more about the setup, visit https://ipmi-icns-uke.github.io/DARTS/General/Usage.html. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 5: Manual definition of bead contacts. If beads are added to the cells during the experiment, the initial bead contact time with a cell of interest and the contact location have to be manually defined. This is done by scrolling through the frames with the slider and finding a position (x,y) at a time point t. To automatically fill the bead contact information field, the user clicks on the left half of the microscope image at the bead contact position. Next, to associate a cell with the bead contact, the user clicks on a position within the cell that has a bead contact. The information has to be confirmed by selecting ADD bead. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
We described an extensive protocol for high-resolution live cell imaging of local Ca2+ microdomains in primary murine and human T cells triggered by TCR/CD3 stimulation through antibody-coated beads. Moreover, we implemented a user-friendly and open-source Python-based algorithm to identify and analyze local Ca2+ signals. Notably, the protocol is not limited to the detection of Ca2+ microdomains in the context of TCR/CD3 stimulation but is adaptable to other (immune) cell types such as NK cell lines (KHYG-1)12 or TCR-independent Ca2+ microdomains10,11.
A critical step within the protocol is the size and number of the stimulating beads. To mimic an immune-synapse, the beads should be similar in size to the cells. Hence, for primary murine and human T cells as well as cell lines (Jurkat and KHYG1), we use magnetic beads with a diameter of 10 µm. Furthermore, each cell should be just stimulated by one single bead. Therefore, the number of beads added to each slide should be sufficient on the one hand, but if there are too many beads in the field of view, the background increases, and it is not possible to detect a single activation time point and contact side.
The protocol utilizes the fluorescent Ca2+ dyes Fluo-4 AM and FuraRed AM in a ratiometric manner, therefore allowing for calibration of the data13. Additionally, the protocol could be adapted to other Ca2+ indicator pairs, but caution must be taken in the selection process in terms of Ca2+ binding kinetics, subcellular distribution, and photobleaching1. Moreover, loading conditions must be developed and optimized for each individual cell type, but the concentrations indicated here are a good starting point. To visualize Ca2+ microdomains, the Kd of the Ca2+ dyes should be in the range of 300-1200 nM and the acquisition time per frame should be ≤60 ms. If the fluorescence intensity is too low, the filter set has to be checked, but it is also possible to load a double amount of Ca2+ dye into T cells. However, the Ca2+ dye could mislocate to other organelles or sequester to vesicles, but it might also act as a Ca2+ buffer and affect the Ca2+ responses.
One limitation of the analysis algorithm is that a spherical shape of the cell is assumed; hence, cell types with different morphologies might need adaption of the analysis toolbox. The algorithm has been used to analyze local Ca2+ microdomains in primary murine T cells, as well as Jurkat T cells and an NK cell line (KHYG-1)12 and was successful in the analysis of Ca2+ microdomains for a murine neuronal cell line (N2a, unpublished data). In principle, the protocol and analysis toolbox could be used to analyze non-spherical cell types such as HEK293 or HeLa cells, but for these cell types, the dartboard projection cannot be adapted because it is based on a round structure and shape normalization of the cells. In addition, the protocol to detect localized initial Ca2+ microdomains upon bead stimulation can be adapted to analyze local Ca2+ signals derived from other stimuli, such as soluble activating or inhibiting compounds, as well as adhesion-dependent and TCR/CD3 independent Ca2+ microdomains10,11. Of note, it is easier to define a single bead contact in terms of time and location than to determine the starting point of activation after soluble compounds.
A general limitation for the detection of Ca2+ microdomain formation lies in the required high temporal-spatial resolution and necessary high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Currently, the resolution derived from our setup reaches a calculated spatial resolution of ~0.368 µm and temporal resolution of ~40 frames per second (fps)1. Recent advances in camera and detector development, as well as improvement of fluorescent dyes, might lead to the possibility of reaching optical single channel recordings as they have been described for ORAI-GECI (genetically expressed Ca2+ indicators) constructs24 for live cell imaging using Ca2+ indicators with higher temporal and spatial resolution in the future.
Taken together, the protocol and analysis tool for high-resolution Ca2+ microdomain imaging described here can be used not only to analyze initial local Ca2+ signals in T cells but can also be adapted to other cell types to decipher the significance of local Ca2+ signaling in these.
The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationship that could be considered a potential conflict of interest.
This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) (project number 335447717; SFB1328, A02 to B-PD and RW; A14 to ET; project number 516286863 to B-PD). The authors thank the blood donors and the Department of Transfusion Medicine at the UKE for their cooperation.
Name | Company | Catalog Number | Comments |
α-CD3 | BD Pharmingen | 553058 | |
α-CD28 | BD Pharmingen | 553295 | |
Anaconda | Anaconda | https://docs.anaconda.com/free/anaconda/install/index.html | |
Bovine serum albumin | Sigma-Aldrich | A2058 | |
Cell strainer | Biofil | CSS-013-070 | 70 µm diameter |
Countess Automated Cell Counter | Invitrogen | A49865 | |
Cover slips | Paul Marienfeld GmbH | 101202 | |
DARTS | GitHub | https://github.com/IPMI-ICNS-UKE/DARTS | |
Dulbecco’s Phosphate buffered saline | Gibco, Thermo Fisher | 14190144 | |
EasySep CD4+ T cell Isolation Kit | Stemcell | 19852 | |
EasySep Magnetic Multistand | Stemcell | 18010 | |
Fluo 4-AM | Invitrogen | F14201 | |
Fura Red-AM | Invitrogen | F3020 | |
Gibco RPMI 1640 medium | Gibco, Thermo Fisher | 11875093 | |
Git | GitHub | https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Getting-Started-Installing-Git | |
immersion oil | Leica | 11513859 | |
Newborn calf serum | Sigma-Aldrich | N4637 | |
Oracle | Oracle | https://www.oracle.com/de/java/technologies/downloads/ | |
Penicillin/Streptamycin | Gibco, Thermo Fisher | 15240062 | |
Poly-L-lysine | Sigma-Aldrich | P4707 | |
Protein G magnetic beads | Merck | LSKMAGG02 | 10 µM diameter |
Python | Python | https://www.python.org/downloads/ | |
Silicon grease (basylone) | Bayer | 291-1220 | |
Time-Dependent Entropy Deconvolution | GitHub | https://ipmi-icns-uke.github.io/TDEntropyDeconvolution/General/2-usage.html#input-parameters | |
Tween | q-biogene | TWEEN201 |
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