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Bioenergetic and metabolomic studies on mitochondria have revealed their multifaceted role in many diseases, but the isolation methods for these organelles vary. The method detailed here is capable of purifying high-quality mitochondria from multiple tissue sources. Quality is determined by respiratory control ratios and other metrics assessed with high-resolution respirometry.


Mitochondrial isolation has been practiced for decades, following procedures established by pioneers in the fields of molecular biology and biochemistry to study metabolic impairments and disease. Consistent mitochondrial quality is necessary to properly investigate mitochondrial physiology and bioenergetics; however, many different published isolation methods are available for researchers. Although different experimental strategies require different isolation methods, the basic principles and procedures are similar. This protocol details a method capable of extracting well-coupled mitochondria from a variety of tissue sources, including small animals and cells. The steps outlined include organ dissection, mitochondrial purification, protein quantification, and various quality control checks. The primary quality control metric used to identify high-quality mitochondria is the respiratory control ratio (RCR). The RCR is the ratio of the respiratory rate during oxidative phosphorylation to the rate in the absence of ADP. Alternative metrics are discussed. While high RCR values relative to their tissue source are obtained using this protocol, several steps can be optimized to suit the individual needs of researchers. This procedure is robust and has consistently resulted in isolated mitochondria with above-average RCR values across animal models and tissue sources.


Mitochondria are subcellular organelles that establish cytoplasmic energetic conditions optimized for specific cell functions. While cellular, tissue, and organism-level studies can provide insights into mitochondrial function, isolating the organelles offers a level of experimental control not possible otherwise. Mitochondrial isolations have been performed since the 1940s, allowing mechanistic studies of metabolism and respiration across a variety of cells and tissues1,2. The historical relevance of mitochondria is also well-documented3. As the main producers of ATP, mitochondria play....


The use and treatment of all vertebrate animals were performed in accordance with approved protocols reviewed and accepted by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) at Michigan State University. This protocol was designed using both male and female Hartley albino guinea pigs and Sprague Dawley (SD) rats. For the isolation of cardiac mitochondria from guinea pigs, animals were sacrificed at ages between 4-6 weeks (300-450 g). Cardiac mitochondria from SD rats of both sexes were obtained between the ages of 10-13 weeks (250-400 g). Recipes for buffers are described in Table 1 and should be prepared in advance. Details of the reagents an....

Reprezentatywne Wyniki

Upon completion of mitochondrial isolation, the quality and functionality of the isolates should be tested via quantifying rates of oxygen consumption (JO2) using high-resolution respirometry. To do so, mitochondrial stocks were diluted to 40 mg/mL to allow for working concentrations of 0.1 mg/mL in 2 mL of RB for all respirometry assays using isolated cardiac mitochondria. Respiration was fueled by 5 mM sodium pyruvate and 1 mM L-malate in the presence of 1 mM EGTA, a calcium chelator, and was allowe.......


Adhering to the methods concisely described in this protocol will ensure the isolation of well-coupled mitochondria from the cardiac tissue of small rodents, in addition to other tissue types and sources. Overall, the process should take a total of 3-3.5 h, during which all animal tissue, samples, and isolates should remain on ice at 4 °C as much as possible to limit degradation. This procedure is robust and can be altered in several ways to better fit experimental goals and models utilized. One modulation that can .......


The authors declare that there is nothing to disclose.


We would like to acknowledge Daniel A. Beard and Kalyan C. Vinnakota for their foundational contributions to this protocol. This work was funded by NSF CAREER grant MCB-2237117.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
1.7 mL microcentrifuge tubes
10 mL glass beakerFor organ disection and mincing
50 mL centrifuge tubesCentrifugation
Adenosine 5'-diphosphate monopotassium salt dihydrateSigma A5285Respirometry assays
BSA Protein Assay KitThermo ScentificPI23225Mitochondrial protein quantification
DextroseSigma DX0145For buffer (CB)
Ethylene glycol-bis(2-amino-ethylether)-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid Sigma E4378For buffers (CB and IB) and respirometry assays
Glass cannulaRadnotiGuinea pig and rat heart perfusion
Heparin sodium porcine mucosaSigma SRE0027-250KUAnimal IP injection
High-resolution respirometerClark-type electrode; oxygraph with 2 mL chambers
Induction chamber
IsofluraneSigma 792632Anesthetic 
L-malic acidSigma 02288-50GRespirometry assays
Magnesium chloride hexahydrateSigma M9272For buffer (RB)
MannitolSigma MX0214For buffer (IB)
Microliter syringesSizes ranging from 5–50 µL
Microplate readerMust be able to incubate at 37 °C 
MOPSSigma 475898For all buffers
O2 tank
OMNI THQ HomogenizerOMNI International 12-500Similar rotor stator homogenizers will work
pipettesVolumes of  2–20 µL; 20–200 µL; 200–1000 µL
Potassium chlorideSigma P3911For buffers (RB and CB)
Potassium phosphate dibasicSigma 795496For buffers (IB and RB)
Protease from Bacillus licheniformisSigma P5459
Sodium chlorideSigma S9888For buffer (CB)
Sodium pyruvateFisher bioreagentsBP356-100Respirometry assays
SucroseSigma 8510-OPFor buffer (IB)
Surgical dissection kitDepends on animal and tissue source
Tabletop centrifugeMust cool to 4 °C 


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BiochemistryMitochondrial QualityBioenergeticsExperimental StrategiesMitochondrial PurificationProtein QuantificationQuality ControlRespiratory Control Ratio RCROxidative PhosphorylationIsolation MethodsTissue SourcesResearch Protocol

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