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  • Summary
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  • Introduction
  • Protocol
  • Representative Results
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Assessment of oxygen consumption provides integral information about mitochondrial function. Using a phosphorescent probe with a fluorescent plate reader, accurate and reproducible data can be obtained easily without specialized equipment. This assay enables any lab to measure the oxygen consumption of isolated mitochondria and calculate respiratory control ratios.


Mitochondria serve many important functions, including cellular respiration, ATP production, controlling apoptosis, and acting as a central hub of metabolic pathways. Therefore, experimentally assessing mitochondrial functionality can provide insight into variations among different populations or disease states. Additionally, it is valuable to assess whether isolated mitochondria are healthy enough to proceed with experiments. One characteristic often used to compare mitochondrial function in different samples is the rate of oxygen consumption. Oxygen consumption and subsequent calculation of the respiratory control ratio in either intact cells or mitochondria isolated from tissue can serve all three purposes. Using mitochondria isolated from the livers of brush lizards in conjunction with a phosphorescent probe that is sensitive to the fluctuations in oxygen concentration of a solution, we measured oxygen consumption using a fluorescent plate reader. This method is not only quick and efficient but also can be conducted with a small amount of mitochondria and without the need for specialized equipment. The step-by-step protocol described here increases the accessibility of mitochondrial functional assessment to researchers.


Mitochondria are organelles, approximately the size of bacteria, found in eukaryotic cells. They are unique organelles because they contain DNA and have two membranes, an outer and inner one. Mitochondria's outer and inner membranes are separated by an intermembrane space, and the inner membrane folds into structures called cristae around the innermost compartment, called the matrix. These cristae increase the inner membrane's surface area so that multiple processes that use the cristae can occur simultaneously. While mitochondria are involved in many cellular functions such as controlling apoptosis and housing multiple metabolic pathways, their vital role in ....


Lizards were euthanized by CO2 asphyxiation followed by immediate decapitation in accordance with policies outlined by The Office of Animal Laboratory Welfare and Elon's Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee guidelines.

1. Isolation of mitochondria6

NOTE: Keep all solutions cold (Table 1) and samples on ice throughout these steps.

  1. Remove the liver, weigh it, and then rinse it with ~3 mL of ice-cold phosphate-buffered saline (1x, -/-).
  2. Mince the liver in 1 mL of L-MIB with a fresh razor blade.
  3. Bring the t....

Representative Results

Oxygen consumption rate and mitochondrial RCR were determined from the mitochondria of three different lizards using an assay kit with a phosphorescent oxygen-sensing probe and a standard fluorescence plate reader. Previous research established that the probe in this kit directly correlates to oxygen consumption, where phosphorescence is quenched by molecular oxygen and the fluorescent signal increases as oxygen levels decrease due to mitochondrial respiration7,11


Measuring mitochondrial function is useful when comparing different samples, such as disease versus non-disease states, different tissue types from the same animal, or between different sample types. We used the later comparison to test our hypothesis that there is a metabolic consequence to hybrid tree lizards that have introgressed mitochondria. There are a variety of ways to ascertain mitochondria function experimentally, including quantification of Δψ, total ATP content, ATP production, and respiratory cont.......


The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.


This research was funded by NSF CHE- 1229562 (VDGM) and grants from Elon University's Faculty Research and Development Committee (VDGM and GH) and the Undergraduate Research Program (AJ).



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
96-well black/optical bottom platesThermo Fisher265301Untreated black-wall plates with clear bottoms.
ADPSigmaA2754Dilute 100 µM stock with EB immediately before use.
BSAThermo FisherBP1600-100Make 2 mg/mL stock in water for protein assay.
Dulbeccos 1x PBS (-/-)SigmaD8537Make sure the PBS is without Mg2+ or Ca2+ ions.
L-glutamic acidSigmaG1251
L-glutamic acid potassium saltSigmaS372226
L-malic acidSigmaM8304
L-malic acid mono-potassium saltSigma49601
MitoXpress oxygen consumption kitAgilentMX-200-4Kit contains probe stock and HS mineral oil.
Protien Assay Dye (5x)BioRad500-0006Any protein assay can substitute.
R version 3.3 R Core Development Team 2016
Thermomax microplate reader EnSpire Multi-mode Plate reader and softwarePerkinElmerStandard fluorescent plate-reader
Trisma baseSigmaT6066Any version of Tris base can be utilized.


  1. Drew, B., Leeuwenburgh, C. Method for measuring ATP production in isolated mitochondria: ATP production in brain and liver mitochondria of Fischer-344 rats with age and caloric restriction. American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative andComparative Physiology. 285 (5), R1259-R1267 (2003).
  2. Ballard, J. W. O., Pichaud, N. ....

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Oxygen ConsumptionMitochondrial FunctionRespiratory Control RatioFluorescent AssayPlate ReaderBrush LizardPhosphorescent ProbeMetabolic PathwaysATP ProductionApoptosis

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