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  • Introduction
  • Protocol
  • Representative Results
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Here, we describe a protocol to obtain crude venom extract from sea anemone and detect its hemolytic and phospholipase activity.


Sea anemone venom composition includes polypeptide and non-proteins molecules. Cytolytic components have a high biotechnological and biomedical potential for designing new molecular tools. Sea anemone venom locates in glandular cells from ectoderm and sub-cellular structures called nematocysts, both of which are distributed throughout the sea anemone body. This characteristic implies challenges because the cells and nematocyst must be lysed to release the venom components with other non-toxic molecules. Therefore, first, the venom is derived from a crude extract (mixture of different and diverse molecules and tissue debris). The next step is to detect polypeptides with specific bioactivities. Here, we describe an efficient strategy to obtain the sea anemone crude extract and bioassay to identify the presence of cytolysins. The first step involves inexpensive and straightforward techniques (stirred and freeze-thaw cycle) to release cytolysins. We obtained the highest cytolytic activity and protein (~500 mg of protein from 20 g of dry weight). Next, the polypeptide complexity of the extract was analyzed by SDS-PAGE gel detecting proteins with molecular weights between 10 kDa and 250 kDa. In the hemolytic assay, we used sheep red blood cells and determined HU50 (11.1 ± 0.3 µg/mL). In contrast, the presence of phospholipases in the crude extract was determined using egg yolk as a substrate in a solid medium with agarose. Overall, this study uses an efficient and inexpensive protocol to prepare the crude extract and applies replicable bioassays to identify cytolysins, molecules with biotechnological and biomedical interests.


Marine animals are a rich source of biologically active compounds. In recent decades, the composition of sea anemone venom has attracted scientific attention since it comprises a diversity of polypeptides with hemolytic, cytotoxic, enzymatic (phospholipase, protease, chitinase), and neurotoxic activity and inhibitory effects on proteolytic activity1. In addition, these polypeptides are potential sources for the development of molecular tools in biotechnological and therapeutical use2,3.

There are few reports about sea anemone venom and its molecular component....


The sea anemones were collected according to guidelines of the National Commission for Aquaculture, Fisheries, and Food of the Federal Government of Mexico (permit number PPF / DGOPTA 07332.250810.4060). Bioethics Committee of the Institute of Biotechnology, National Autonomous University of Mexico approved all the experiments with sea anemones. The sheep blood sample was purchased at the Center for Practical Teaching and Research in Animal Production and Health (CEPIPSA, National Autonomous University of Mexico).

Representative Results

The representative results of the protocol used to obtain the crude extract of sea anemone showed that combining two techniques (agitation and cycles of freezing and thawing) produced an efficient discharge of nematocysts, and the total amount of protein was 500 mg (8 mg/mL) (Figure 3).

The crude extract's protein complexity could be observed from 10 kDa and greater than 250 kDa through SDS-PAGE electrophoresis. In addition, cytolysins were detected in the mol.......


The high demand for new compounds with applications in different fields of science and industry has led to the study of venom. Venom represents a rich source of molecules that serves as a template for generating new molecular tools. However, the complexity of these venoms requires the implementation and combination of various methods to obtain and study them.

Here, we show a method for obtaining and analyzing the venom of the sea anemone Anthopleura dowii, Verrill 1869, which can be u.......


This work was supported by Programa de Apoyo a Proyectos de Investigación e Innovación Tecnológica (PAPIIT), with a grant number IT200819. The authors acknowledge to Tom Musselman, Rock Paper Editing, LLC, for checking the English grammar of this manuscript; and the technical assistance of Samanta Jiménez (CICESE, Ensenada), and Juan Manuel Barbosa Castillo (Instituto de Fisiología Celular, UNAM). We also thank to Dr Augusto César Lizarazo Chaparro (CEPIPSA) for obtaining sheep blood. We especially thank Dr José Saniger Blesa, ICAT-UNAM,  for the facilities in his laboratory for the video recording. 



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
15 mL conical centrifuge tubeCorning430766
2-Bromophenol blueSigmaB75808
50 mL conical centrifuge tubesCorning430828
Acetic Acid GlacialJ.T. Baker9515-03
Bovine Serum Albumin Fraction VSigmaA3059-100G
Bradford Protein AssaysBio-Rad5000006
Calcium chlorideSigma-AldrichC3306
Cell culture plates 96 well, V-bottomCorning3894
Centrifuge tubesCorningCLS430829
ChemiDoc MP systemBio-Rad1708280
Citric acidSigma-Aldrich251275
Clear flat.bottom 96-Well PlatesThermo Scientific3855
Coomassie Brilliant Blue G-250Bio-Rad#1610406
Coomassie brilliant blue R-250Bio-Rad1610400
DextroseJ.T. Baker1916-01
Ductless EnclosureLabconcoVertical ImageJ 1.53c
Gel Doc EZBio Rad.Gel Documentation System
ImageJ (Software)NIH, USAVersion 1.53c
Incubator 211LabnetI5211 DS
MethanolJ.T. Baker9049-03
Mini-PROTEAN tetra cellBio-Rad1658000EDU
Na2HPO4J.T. Baker3824-01
NaClJ.T. Baker3624-01
NaH2PO4.H2OJ.T. Baker3818-05
Origin softwareversion 9To design the plot with sigmoidal adjustments
Pipetman kitGilsonF167380
Precast mini gelBioRad1658004
Prestained Protein LadderThermo Scientific26620
Protease Inhibitor CocktailRoche11836153001
Protein Assay Dye Reagent ConcentrateBio-Rad5000006
Rhodamine 6GSigma-Aldrich252433
Sodium citrate dihydrateJT Baker3646-01
Tris BaseSigma-Aldrich77-86-1
Volt Power SupplyHoeferPS300B


  1. Frazão, B., Vasconcelos, V., Antunes, A. Sea anemone (Cnidaria, Anthozoa, Actiniaria) toxins: an overview. Marine Drugs. 10 (8), 1812-1851 (2012).
  2. Jayathilake, J. M. N. J., Gunathilake, K. V. K. Cnidarian toxins: rece....

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