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Immunology and Infection

Standardization of Transfer across Labs between Flow Cytometers for Detection of Lymphocytes in Japanese Encephalitis Vaccinated Children

Published: February 10th, 2023



1Center of Excellence (Beijing), Becton Dickinson Medical Devices (Shanghai) Co Ltd, 2Beijing Key Laboratory of Pediatric Respiratory Infectious Diseases, Key Laboratory of Major Diseases in Children, Ministry of Education, National Clinical Research Center for Respiratory Diseases, Laboratory of Infection and Virology, Beijing Pediatric Research Institute, Beijing Children's Hospital, Capital Medical University, National Center for Children's Health, 3Research Unit of Critical Infection in Children, 2019RU016, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences

* These authors contributed equally


An increasing number of laboratories need to collect data from multiple flow cytometers, especially for research projects performed across multiple centers. The challenges of using two flow cytometers in different labs include the lack of standardized materials, software compatibility issues, inconsistencies in instrument setup, and the use of different configurations for different flow cytometers. To establish a standardized flow cytometry experiment to achieve the consistency and comparability of experimental results across multiple centers, a rapid and feasible standardization method was established to transfer parameters across different flow cytometers.

The methods developed in this study allowed the transfer of experimental settings and analysis templates between two flow cytometers in different laboratories for the detection of lymphocytes in Japanese encephalitis (JE)-vaccinated children. A consistent fluorescence intensity was obtained between the two cytometers using fluorescence standard beads to establish the cytometer settings. Comparable results were obtained in two laboratories with different types of instruments. Using this method, we can standardize analysis for evaluating the immune function of JE-vaccinated children in different laboratories with different instruments, diminish the differences in data and results among flow cytometers in multiple centers, and provide a feasible approach for the mutual accreditation of laboratory results. The standardization method of flow cytometer experiments will ensure the effective performance of research projects across multiple centers.

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