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Affinity Purification of a Fibrinolytic Enzyme from Sipunculus nudus

Published: June 2nd, 2023



1Medicine School, Huaqiao University, 2Engineering Research Centre of Molecular Medicine of Ministry of Education


The fibrinolytic enzyme from Sipunculus nudus (sFE) is a novel fibrinolytic agent that can both activate plasminogen into plasmin and degrade fibrin directly, showing great advantages over traditional thrombolytic agents. However, due to the lack of structural information, all the purification programs for sFE are based on multistep chromatography purifications, which are too complicated and costly. Here, an affinity purification protocol of sFE is developed for the first time based on a crystal structure of sFE; it includes preparation of the crude sample and the lysine/arginine-agarose matrix affinity chromatography column, affinity purification, and characterization of the purified sFE. Following this protocol, a batch of sFE can be purified within 1 day. Moreover, the purity and activity of the purified sFE increases to 92% and 19,200 U/mL, respectively. Thus, this is a simple, inexpensive, and efficient approach for sFE purification. The development of this protocol is of great significance for the further utilization of sFE and other similar agents.

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