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In This Article

  • Summary
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Protocol
  • Representative Results
  • Discussion
  • Disclosures
  • Acknowledgements
  • Materials
  • References
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Porous substrate electroporation (PSEP) pairs consistent, high throughput delivery with high cell viability. Introduction of transepithelial electrical impedance (TEEI) measurements provides insight into the intermediate processes of PSEP and allows for label-free delivery. This article discusses a method for performing PSEP delivery experiments and TEEI measurement analysis simultaneously.


Porous substrate electroporation (PSEP) is an emerging method of electroporation that provides high throughput and consistent delivery. Like many other types of intracellular delivery, PSEP relies heavily on fluorescent markers and fluorescent microscopy to determine successful delivery. To gain insight into the intermediate steps of the electroporation process, a PSEP platform with integrated transepithelial electrical impedance (TEEI) monitoring was developed. Cells are cultured in commercially available inserts with porous membranes. After a 12 h incubation period to allow for the formation of a fully confluent cell monolayer, the inserts are placed in transfection media located in the wells of the PSEP device. The cell monolayers are then subjected to a user-defined waveform, and delivery efficiency is confirmed through fluorescent microscopy. This workflow can be significantly enhanced with TEEI measurements between pulsing and fluorescent microscopy to collect additional data on the PSEP process, and this additional TEEI data is correlated with delivery metrics such as delivery efficiency and viability. This article describes a protocol for performing PSEP with TEEI measurements.


Electroporation is a technique in which cells are exposed to an electric field, creating temporary pores in the cell membrane through which cargos, including proteins, RNA, and DNA, can pass1,2. The most widely used version is bulk electroporation (BEP). BEP is performed by filling a cuvette with an electrolyte containing millions of cells, exposing the electrolyte to high voltage, and allowing cargo to enter the cells through diffusion or endocytosis1. There are many advantages to BEP, including high throughput and numerous commercially available systems. However, there are limitations....


The details of the reagents and the equipment used in the study are listed in the Table of Materials.

1. Preparation of reagents and cell culture

  1. Prepare the cell culture media by adding 50 mL of fetal bovine serum (FBS) and 5 mL of penicillin-streptomycin to a 500 mL container of Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium (DMEM). Produce eleven 50 mL aliquots to reduce the risk of contamination and refrigerate at 4 °C.
  2. Create 1 mL of 25 µg/mL human plasma fibronectin in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) stock solution according to the manufacturer's instructions.
  3. Creat....

Representative Results

The given protocol establishes a method for using TEEI measurements to examine the intermediate processes of electroporation and make delivery predictions, specifically for the A431 cell line and PI cargo. While modification of this protocol is discussed further in the article, it is important to note now that while the specific values may change, general trends in the response remain consistent. For example, TEEI data that dips below the initial baseline corresponds with cell death, while the maximum increase in TEEI va.......


Figure 2C demonstrates that TEEI increases from minimum and decreases from baseline are plotted for each PSEP waveform voltage. The TEEI increase creates a parabolic arc, peaking around 20 volts before reducing, while the TEEI decrease from baseline increases exponentially as voltage increases. The delivery efficiency and death percentages in Figure 2D mirror these trends, with delivery efficiency arcing parabolically, peaking around 30 volts, and death increasi.......


The authors declare no conflict of interest.


We acknowledge the funding support from the NSF (Awards 1826135, 1936065, 2143997), the NIH National Institutes of General Medical Sciences P20GM113126 (Nebraska Center for Integrated Biomolecular Communication) and P30GM127200 (Nebraska Center for Nanomedicine), the Nebraska Collaborative Initiative and the Voelte-Keegan Bioengineering Support. The device was manufactured at the NanoEngineering Research Core Facility (NERCF), which is partially funded by the Nebraska Research Initiative.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
15 mL Conical Centrifuge TubeThermo Scientific339651
2-Chip Disposable HemocytometerBulldog BioDHC-N01
75 cm2 Tissue Culture FlaskfisherbrandFB012937
A431 CellsATCCCRL-1555
Calcein AMInvitrogenC3099
Class II Type A2 Biosafety CabinetLabgardNU-543-600
Custom ComponentsYangLabhttps://github.com/YangLabUNL/PSEP-TEEI
Disposable Centrifuge Tube (50 mL)fisherbrand05-539-6
Fetal Bovine SerumGibcoA5670401
Fluid Aspiration Systemvacuubrand20727403
HERACELL 240iThermo Scientific51026331
Hoechst 33342Thermo Scientific62249
Human Plasma FibronectinSigma-AldrichFIBRP-RO
Inverted Fluorescent MicroscopeZeiss491916-0001-000
Inverted MicroscopeLabomedTCM 400
PCR Tube 200 µLSarstedt72.737
Penicillin / StreptomycinGibco15140148
Pipette (0.2-2 µL)fisherbrand EliteFBE00002
Pipette (100-1000 µL)fisherbrand EliteFBE01000
Pipette (20-200 µL)fisherbrand EliteFBE00200
Pipette (2-20 µL)fisherbrand EliteFBE00020
Propidium IodideInvitrogenP1304MP
Reaction Tube 1.5 mLSarstedt72.690.300
Sorvall ST 16R CentrifugeThermo Scientific75004240
Thincert (24-well)Greiner Bio-One662 6410.4 µm pore diameter, 2x106 cm-2 pore density, transparent PET
Tissue Culture Plate (24-well)fisherbrandFB012929
Trypan Blue SolutionSigma-AldrichT8154-20mL


  1. Brooks, J., et al. High throughput and highly controllable methods for in vitro intracellular delivery. Small. 16 (51), e2004917 (2020).
  2. Stewart, M. P., Langer, R., Jensen, K. F. Intrac....

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