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This study presents a pioneering method for quantifying uterine natural killer cell subsets during the window of implantation using advanced multiplexed fluorescent immunohistochemical staining techniques.


Immunohistochemistry (IHC) plays a crucial role in biological research and clinical diagnosis, serving as the most commonly used method for identifying and visualizing tissue antigens. However, traditional IHC staining methods have limitations in distinguishing various subtypes of immune cells. This challenge has driven scientists to explore new technologies and methodologies for precise identification and differentiation of immune cell subtypes. In recent years, multiplex IHC has emerged as a solution, enabling the simultaneous detection of multiple antigens and their visualization within the same tissue sample. Uterine natural killer (uNK) cells play a pivotal role in early pregnancy processes, including decidualization, remodeling of uterine spiral arteries, and embryo implantation. Different subtypes of uNK cells exhibit different functions, allowing them to coordinate various biological events for successful embryo development and pregnancy. Therefore, in-depth research on uNK cell subtypes is essential for elucidating immune regulation mechanisms during pregnancy. Such studies provide valuable insights and novel approaches for addressing related conditions such as infertility and recurrent reproductive failure. This paper introduces a detailed multiplex IHC staining protocol for studying the density of four subtypes of uNK cells in endometrial specimens during the window of implantation (WOI). The protocol includes sample preparation, optimization of subtype markers, microscopic imaging, and data analyses. This multiplex IHC staining protocol offers high specificity and sensitivity, enabling simultaneous detection of different uNK cell subtypes, thus providing researchers with a powerful tool to explore the intricacies and mechanisms of immune regulation during pregnancy.


The first documented live birth after in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer (IVF-ET) was reported in 1978. Over the past 40 years, there has been a high demand for the assistance of IVF-ET among infertile couples1. In 2021, 238,126 patients initiated a total of 413,776 IVF cycles in the United States. This marks a 25% increase in cycles from 2 years prior and a 135% increase from 20122. This surge is mainly attributed to the rising prevalence of infertility and delayed planning for pregnancy. Advancements in embryo culture techniques and superovulation protocols have led to an increased live birth rate per ET c....


The study was approved by the Joint Chinese University of Hong Kong-New Territories East Cluster Clinical Research Ethics Committee (CREC ref no.: 2022.581). Women with RIF were recruited from the Assisted Reproductive Technology Center, Prince of Wales Hospital, Chinese University of Hong Kong. RIF was defined as the failure to achieve a clinical pregnancy after the transfer of at least 4 good-quality embryos in a minimum of 3 fresh or frozen cycles in a woman under the age of 40 years10. Informe.......

Representative Results

To maintain consistency in the timing of endometrial sample collection for women undergoing the natural cycle, a urine test was performed to precisely detect their luteinizing hormone (LH) surge, with endometrial biopsies conducted 7 days after the LH surge. For women undergoing HRT cycles, samples were scheduled precisely 5 days after progesterone supplementation commenced. To quantify different subtypes of NK cells in the endometrium, m-IHC staining was employed. A schematic outlining of the experimental procedure is d.......


Embryo implantation involves a complex interaction between the embryo and the endometrium. The immunological status of endometrial homeostasis plays a pivotal role in determining endometrial receptivity. During WOI, the predominant leukocyte population in the endometrium is NK cells. Approximately 90% of uNK cells exhibit high CD56 expression but lack CD16. However, a minor subset of uNK cells resembles peripheral blood NK cells, displaying low CD56 expression but positive CD16 expression18. These.......


The present study was supported by the Health and Medical Research Fund (10210956).



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
CD49aNovus BiologicalsNBP2-76478Primary antibodies
CD56LeicaNCL-L-CD56-504Primary antibodies
CD16abcamab183354Primary antibodies
CXCR4R&DMAB172Primary antibodies
Amplification diluentAkoya BiosciencesFP1498 seriesFluorophore dilution buffer
Antibody diluentsAkoya BiosciencesARD1001EADilute the antibody
Citrate buffered solution, pH 6.0 /9.0(10x)Akoya BiosciencesA6001/A9001Antigen retrieval solution
inForm advanced image analysis softwareAkoya BiosciencesinForm Tissue Finder Software 2.2.6Data analysis software
Mantra WorkstationsAkoya BiosciencesCLS140089Spectral imaging
microwaveAkoya BiosciencesinverterMicrowave stripping
TSA 520Akoya BiosciencesFP1487001KSuitable tyramide-based fluorescent reagents
TSA 620Akoya BiosciencesFP1495001KSuitable tyramide-based fluorescent reagents
TSA 650Akoya BiosciencesFP1496001KSuitable tyramide-based fluorescent reagents
TSA 570Akoya BiosciencesFP1488001KSuitable tyramide-based fluorescent reagents
Poly-L-lysine coated slidesFisher Technologies120-550-15Slides for routine histological use
PolyHRP Broad SpectrumPerkin ElmerARH1001EASecondary antibodies
Invitrogen™ Fluoromount-G™ Mounting MediumThemoFisher Science495802Installation
Spectral DAPIAkoya BiosciencesFP1490ANucleic acid staining


  1. De Geyter, C. Assisted reproductive technology: Impact on society and need for surveillance. Best Pract Res Clin Endocrinol Metab. 33 (1), 3-8 (2019).
  2. . State-Specific Assisted Reproductive Technology Surveillance. CDC Available from: (2024)
  3. ....

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