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This work presents a rapid RNA extraction and transcript level comparison method for analyzing gene expression in the tardigrade Hypsibius exemplaris. Using physical lysis, this high-throughput method requires a single tardigrade as the starting material and results in robust production of cDNA for quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR).


The tardigrade Hypsibius exemplaris is an emerging model organism renowned for its ability to survive environmental extremes. To explore the molecular mechanisms and genetic basis of such extremotolerance, many studies rely on RNA-sequencing (RNA-seq), which can be performed on populations ranging from large cohorts to individual animals. Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and RNA interference (RNAi) are subsequently used to confirm RNA-seq findings and assess the genetic requirements for candidate genes, respectively. Such studies require an efficient, accurate, and affordable method for RNA extraction and measurement of relative transcript levels by quantitative RT-PCR (qRT-PCR). This work presents an efficient single-tardigrade, single-tube RNA extraction method (STST) that not only reliably isolates RNA from individual tardigrades but also reduces the required time and cost for each extraction. This RNA extraction method yields quantities of cDNA that can be used to amplify and detect multiple transcripts by quantitative PCR (qRT-PCR). The method is validated by analyzing dynamic changes in the expression of genes encoding two heat-shock-regulated proteins, Heat-Shock Protein 70 β2 (HSP70 β2) and Heat-Shock Protein 90α (HSP90α), making it possible to assess their relative expression levels in heat-exposed individuals using qRT-PCR. STST effectively complements existing bulk and single tardigrade RNA extraction methods, permitting rapid and affordable examination of individual tardigrade transcriptional levels by qRT-PCR.


Tardigrades are small multicellular animals renowned for their ability to survive extreme conditions that are lethal to most other forms of life1. For example, these animals can survive nearly 1000 times the dose of ionizing radiation that is lethal to humans2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, nearly complete desiccation11,


Figure 1: Single-tube pipeline for RNA extraction from a single tardigrade. (A) Scheme showing the protocol for RNA extraction from a single tardigrade, including six freeze-thaw cycles and subsequent cDNA synthesis. Samples may subsequently be used for RT-PCR and qRT-PCR. (B) Image of micropipette taper used for removal of water. Scale bar: 2 mm. (C) Bright field image of a tardigrade in a....

Representative Results

Development and optimization of single-tardigrade RNA extraction
Adapting the protocol from Ly et al., 201542 for RNA extraction in tardigrades, the STST system is optimized to maximize the quantity and quality of the preparation (Figure 1A). RT-PCR was performed for actin transcripts, quantifying transcript yield by amplifying a 527 bp region spanning exons 1 and 2 (sequences for these primers can be found in Table 1). The opti.......


This study presents an efficient method for the extraction of RNA for single-tardigrade qRT-PCR. Directly comparing the STST methodology to an existing single tardigrade RNA extraction kit revealed that STST RNA extraction yields >200-fold higher amounts of actin RNA transcripts reduces the cost to less than one dollar per sample, and reduces the time required for extraction by 30%. To apply STST to a relevant biological question, we assessed the short-term heat-shock response expression profile. We found that transcr.......


The authors declare no conflicts of interest to disclose.


We want to acknowledge the NIH Ruth Kirschstein Fellowship # 5F32AG081056-02 and the Errett Fisher Post-Doctoral Fellowship, which supported Dr. Molly J. Kirk, the Crowe Family Fellowship, which supported Chaoming Xu, and a University of California, Santa Barbara Academic Senate Grant, and NIH grants #R01GM143771 and #2R01HD081266, which supported these research efforts. The authors also acknowledge the use of the Biological Nanostructures Laboratory within the California NanoSystems Institute, supported by the University of California, Santa Barbara, and the University of California, Office of the President.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
10 µL Premium Barrier Tips Low Binding, Racked, SterileGenesee Scientific23-401Refered to as Sterile Filter-Tipped P 10 Pipette  Tips
1000 µL  Premium Pipet Tips, Low Binding, Racked, SterileGenesee Scientific23-165RSRefered to as Sterile Filter-Tipped P 1000 Pipette  Tips
200 µL  Premium Barrier Tips Low Binding, Racked, SterileGenesee Scientific23-412Refered to as Sterile Filter-Tipped P 200 Pipette  Tips
4 Star Straight Strong Medium Point Tweezer Excelta 00-SA-DCRefered to as Long forceps
96-Well PCR Rack with Lid Assorted, 5 Racks/UnitGenesee Scientific27-202ARefered to as PCR Rack
Andwin Scientific 3M LEAD FREE AUTOCLAVE TAPE 1"Thermo Fisher Scientific NC0802040Refered to as Autoclave Tape 
Autoclave TapeThermo Fisher ScientificAB1170Refered to as PCR Plate Seals
Benchling v8BenchlingN/ARefered to as Benchling 
BioRadHard-Shell 96-Well PCR PlateBioRad HSS9641Refered to as PCR Plate 
BULWARK FR Lab Coat: Grainger 26CF64Refered to as Lab Coat
C1000 Touch Bio-rad Thermocycler BioRad1851148Refered to as Thermocycler 
C1000 Touch Bio-rad Thermocycler with CFX Optics Module BioRad1845097Refered to as qPCR thermocycler 
Chloroccoccum hypnosporum.  Carolina152091Refered to as Algae
Corning PYREX Reusable Media Storage BottlesThermo Fisher Scientific06-414-1ERefered to as 2 L Autoclave-safe Glass Bottle
Daigger & Company Vortex-Genie 2 Laboratory Mixer Thermo Fisher Scientific 3030ARefered to as Vortexer 
Direct-zol Micro Prep Zymo Research R2060Refered to as RNA extraction kit 
Dumont 5 Biology TweezersFine Science Tools 11254-20Refered to as Fine Forceps
EDTA Fisher ScientificS311-500 Refered to as EDTA 
FIJI v 2.14.0/1.54f ImageJ,N/ARefered to as FIJI/ImageJ
Filament for pippette Puller Tritech ResearchPC-10HRefered to as Filament
Fisherbrand Economy Impact GogglesFisher Scientific19-181-501Refered to as Splash Goggles 
Glass Micropipette O.D. 1mm ID 0.58, Length 10 cmTriTech ResearchGD-1 Reffered to as glass micropipette
Hypsibius exemplaris Z151 Strain Carolina133960Refered to as Tardigrades  or H. exemplaris 
Liquid Nitrogen Dewar 1 LAgar Scientific AGB7475Refered to as Cryo-safe container 
Maxima H Minus First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit Thermo Fisher ScientificK1651Refered to as cDNA Synthesis Master Mix 
Narishige Dual-Stage Glass Micropipette Puller Tritech Research PC-10Refered to as micropipette puller 
Nitrile GlovesFisher Scientific17-000-314Refered to as Nitrile Gloves 
PETRI DISH, PS, 35/10 mm, WITH VENTSGrenier627102Refered to as 35 mm Petri dish 
PIPETMAN P10, 1–10 µL, Metal EjectorGilsonF144055MRefered to as P 10 Pipette
PIPETMAN P1000, 100–1000 µL, Metal EjectorGilsonF144059MRefered to as P 1000 Pipette
PIPETMAN P200, 20–200 µL, Metal EjectorGilson F144058MRefered to as P 200 Pipette
Pound This 4-Color Modeling Clay American Science Surplus 96517P001Refered to as Clay 
Prism v10.0 GraphPadN/ARefered to a Prism 
RNAse-Free, 8 Strip 0.2 mL PCR Tubes with caps InvitrogenAM12230Refered to as Sterile PCR Tube
RNasin Ribonuclease InhibitorPromega N2111Refered to as RNAse inhibitor 
Spring water Nestle Pure Life44221229Refered to as Spring Water
SsoAdvanced Universal SYBR Green SupermixBIO RAD1725271Refered to as Indicator Dye Super mix 
Stereo-Microscope System w/optics and illumination TriTech ResearchSMT1Refered to as Dissecting Microscope
Supertek Scientific Tirrill BurnersThermo Fisher ScientificS09572BRefered to as Bunsen Burner 
Table Top CentrifugeQualitron DW-41-115-NEWRefered to as Table Top Centrifuge 
Tempshield Cryo-GlovesFisher Scientific11-394-305Refered to as Cryo Gloves 
Thermo Scientific Nunc Petri DishesThermo Fisher Scientific08-757-099Refered to as 100 mm Petri dish 
Tris baseFisher ScientificT395-500 Refered to as Tris or Tris Base 
Triton X-100Fluka 93443Refered to as Detergent 1 
TWEEN 20Sigma aldrichP1379-500 Refered to as Detergent 2
Water - PCR/RT-PCR certified, nuclease-freeGrowcellsPCPW-0500Refered to as Sterile Nuclease Free Water


  1. Møbjerg, N., Neves, R. C. New insights into survival strategies of tardigrades. Comp Biochem Physiol Part A Mol Integr Physiol. 254, 110890 (2021).
  2. Jönsson, K. I., Harms-Ringdahl, M., Torudd, J. Radiation tolerance in the eutard....

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