Functional genomic screening offers a powerful approach to probe gene function, and relies on the construction of genome-wide plasmid libraries. Conventional approaches for plasmid library construction are time-consuming and laborious. To address this question, we develop a simple and efficient method, CRISPR-based modular assembly, or CRISPRmass.
Through cleavage of shared vector sequences of cDNA or ORF plasmid by CRISPR/Cas9 and subsequent insertion of UAS modules by adjacent assembly, the procedure of construction of a genome-wide plasmid library by CRISPRmass is standardized as massively parallel two-step test tube reactions before bacterial transformation. CRISPRmass allows the simple, fast, efficient, and cost-effective construction of various plasmid libraries. It can also be applied to editing various genome-wide plasmid libraries in general, and it's an alternative to gateway technology in high-throughput plasmid library editing, paving the way for the global studies of biological networks.