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Here, the study presents a protocol for calcium imaging and glucose stimulation of the pancreatic β-cells of the zebrafish in vivo.
The pancreatic β-cells sustain systemic glucose homeostasis by producing and secreting insulin according to the blood glucose levels. Defects in β-cell function are associated with hyperglycemia that can lead to diabetes. During the process of insulin secretion, β-cells experience an influx of Ca2+. Thus, imaging the glucose-stimulated Ca2+ influx using genetically encoded calcium indicators (GECIs) provides an avenue to studying β-cell function. Previously, studies showed that isolated zebrafish islets expressing GCaMP6s exhibit significant Ca2+ activity upon stimulation with defined glucose concentrations. However, it is paramount to study how β-cells respond to glucose not in isolation, but in their native environment, where they are systemically connected, vascularized, and densely innervated. To this end, the study leveraged the optical transparency of the zebrafish larvae at early stages of development to illuminate β-cell activity in vivo. Here, a detailed protocol for Ca2+ imaging and glucose stimulation to investigate β-cell function in vivo is presented. This technique allows to monitor the coordinated Ca2+ dynamics in β-cells with single-cell resolution. Additionally, this method can be applied to work with any injectable solution such as small molecules or peptides. Altogether, the protocol illustrates the potential of the zebrafish model to investigate islet coordination in vivo and to characterize how environmental and genetic components might affect β-cell function.
The pancreatic β-cells exhibit the unique capability for insulin secretion in response to glucose. After a carbohydrate-rich meal, the blood sugar increases and enters the β-cells, where it is quickly metabolized to produce ATP. The increase in the intracellular ratio of ATP/ADP leads to the closure of the ATP-dependent K+ channels, depolarizing the cell membrane and activating the voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels. The rapid increase in intracellular Ca2+ stimulates insulin-granule secretion by the β-cells.
Imaging of the islet cells within the intact pancreas in mice is demanding and requires ....
The previously established transgenic lines used in this study were Tg(ins:GCaMP6s;cryaa:mCherry)6, Tg(ins:cdt1-mCherry;cryaa:CFP)14. All experiments were carried out in compliance with European Union and German laws (Tierschutzgesetz) and with the approval of the TU Dresden and the Landesdirektion Sachsen Ethics Committees (approval numbers: AZ 24D-9168,11-1/2013-14, TV38/2015, T12/2016, and T13/2016, TVV50/2017, TVV 45/2018, and TVV33-2019). In this study, all live imaging in vivo and glucose injections, as well as experimental procedures were performed with zebrafish larvae that did not exce....
Using this protocol, the glucose response of individual β-cells in their native environment was characterized. For this purpose, the zebrafish larva is mounted on a glass-bottom Petri dish. Using a 3D manipulator, a glass capillary was inserted into the circulation, targeting the SV (Figure 1 and Figure 2). This permits the injection of specific volumes of solutions with a defined concentration. Simultaneously, the glucose-induced influx of Ca2+ .......
In this protocol, the Ca2+ dynamics of β-cells in their native microenvironment with single-cell resolution was explored. This is possible by stimulating the zebrafish β-cells with a glucose injection in the circulation while recording their Ca2+ dynamics using GCaMP6s.
The protocol provides three main advantages. First, researchers have demonstrated that zebrafish β-cells show a coordinated response to glucose stimulation in vivo.......
The authors declare no competing financial interests.
Nikolay Ninov received funding from the Center for Regenerative Therapies Dresden at TU Dresden and the German Center for Diabetes Research (DZD), as well as research grants from the German Research Foundation (DFG) and the International Research Training Group (IRTG 2251), Immunological and Cellular Strategies in Metabolic Disease. We are grateful to the Light Microscopy Facility at the CRTD for the support in all the imaging techniques. We thank the Fish Facility at the CRTD for all the fish technical assistance and support.
....Name | Company | Catalog Number | Comments |
35 mm diameter glass-bottom dishes | Mattek | P35G-1.5-14-C | We use this glass-bottom dish to mount the zebrafish larvae and perform confocal microscopy |
Blue-Green filter cube | ZEISS | 489038-9901-000 | Filter Set 38 HE |
Confocal Microscope | ZEISS | LSM 980 | |
D-(+)-Glucose | Sigma-Aldrich | G7528 | |
Excel (2016) | https://www.office.com/ | ||
Femtojet | Eppendorf | 5252000013 | This equipment is a pneumatic micropump, which allows precise volume delivery and is accompanied by a capillary holder. We use the micropump Femtojet (injection pressure between 500-1000 hPa; compensation pressure = 0 hPa; and delivery time = 1 second). |
Femtotips, glass capillaries ready to be used. | Eppendorf | 5242952008 | This are ready to use glass capillaries that can substitute the pulled-capillaries. |
FIJI, using ImageJ Version: 1.51c | https://fiji.sc/ | ||
Fluorescence lamp | ZEISS | 423013-9010-000 | Illuminator HXP 120 V |
Glass capillaries 3.5" | Drummonds Scientific Company | 3-000-203-G/X | We use these glass capillaries to prepare the injection capillaries by pulling them with a capillary -puller |
Injectman | Eppendorf | 5192000019 | This equipment allows for 3D manipulation of the capillary holder |
Low melting agarose | Biozym | Art. -Nr.: 840101 | We use the agarose to mount the zebrafish onto the glass-bottom dish |
Microloader tip for glass microcapillaries 0.5 – 20 µL, 100 mm | Eppendorf | 5242956003 | Long tips for loading the glass capillaries with the solutions |
Micro-tweezers | Dumont Swiss made | 0102-4-PO | We use the micro-tweezers to move the zebrafish larvae during the mounting and to cut off the tip of the glass capillary (eg. Dumont, size 4). |
Mineral oil | Sigma-Aldrich | M5904 | We use the mineral oil to calibrate the drop size to inject |
P-1000 Next Generation Pipette Puller | Science Products | P-1000 | We use this capillary puller to prepare the glass capillary using the Drumond capillaries. We use the P-1000 capillary puller with the following parameters: Heat: 650, Pull: 20, Vel: 160, Time: 200, Pressure: 500. |
PTU (1-phenyl-2-thiourea ) | Sigma-Aldrich | P7629 | We use this compound to inhibit pigmentation during zebrafish development |
Red Filter Cube | ZEISS | 000000-1114-462 | Filter set 45 HQ TexasRed |
Stereo microscope | ZEISS | 495015-0001-000 | SteREO Discovery.V8 |
Syringe filters, sterile. Pore size 0.2 µm | Pall Corporation | 4612 | We use these to filter all the solutions and prevent the capillary needle clothing |
Transgenic Zebrafish line:Tg(ins:cdt1-mCherry;cryaa:CFP); Tg(ins:GCaMP6s;cryaa:mCherry) | |||
tricaine methanesulfonate (MS222) | Sigma-Aldrich | E10521 | We use this compound to anesthetize the fish larvae |
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