Interscapular Brown Adipose Tissue (BAT) and Posterior White Adipose Tissue (WAT) Identification and Isolation
Gonadal WAT Identification and Isolation
Perirenal and Retroperitoneal WAT Identification and Isolation
Other Adipose Depot Identification and Isolation
Results: Representative Gross Anatomical Identification and Histological Evaluation of Mouse Adipose Depots
A standardized methodology for identifying and dissecting adipose depots throughout the body is critical for the investigation of differences in the character and function of adipocytes within discrete anatomical niches. The main advantage of this
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Adipocytes exist in discrete depots and have diverse roles within their unique microenvironments. As regional differences in adipocyte character and function are uncovered, standardized identification and isolation of depots is crucial for advancement of the field. Herein, we present a detailed protocol for the excision of various mouse adipose depots.