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When integrated with a head-plate and an optical design compatible with both single- and two-photon microscopes, the microprism lens presents a significant advantage in measuring neural responses in a vertical column under diverse conditions, including well-controlled experiments in head-fixed states or natural behavioral tasks in freely moving animals.


With the advancement of multi-photon microscopy and molecular technologies, fluorescence imaging is rapidly growing to become a powerful approach for studying the structure, function, and plasticity of living brain tissues. In comparison to conventional electrophysiology, fluorescence microscopy can capture the neural activity as well as the morphology of the cells, enabling long-term recordings of the identified neuron populations at single-cell or subcellular resolution. However, high-resolution imaging typically requires a stable, head-fixed setup that restricts the movement of the animal, and the preparation of a flat surface of transparent glass allows visualization of neurons at one or more horizontal planes but is limited in studying the vertical processes running across different depths. Here, we describe a procedure to combine a head plate fixation and a microprism that gives multilayer and multimodal imaging. This surgical preparation not only gives access to the entire column of the mouse visual cortex but allows two-photon imaging in a head-fixed position and one-photon imaging in a freely moving paradigm. Using this approach, one can sample identified cell populations across different cortical layers, register their responses under head-fixed and freely moving states, and track the long-term changes over months. Thus, this method provides a comprehensive assay of the microcircuits, enabling direct comparison of neural activities evoked by well-controlled stimuli and under a natural behavioral paradigm.


The advent of in vivo two-photon fluorescent imaging1,2, combining the new technologies in optical systems and genetically modified fluorescence indicators, has emerged as a powerful technique in neuroscience to investigate the intricate structure, function, and plasticity in the living brain3,4. In particular, this imaging modality offers an unparalleled advantage over traditional electrophysiology by capturing both the morphology and dynamic activities of neurons, thereby facilitating long-term tracking of identified neurons5....


All experiments were conducted according to the UK Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986 under personal and project licenses approved and issued by the UK Home Office following appropriate ethics review. Adult transgenic lines CaMKII-TTA; GCaMP6S-TRE21 were bred and their offspring used in the experiment. For the safety of the experimenters and the maintenance of sterile conditions, all the procedures were performed under aseptic conditions and with full personal protective equipment.

1. Pre-operative preparation

  1. To minimize edema, administer Dexamethasone (0.2 mg/kg) subcutaneously, 1....

Reprezentatywne Wyniki

The method of conducting chronic multilayer in vivo calcium imaging of the same neuronal population over a period of several weeks, using both one- and two-photon imaging modalities, under freely moving and head-fixed conditions has been shown. Here, the ability to identify matching neuronal populations under one-photon imaging while the animal explored an open arena in the dark has been demonstrated (Figure 7A). Calcium traces were extracted from the identified neurons and z-scored.......


Here, we have shown the ability to observe and directly compare neurons in head-fixed and freely moving conditions in the same neural populations. While we demonstrated the application in the visual cortex, this protocol can be adapted to a multitude of other brain areas, both cortical areas and deep nuclei24,25,26,27,28, as well as other data acquisition and .......


The authors declare no competing financial interest or conflict of interest.


We thank Ms. Charu Reddy and Professor Matteo Carandini (Cortex Lab) for their advice on surgical protocol and sharing of transgenic mouse strain. We thank Dr Norbert Hogrefe (Inscopix) for his guidance and assistance through the development of the surgery. We thank Ms Andreea Aldea (Sun Lab) for her assistance with the surgical setup and data processing. This work was supported by the Moorfields Eye Charity.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
0.9% Sodium Chloride solution for infusion (Vetivex 11) 250mlDechra20091607Saline for hydration and drug reconsitution
18004-1 Trephine 1.8mm diameter burFST18004-18Drill bit
1ml syringeTerumoMDSS01SE1ml syringe
23G x 5/8 inch 6% LUER needleTerumoNN-2316R23G needle
71000 Automated stereotaxic apparatus w/ built-in softwareRWD-RWD
Absorbable Haemostatic Gelatin Sponge (10x10x10mm)SurgisponSSP-101010gel-foam
Alcohol pads 70% isopropyl alcoholBraun9160612Alcohol pads
Aluminium foilAny retailer-Foil to cover eyes during surgery
Articifical Cerebrospinal Fluid Tocris Bioscience a Bio-Techne Brand3525/25MLACSF
Automated microinjection pumpWPI8091
Betadine solution (10% iodinated Povidone) 500mlVidene/Ecolab3030440Betadine
Bruker Ultime 2Pplus (customised)Bruker-Two-photon imaging system 
Cardiff AldasorberVet-TechAN006Anaesthesia absorber
CFI S Plan Fluor ELWD ADM 20XCNikonMRH4823020x objective lens
Compact Anaesthesia system - single gas - isoflurane K/F, with oxygen concentrator model: ZY-5AC and scavenging unitVet-TechAN001Compact anaesthesia system 
Contec Prochlor Aston PharmaAP2111L1Disinfectant (hypochlorous acid)
Dexamethasone Sodium Phosphate Injection, USP, 4mg/ml, NDC: 0641-6145-25HikmaCovetrus:70789Dexamethasone
Dissecting Knife, cutting edge 4mm, thickness 0.5mm, stainless steelFine Science Tools10055-12Knife for incisino of cortex
Dual-Sided, Non-Puncture Mouse & Neonatal Rat Ear BarsStoelting51649Ear bar
Dummy microscopeInscopixDummy microscopeTo help with implantation
Ethanol (100%) VWR40-1712-25Used to make 70% ethanol 
Fisherbrand Nitrile Indigo Disposable Gloves PPE Cat IIIFischerScientific17182182Gloves
Homeothermic Monitor 50-7222-FHarvard Apparatus50-7222-FHomeothermic monitoring system/heating pad
Image processing softwareImageJ-Image processing software
Inscopix Data Processing Software (IDPS)Inscopix-One-photon calcium imaging processing software
Insight Duals-232, S/N 2043InSightInsight Spectra X3Two-photon imaging laser
IsoFlo 250ml 100% w/w inhalationZoetisWM 42058/4195Isoflurane
Kwik-Sil Low Toxicity Silicone AdhesiveWorld Precision Intruments (WPI)KWIK-SILSilicone adhesive
MICROMOT mains adapter NG 2/S, w/ Drill unit 60/EPROXXONNO 28 515Handheld drill
nVoke Integrated Imaging and Optogenetics System packageInscopix-One-photon Imaging system and software
ProView Implant KitInscopixProView Implant KitDummy microscope, stereotaxic arm and attachment 
ProView Prism ProbeInscopix1050-002203Microprism lens
Rimadyl (50mg/ml)ZoetisVM 42058/4123Carprofen 
Stereotaxis Microscope on Articulated arm with table clampWPIPZMTIII-AAC Microscope
Super-Bond Universal kit, SUN MedicalPrestige-DentalK058EAdhesive cement
Two-photon calcium image softwareSuite2P-Two-photon calcium imaging processing software
VapouriserVet-Tech-Isoflurane vapouriser
Xailin Lubricating Eye Ointment 5gXailin-NightMLG/28/1551Ophthalmic ointment 


  1. Denk, W., Strickler, J. H., Webb, W. W. Two-photon laser scanning fluorescence microscopy. Science. 248 (4951), 73-76 (1990).
  2. Svoboda, K., Yasuda, R. Principles of two-photon excitation microscopy and its applications t....

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Long term ImagingNeural PopulationsMicroprismsHead fixed AnimalsFreely Moving AnimalsSystem NeuroscienceChronic RecordingCell Type specific TargetingAwake StatesNatural ConditionsSensory Information ProcessingCortical LayersMulti photon MicroscopyFluorescence ImagingElectrophysiologyNeural ActivityMorphologyHead Plate FixationMicroprismMouse Visual Cortex

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