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This protocol describes a reconfigurable membrane-based cell culture platform that integrates the open-well format with fluid flow capabilities. This platform is compatible with standard protocols and allows for reversible transitions between open-well and microfluidic culture modes, accommodating the needs of both engineering and bioscience laboratories.


Microphysiological systems are miniaturized cell culture platforms used to mimic the structure and function of human tissues in a laboratory setting. However, these platforms have not gained widespread adoption in bioscience laboratories where open-well, membrane-based approaches serve as the gold standard for mimicking tissue barriers, despite lacking fluid flow capabilities. This issue can be primarily attributed to the incompatibility of existing microphysiological systems with standard protocols and tools developed for open-well systems.

Here, we present a protocol for creating a reconfigurable membrane-based platform with an open-well structure, flow enhancement capability, and compatibility with conventional protocols. This system utilizes a magnetic assembly approach that enables reversible switching between open-well and microfluidic modes. With this approach, users have the flexibility to begin an experiment in the open-well format using standard protocols and add or remove flow capabilities as needed. To demonstrate the practical usage of this system and its compatibility with standard techniques, an endothelial cell monolayer was established in an open-well format. The system was reconfigured to introduce fluid flow and then switched to the open-well format to conduct immunostaining and RNA extraction. Due to its compatibility with conventional open-well protocols and flow enhancement capability, this reconfigurable design is expected to be adopted by both engineering and bioscience laboratories.


Vascular barriers serve as a critical interface that separates the blood compartment from the surrounding tissue. They play a critical role in preserving homeostasis by attracting immune cells, controlling molecular permeability, and shielding against the intrusion of pathogens into the tissue1,2. In vitro culture models have been developed to mimic the in vivo microenvironment, enabling systematic investigations into the factors and conditions that impact barrier properties in both healthy and diseased states3,4.



This design can be used in various modes based on experimental requirements and the preferences of the end user. Prior to each experiment, consult the decision flow chart presented in Figure 2 to determine the necessary steps and modules for the protocol. For example, if the user intends to maintain the open-well format throughout an experiment to directly compare it with the Transwell-type system, the patterning stencil is not required for cell seeding. The core module is commercially available (see Table of Materials), and the ultrathin nanomembrane can be selected from a library of materials with different porosity and....

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The open-well core module is initially positioned within a specific cavity created by a lower housing and a coverslip, as illustrated in Figure 6A. Subsequently, the flow module, which includes a microchannel and access ports, is inserted into the well of the core module. The flow module is securely sealed against the silicon support layer of the membrane due to the magnetic attraction force between magnets embedded in the lower and upper housings, as depicted in Figure .......


The aim of this protocol is to develop a practical method for incorporating flow capabilities into an open-well platform featuring an ultrathin nanomembrane. In this design, a magnetic latching approach is utilized, allowing switching between open-well and fluidic modes during experiments and combining the advantages of both approaches. Unlike conventional permanently bonded platforms, magnetic latching allows the platform to be disassembled at convenient points during the experimental workflow16<.......


J.L.M. is a co-founder of SiMPore, Inc. and holds an equity interest in the company. SiMPore is commercializing the ultrathin silicon-based technologies, including the membranes used in this study.


This research was funded in part by the National Institute of Health under award numbers R43GM137651, R61HL154249, R16GM146687, and NSF grant CBET 2150798. The authors thank the RIT Machine Shop for aluminum mold fabrication. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
0.5 x 0.86 Micro Flow tubesLanger InstrumentsWX10-14 & DG Series
1 mm Disposable Biopsy Punches, Integra MiltexVWR95039-090
1x PBS 7.4 pHThermoFisher Scientific10010023
3M 467 MP Pressure senstitive adhesive (PSA)DigiKey3M9726-ND
3M 468 MP Pressure senstitive adhesive (PSA)DigiKey3M9720-ND
AlexaFluor 488 conjugated phalloidinThermoFisher ScientificA12379 
Applied Biosystems TaqMan Fast Advanced Master MixThermo Fisher Scientific4444556
Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA), Fraction V, 98%, Reagent grade, Alfa Aesar, Size = 10 gVWRAAJ64100-09
Clear Scratch- and UV-Resistant Cast Acrylic SheetMcMaster-Carr8560K17112" x 12" x 1/16"
Clear Scratch- and UV-Resistant Cast Acrylic SheetMcMaster-Carr8589K3112" x 12" x 3/32"
Clear Scratch- and UV-Resistant Cast Acrylic SheetMcMaster-Carr8560K19112" x 12" x 7.64"
Corning Fibronectin, Human, 1 mgCorning47743-728
Cover Glasses, Globe Scientific, L x W = 24 x 60 mmVWR10118-677
EGM-2 Endothelial Cell Growth Medium-2 BulletKitLonzaCC-3162
Fixture A1&A2SiMPore Inc.NA
Fixture B1&B2SiMPore Inc.NA
High Capacity cDNA Reverse Transcription Kit with RNase InhibitorThermo Fisher Scientific4374966
Human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC)ThermoFisher ScientificC0035C
LIVE/DEAD Cell Imaging Kit (488/570)Thermo Fisher ScientificR37601
Molecular Probes Hoechst 33342, Trihydrochloride, TrihydrateThermo Fisher ScientificH3570
Nickel-plated magnets (4.75 mm diameter, 0.34 kg pull force)K&J MagneticsD313/16" dia. x 1/16" thick
Paraformaldehyde, 4% w/v aq. soln., methanol free, Alfa AesarFisher Scientificaa47392-9M
Peristaltic PumpLanger InstrumentsBQ50-1J-A
Photoresist SU-8 developer solutionFisher ScientificNC9901158
PVDF syringe filtersPerkinElmer2542913
Silicon waferUniversity wafer,USA1196
SU-8 3050Fisher ScientificNC0702369
Target gene: eNOS (Hs01574659_m1)ThermoFisher Scientific4331182
Target gene: GAPDH (Hs02786624_g1)ThermoFisher Scientific4331182
Target gene: KLF2 (Hs00360439_g1)ThermoFisher Scientific4331182
Thermo Scientific Pierce 20x PBS Tween 20Thermo Fisher Scientific28352
Transport Tube Sample White caps, 5 mL, SterileVWR100500-422
TRI-reagentThermoFisher ScientificAM9738
Ultrathin Nanoporous Membrane ChipSiMPore Inc.NPSN100-1LThe design is  compatible with all of SiMPore membranes
uSiM component 1SiMPore Inc.NA
uSiM component 2SiMPore Inc.NA


  1. Claesson-Welsh, L., Dejana, E., McDonald, D. M. Permeability of the Endothelial Barrier: Identifying and Reconciling Controversies. Trends in Molecular Medicine. 27 (4), 314-331 (2021).
  2. Vera, D., et al.

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Microphysiological SystemsBarrier Tissue ModelsReconfigurable PlatformOpen well CultureFlow enhanced SystemMagnetic AssemblyEndothelial Cell MonolayerCompatibility With Standard ProtocolsBioscience And Engineering Laboratories

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