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The present protocol describes a method for assessing ovarian reserve in patients under 25 years old who require fertility preservation through ovarian tissue cryopreservation. This method involves: (1) histological assessment of ovarian reserve in cortical samples, (2) comparison to a reference dataset, and (3) calculation of Z-scores.


Women are born with a non-renewable pool of ovarian follicles, referred to as the ovarian reserve. This reserve consists of primordial follicles in the ovaries and can be affected by many factors, such as genetic and endocrine disorders, medical interventions, and endocrine disruptors. Fertility preservation is recommended when gonadotoxic treatments are necessary. The preferred options for women are oocyte and embryo cryopreservation. However, in very young, sexually immature patients, ovarian tissue cryopreservation is the only option. Knowing the follicular density of cryopreserved tissue samples is essential in fertility counseling for young patients. This protocol demonstrates the use of Z-scores for cortical follicle density as a tool to evaluate the quality of ovarian tissue in girls and young women aged 25 years and below who are undergoing fertility preservation. Follicle density in patient samples is compared to age-normalized reference standards, developed by Hassan et al. to estimate possible deviations from the standard. The follicle density is measured through histological quantification. For this, a small piece of ovarian cortical tissue (~2 mm x 2 mm x 2 mm) is fixed in either Bouin's or formaldehyde solution, embedded in paraffin, sectioned at 4 µm thickness, stained with hematoxylin and eosin, and digitized using a slide scanner. Follicular stages present in the cortex range from primordial to primary follicles. The cortical area was 1 mm from the surface epithelium on histological sections. Follicle density is calculated using a modified formula presented by Schmidt et al., and the Z-score is determined using the reference mean and standard deviation. The Z-score indicates how much the measured value deviates from the reference mean, determining reduced (<-1.7 Z-score) ovarian reserve. With this method, follicle densities can be used as a valuable measure of ovarian reserve for young patients requiring fertility preservation.


The ovary is a dynamic, endocrinologically active organ, consisting of an outer cortex and an inner medulla. Heterogeneously distributed within the ovaries are follicles, which contain the gonadal oocyte surrounded by stromal granulosa cells1. All follicles are already formed during fetal development, peaking at around 20 weeks of gestational age, followed by an exponential decline. At birth, 1-2 million primordial follicles remain within the cortex, and only a few hundred thousand follicles survive until puberty2. The non-growing follicle pool, also referred to as the ovarian reserve, influences a woman's fertility,....


All of the procedures conducted were approved by the Swedish Ethical Review Authority (Sveafertil patients, Dnr: 2019-03802) and by the Ethics Committee of Helsinki University Hospital (HCH patients, Dnr 340/13/03/03/2015). Written and oral information about the study were provided by the research nurses, and informed consent was obtained in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki. For patients under 18 years old, informed consent was obtained from the legal guardians. All samples were pseudonymized and processed according to the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The details of the reagents and equipment used in this study are listed in the

Reprezentatywne Wyniki

Ovarian follicles are quantified after successful sectioning, staining, and scanning of slides. The different stages and health of the follicles are distinguished and further analyzed. In Figure 4A, an HE-stained cross-section of a Bouin-fixed ovary from an adult is displayed, with examples of cortical and medullary tissue. Figure 4B shows a representative picture of a child's ovary with an example of surface epithelium. The ovarian reserve (i.e., the non-gr.......


Women are born with a finite pool of oocytes, which cannot be replenished. Ovarian reserve is a key determinant of a woman's reproductive potential. This article outlines a method for the histological quantification of follicle density and its comparison to reference standards using Z-scores of ovarian cortical follicle densities in young patients and women up to 25 years of age.

In this protocol, ovarian tissue is obtained from girls and women at high or very high risk of infertility unde.......


The authors have no conflicts of interest.


We would like to thank the healthcare professionals who helped us with participant recruitment and tissue collection and all the patients who donated their ovarian tissue. We also acknowledge the Childhood Cancer Fund (PR2020-0096) and Karolinska Institutet PhD funding KID, whose funding made this work possible. We would also like to thank the Morphological Phenotype Analysis facility for the preparation of the histological slides. We acknowledge Nicola Byers for language editing this manuscript.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
1x Dulbecco's Phosphate Buffered SalineThermo Fisher14190144
1x Phosphate Buffered Saline w/ CaCl2, MgCl2, 1 g/L D-glucose, 36 mg/L pyruvate Thermo Fisher14287-080
37% Hydrochloric acidSigma-Aldrich1.09057.1000
70% ethanolHistolabs01370.01L
95% ethanolFisher scientific10572143
Absolute ethanolHistolabs01399.01L
Bouin's solutionSigma-AldrichHT10132-1L
Eosin Y Free acidSigma-AldrichE4009-5G 
FormaldehydeThermo Fisher28908
Haematoxylin solution according to DelafieldSigma-Aldrich03971-250ML
Microsoft Excel
Pertex mounting solution Histolabs00840-05
PropofolBaxter Holding B.V.N01AX10ATC-code provided instead of catalog number
Rocuronium bromide B. Braun Melsungen AG M03AC09ATC-code provided instead of catalog number
Scott's tap water substitute concentrateSigma-AldrichS5134-6x100ml
SevofluraneBaxter Medical AB N01AB08ATC-code provided instead of catalog number
Slide scanner 
SufentanilHameln Pharma gmbhN01AH03ATC-code provided instead of catalog number
SugammadexBaxter Holding B.V.V03AB35ATC-code provided instead of catalog number
SuperFrost plus white Histolabs 06400 
SuperFrost Plus White microscope slidesHistolabs 06400 
XyleneSaveen Werner131769.1611


  1. Richards, J. A. S. The ovarian cycle. Vitam Horm. 107, 1-25 (2018).
  2. Wallace, W. H. B., Kelsey, T. W. Human ovarian reserve from conception to the menopause. PLoS One. 5 (1), 1-9 (2010).
  3. Monniaux, D., et al.

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Z scoresOvarian ReserveFertility PreservationOvarian Tissue CryopreservationFollicle DensityPatients Aged 25HistologyPrimordial FolliclesMeta analysisCounselingCryopreserved Tissue SamplesAutotransplantationGonadotoxic TreatmentsFertility Counseling

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