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Here, we present a protocol using optical photothermal infrared-fluorescence in situ hybridization (OPTIR-FISH), also known as mid-infrared photothermal-FISH (MIP-FISH), to identify individual cells and understand their metabolism. This methodology can be applied broadly for diverse applications, including mapping cellular metabolism with single-cell resolution.


Understanding the metabolic activities of individual cells within complex communities is critical for unraveling their role in human disease. Here, we present a comprehensive protocol for simultaneous cell identification and metabolic analysis with the OPTIR-FISH platform by combining rRNA-tagged FISH probes and isotope-labeled substrates. Fluorescence imaging provides cell identification by the specific binding of rRNA-tagged FISH probes, while OPTIR imaging provides metabolic activities within single cells by isotope-induced red shift on OPTIR spectra. Using bacteria cultured with 13C-glucose as a test bed, the protocol outlines microbial culture with isotopic labeling, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), sample preparation, optimization of the OPTIR-FISH imaging setup, and data acquisition. We also demonstrate how to perform image analysis and interpret spectral data at the single-cell level with high throughput. This protocol's standardized and detailed nature will greatly facilitate its adoption by researchers from diverse backgrounds and disciplines within the broad single-cell metabolism research community.


Cellular metabolism stands as a foundational pillar in cell biology, steering many processes that determine cell health, function, and interaction with the environment. Analyzing metabolism at the individual cell level, particularly within the native environments, provides invaluable insights to reveal the heterogeneous and complex activities in biological systems1. This is especially crucial in the study of microorganisms, as many microbes exhibit unique growth requirements or environmental dependencies that challenge traditional cultivation methods2. For instance, some species may require specific nutrient compositions....


The use of bacterial specimens in this study is in accordance with the guidelines of the Institutional Review Board (IRB) of Boston University and the National Institute of Health.

NOTE: The general workflow followed in this protocol is summarized in Figure 2.

1. Bacterial culture and isotope labeling (Figure 2A)

NOTE: The example given here is for labeling a pure bacterial culture. If applying this protocol to polymicrobial communities, the medium and the labeling time must be adjusted accordin....

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The general workflow for single-cell microbial metabolic analysis with genetic identification by OPTIR-FISH is summarized in Figure 2. The representative results demonstrating the single-cell metabolic imaging capability of OPTIR are shown in Figure 3. This example used E. coli cells incubated with 12C- or 13C-glucose for 24 h. The incorporation of 13C into proteins has been shown to cause a significant red shift of protein amide.......


Here, we described a detailed protocol for applying the OPTIR-FISH platform for simultaneous identification of microbial species and quantification of metabolic activities at the single-cell resolution. The critical steps include culture with stable isotope labeling for studying specific metabolic activities and fluorescence in situ hybridization for identifying target microbial species. Multi-channel fluorescence imaging and OPTIR imaging at selected wavenumbers could be performed sequentially on the same micro.......


Y.B. is a part-time consultant for Photothermal Spectroscopy Corp.


This work was supported by the National Institute of Health R35GM136223, R01AI141439 to J.X.C.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
96% EthanolThermoScientificT032021000
Calcium FluorideCrystranCAFP10-0.35
D-Gluocose (U-13C6, 99%)Cambridge Isotopic LaboratoriesCLM-1396-1
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acidSigma-AldrichE9884-100G
Luria-Bertani broth Sigma-AldrichL3522-250G
M9 Minimal Salts 5xSIGMAM6030-1KG
OPTIR instrumentPhotothermal Spectroscopy Corp.mIRage LS
Paraforaldehyde Solution, 4% in PBSThermoScientificJ19943-K2
poly-L-lysine solution 0.1% (w/v) Sigma-AldrichP8920-500ML
Sodium ChlorideSigma-AldrichS9888-25G
Sodium dodecyl sulfateSigma-AldrichL3771-25G
Tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane hydrochloride, 99+%ThermoScientificA11379.18
Trypic Soy BrothSigma-Aldrich22092-500G


  1. Evers, T. M. J., et al. Deciphering metabolic heterogeneity by single-cell analysis. Anal Chem. 91 (21), 13314-13323 (2019).
  2. Overmann, J., Abt, B., Sikorski, J. Present and future of culturing bacteria. Annu Rev Micro....

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BioengineeringOPTIR FISHSingle cell MetabolismIsotope LabelingRRNA tagged FISH ProbesFluorescence ImagingOPTIR ImagingMicrobial CultureImage AnalysisSingle cell Analysis

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