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Here, the synthesis of gold (Au) seeds is described using the Turkevich method. These seeds are then used to synthesize gold-tin alloy (Au-Sn) nanoparticles with tunable plasmonic properties.


This protocol describes the synthesis of Au nanoparticle seeds and the subsequent formation of Au-Sn bimetallic nanoparticles. These nanoparticles have potential applications in catalysis, optoelectronics, imaging, and drug delivery. Previously, methods for producing alloy nanoparticles have been time-consuming, require complex reaction conditions, and can have inconsistent results. The outlined protocol first describes the synthesis of approximately 13 nm Au nanoparticle seeds using the Turkevich method. The protocol next describes the reduction of Sn and its incorporation into the Au seeds to generate Au-Sn alloy nanoparticles. The optical and structural characterization of these nanoparticles is described. Optically, prominent localized surface plasmon resonances (LSPRs) are apparent using UV-visible spectroscopy. Structurally, powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) reflects all particles to be less than 20 nm and shows patterns for Au, Sn, and multiple Au-Sn intermetallic phases. Spherical morphology and size distribution are obtained from transmission electron microscopy (TEM) imaging. TEM reveals that after Sn incorporation, the nanoparticles grow to approximately 15 nm in diameter.


Plasmonic metal nanoparticles1,2 have applications in catalysis, optoelectronics, sensing, and sustainability due to their ability to absorb light with great efficiency, concentrate light into sub-nanometer volumes, and enhance catalytic reactions3,4,5. Only a few metals display efficient localized surface plasmon resonances (LSPRs). Among them, one of the widely explored metals is Au3.

Au is an extensively studied noble metal known for its stable alloy formation wit....


The equipment and reagents used in the study are listed in the Table of Materials.

1. Turkevich synthesis method of citrate-capped Au nanoparticle seeds

  1. Cleaning of the glassware
    1. Clean glassware and stir bars using aqua regia (1:3 mole ratio of HNO3:HCl).
    2. Rinse with ultrapure water until no odor remains and dry before use.
  2. Preparation of reagent solutions
    1. Measure 39.4 mg of HAuCl4∙3H2O using an analytical balance into a clean and labeled 20 mL glass scintillation vial. To prepare a 10 mM soluti....

Reprezentatywne Wyniki

Figure 1 shows representative results for Au seeds and Au-Sn alloy nanoparticles. Following the Au seeds synthesis protocol, a distinct, asymmetric absorption peak around 517 nm with an extinction maximum of approximately 0.7 is observed, corresponding to the LSPR. The peak blue shifts with the addition of Sn, correlating with an apparent optical color change in the sample from burgundy to orange to tan-brown. Further blue-shifting and broadening of the peak are observed with an increased pe.......


In this study, Au seeds were prepared using the Turkevich method11. Regarding procedural limitations of this method, it is necessary to perform the 480 µL injection of 100 mM trisodium citrate rapidly. If the citrate solution is injected slowly, polydisperse particles may form with a large size distribution. Additionally, the cleanliness of the glassware can significantly impact the quality and consistency of Au seeds. If glassware is not cleaned well before use with aqua regia, the Au seeds .......


The authors declare no competing interests.


This work relates to Department of Navy awards N00014-20-1-2858 and N00014-22-1-2654 issued by the Office of Naval Research. Characterization was supported in part by the National Science Foundation Major Research Instrumentation program under Grant 2216240. This work was also partially supported by the University of Massachusetts Lowell and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. We are grateful to the UMass Lowell Core Research Facilities.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
Basix Microcentrifuge TubesFisher ScientificCat#02-682-004
Cary 100 UV-visible SpectrophotometerAgilent TechnologiesCat#G9821A; RRID:SCR_019481
Cary WinUVAgilent Technologieshttps://www.agilent.com/en/product/molecular-spectroscopy/uv-vis-uv-visnir-spectroscopy/uv-vis-uv-vis-nirsoftware/cary-winuv-softwar
Crystallography Open DatabaseCrystalEyeRRID: SCR_005874http://www.crystallography.net/
Cu Carbon Type-B Grids
(200 mesh, 97 µm grid holes)
Ted PellaCat#01811
Direct-Q 3 UV-R Water Purification SystemMilliporeSigmaCat#ZRQSVR300
Entris Analytical BalanceSartoriusCat#ENTRIS64I-1SUS
Glass round-bottom flask (250 mL)Fisher ScientificCat#FB201250
Glass scintillation vialsWheatonCat#986548
Hydrochloric acid
Fisher ScientificCAS: 7647-01-0, 7732-18-5
Hydrogen tetrachloroaurate (III) trihydrate
(HAuCl4·3H2O, 99.99%)
Alfa AesarCAS: 16961-25-4kept in a desiccator for consistency of purity and stability
ImageJNational Institute of HealthRRID: SCR_003070https://imagej.nih.gov/ij/download.html
Isotemp GPD 10 Hot Water BathFisher ScientificCat#FSGPD10
Isotemp Hot Plate StirrerFisher ScientificCat#SP88857200
Mili-Q Ultrapure Water
(18.2 MΩ-cm)
Water purification system
Miniflex X-Ray DiffractometerRigakuRRID:SCR_020451https://www.rigaku.com/products/xrd/miniflex
Model 5418 MicrocentrifugeEppendorfCat#022620304
Nitric acid
(HNO3, Certified ACS Plus)
Fisher ScientificCAS: 7697-37-2, 7732-18-5
On/Off Temperature Controller for Heating MantleFisher ScientificCat#11476289
Optifit Racked Pipette Tips (0.5-200 µL)SartoriusCat#790200
Optifit Racked Pipette Tips (10-1000 µL)SartoriusCat#791000
Philips CM12 120 kV Transmission Electron MicroscopePhilipsRRID:SCR_020411
Pipette Tups (1-10 mL)USA ScientificCat#1051-0000
(PVP; molecular weight [MW] = 40,000)
Alfa AesarCAS: 9003-39-8kept in a desiccator for consistency of purity and stability
Practum Precision BalanceSartoriusCat# PRACTUM1102-1S
PTFE Magnetic Stir Bar (12.7 mm)Fisher ScientificCat#14-513-93
PTFE Magnetic Stir Bar (25.4 mm)Fisher ScientificCat#14-513-94
Quartz Cuvette
(length × width × height: 10 mm × 12.5 mm × 45 mm)
Fisher ScientificCat#14-958-126
Round Bottom Heating Mantle 120 V 250 mLFisher ScientificCat#11-476-004
SmartLab Studio IIRigakuhttps://www.rigaku.com/products/xrd/studio
Sodium borohydride
(NaBH4, 97+%)
Alfa AesarCAS: 16940-66-2kept in a desiccator for consistency of purity and stability
SureOne Pipette Tips (0.1-10 µL)Fisher ScientificCat#02-707-437
Tacta Mechanical Pipette (P10)SartoriusCat#LH-729020
Tacta Mechanical Pipette (P1000)SartoriusCat#LH-729070
Tacta Mechanical Pipette (P10000)SartoriusCat#LH-729090
Tacta Mechanical Pipette (P20)SartoriusCat#LH-729030
Tacta Mechanical Pipette (P200)SartoriusCat#LH-729060
Tin (IV) chloride
(SnCl4, 99.99%)
Alfa AesarCAS: 7646-78-8kept in the fume hood and sealed with Parafilm between uses to avoid exposure to ambient conditions
Trisodium citrate dihydrate
(C6H5Na3O7·2H2O, 99%)
Alfa AesarCAS: 6132-04-3kept in a desiccator for consistency of purity and stability
Zero-Background Si Sample HolderRigaku


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Aqueous SynthesisGold tin Alloy NanoparticlesPlasmonic NanoparticlesTurkevich MethodLocalized Surface Plasmon ResonancePowder X ray DiffractionTransmission Electron MicroscopyCatalysisOptoelectronicsImagingDrug Delivery

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