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This manuscript presents a protocol for surgically removing the postganglionic lumbar sympathetic neurons from a mouse. This procedure will facilitate a multitude of studies aimed at investigating the role of sympathetic innervation in distal tissue targets.


Peripheral nerve injuries are common, and full functional recovery after injury is achieved in only 10% of patients. The sympathetic nervous system plays many critical roles in maintaining bodily homeostasis, but it has rarely been studied in the context of peripheral nerve injury. The extent of postganglionic sympathetic neuronal functions in distal targets in the periphery is currently unclear. To better explore the role of sympathetic innervation of peripheral targets, a surgical "knock-out" model provides an alternative approach. Although this can be achieved chemically, chemical destruction of postganglionic sympathetic neurons can be nonspecific and dose-dependent. The use of a surgical lumbar sympathectomy in mice, once thought to be "virtually not practicable" in small animals, allows for specific targeting of postganglionic sympathetic neurons that innervate the hind limbs. This manuscript describes how to surgically remove the L2-L5 lumbar sympathetic ganglia from a mouse as a survival surgery, which reliably decreases the hind paw sweat response and the number of sympathetic axons in the sciatic nerve.


Peripheral nerve injuries (PNIs) can lead to motor, sensory, and sympathetic deficits in distal tissue targets that rarely fully functionally recover1. PNI research has often focused on the motor and sensory regeneration; however, nearly one-quarter of the rat sciatic nerve consists of unmyelinated sympathetic axons2. The role of sympathetic innervation in the peripheral tissues, nevertheless, is not fully understood3. The sympathetic nervous system plays a major role in maintaining bodily homeostasis, participating in immune regulation, thermoregulation, vascular tone, mitochondrial bio....


All experiments were approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) of Emory University (under the IACUC protocol number PROTO201700371). Four adult female wild-type C57BL/6J mice, aged 14 weeks and weighing between 16-21 g, were used in this study. The details of the reagents and equipment used here are listed in the Table of Materials.

1. Presurgical preparation

  1. Autoclave the surgical tools: 1 pair of sharp scissors, 2 fine-tipped tweezers, 1 needle driver.
  2. Warm a heating pad to 37 °C and place it under the surgical tabletop.
  3. Spray the surgical are....

Reprezentatywne Wyniki

This protocol describes the surgical removal of postganglionic lumbar sympathetic neurons from a mouse. Two mice received lumbar sympathectomies, and two mice served as controls. To achieve a successful surgical lumbar sympathectomy, adequate visualization of at least the L2 and L3 bilateral lumbar sympathetic ganglia must be achieved, as seen in Figure 1. Removal of the L4 and L5 ganglia would achieve complete sympathetic denervation of the lower body; however, visualization of the lower ga.......


The lumbar sympathetic ganglia are very small structures located behind many critical abdominal organs and large vessels. Therefore, this procedure requires significant precision and accuracy. Much of the difficulty lies in identifying the sympathetic ganglia intraoperatively. It is suggested that the learner first be able to identify the ganglia in a mouse cadaver prior to attempting this procedure in a live mouse. Troubleshooting will often need to occur when identifying the sympathetic ganglia after the diversion of t.......


The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose.


This work was supported by the NIH National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke under award number K01NS124912 and in part by a developmental grant from the NIH-funded Emory Specialized Center of Research Excellence in Sex Differences U54AG062334 and the Medical Scientist Training Program of Emory University School of Medicine. Thank you to David Kim, postbaccalaureate, for sectioning sciatic nerves and to HaoMin SiMa, research specialist, for 3D printing a phone mount for our stereo microscope that allowed for the filming of the video.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
5-0 absorable sutureCP Medical421A
5-0 nylon sutureMed-Vet InternationalMV-661
70% ethanolSigma-AldrichE7023-4L
Anesthesia Induction ChamberKent Scientific VetFloVetFlo-0530XS
Anesthesia VaporizerKent Scientific VetFlo13-005-202
C57BL/6J miceJackson Laboratory#000664
Chicken anti-neurofilament-heavyAbcamab72996
Data Analysis SoftwarePrism
Fine-tipped tweezersWorld Precision Instruments500233
Fluorescent microscopeNikonTi-E
Goat anti-chicken 488InvitrogenA32931
Goat anti-rabbit 647InvitrogenA21245
Heating padBraintree Scientific39DP
Image Analysis SoftwareFiji
Imaging SoftwareNikonNIS-Elements
IsofluraneMed-Vet InternationalRXISO-250
MeloxicamMed-Vet InternationalRXMELOXIDYL32
Needle driverRoboz Surgical StoreRS-7894
Normal Goat SerumAbcamab7481
Ophthalmic ointmentRefreshRefresh P.M.
Phox2bCre:tdTomato mutant miceJackson Laboratory #016223, #007914
Pilocarpine hydrochlorideSigma-AldrichP6503
Rabbit anti-tyrosine hydroxylaseAbcamab112
Small straight scissors Fine Science Tools14084-09
Sterile cotton swabs 2x2Dynarex3252
Sterile cotton tipped applicatorsDynarex4301
Sterile drapeMed-Vet InternationalDR4042
Sterile saline solutionMed-Vet International1070988-BX
ThCre:mTmG mutant miceMutant Mouse Resource and Research Centersstrain #017262-UCDJackson Laboratory, strain #007576
ThCre:tdTomato mutant miceEuropean Mouse Mutant Archivestrain #00254Jackson Laboratory, strain #007914


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Surgical Lumbar SympathectomyPeripheral Nerve InjuriesSympathetic Nervous SystemPostganglionic Sympathetic NeuronsPeripheral TargetsKnock out ModelChemical DestructionHind LimbsL2 L5 Lumbar Sympathetic GangliaSurvival SurgeryHind Paw Sweat ResponseSciatic Nerve

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