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Available pluripotent stem cell (PSC)-to-functional cell differentiation systems are currently impeded by problems of severe line-to-line and batch-to-batch variability. Here, using cardiac differentiation as the main example, we present a protocol to intelligently monitor and modulate the process of PSC differentiation based on image-based machine learning.


Pluripotent stem cell (PSC) technologies have been widely used in drug discovery, disease modeling, and regenerative medicine. However, available PSC-to-functional cell differentiation systems are impeded by problems of severe line-to-line and batch-to-batch variability. Precise control of cell differentiation in real time is therefore important. In this protocol, we describe a non-invasive and intelligent strategy that overcomes the variability in cell differentiation by using bright-field image-based machine learning. Taking PSC-to-cardiomyocyte differentiation as an example, this methodology provides detailed information for control of the initial PSC state, early assessment and intervention in differentiation conditions, and elimination of the misdifferentiated cell contamination, together realizing consistently high-quality differentiation from PSCs to functional cells. In principle, this strategy can be extended to other cell differentiation or reprogramming systems with multiple steps to support cell manufacturing, as well as to further our understanding of the mechanisms during cell fate conversion.


Pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) possess the remarkable ability to differentiate into many types of cells in vitro. These differentiated functional cells could be used for cell therapy, disease modeling, and drug development, all valuable for research or clinical applications1,2,3. For example, a variety of methods have been developed to differentiate PSCs into cardiomyocytes (CMs)4,5,6,7. These CMs can be applied for cardiotoxicity testing of drugs, m....


1. Cell differentiation and characterization

  1. Preparation of culture reagents and culture plates
    1. Prepare PSC culture medium by adding 2 mL of supplement and 0.2% Penicillin-Streptomycin to 48 mL of basal medium. Aliquot and store the supplement at -20 °C. Store this medium at 4 °C for up to 4 weeks.
    2. Prepare PSC preparation medium by adding 1 mL of supplement and 0.2% Penicillin-Streptomycin to 500 mL of basal medium. When using, preheat the medium for one-time use, and store the medium at 4 °C for up to 3 weeks.
    3. Prepare CM differentiation medium by adding 1x B27 supplement minus insulin and 1....

Reprezentatywne Wyniki

 Based on brightfield imaging and ML, the overall differentiation process can be intelligently monitored and optimized. At the PSC stage, we developed an ML model that could predict the final differentiation efficiency according to the morphological features of initial PSC colonies, to determine the most suitable or appropriate time point to initiate differentiation (Figure 4A,B). The differentiation efficiency predicted by the random forest model is highly correlated w.......


Here, we described a detailed protocol to overcome one of the major problems in current PSC application and translation—the variability in cell differentiation. By harnessing live-cell brightfield imaging and ML, we iteratively optimized PSC differentiation to achieve consistently high efficiency across cell lines and batches. However, in the above differentiation process, several critical steps in the protocol have a decisive influence on whether the differentiation would succeed or not. Since the cell state in th.......


Yang Zhao, Jue Zhang, Xiaochun Yang, Yao Wang, and Daichao Chen are filing a patent for the PSC differentiation strategy reported in this paper (202210525166.X).


We thank Qiushi Sun, Yao Wang, Yu Xia, Jinyu Yang, Chang Lin, Zimu Cen, Dongdong Liang, Rong Wei, Ze Xu, Guangyin Xi, Gang Xue, Can Ye, Li-Peng Wang, Peng Zou, Shi-Qiang Wang, Pablo Rivera-Fuentes, Salome Püntener, Zhixing Chen, Yi Liu, and Jue Zhang, for laying the groundwork of this strategy. This work was supported by the National Key R&D Program of China (2018YFA0800504, 2019YFA0110000) and the Space Medical Experiment Project of China Manned Space Program (HYZHXM01020) to Yang Zhao. Figure 1 was created with



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
0.25% Trypsin-EDTAGibco25200056Diluted digests were used for CPC and CM digestion
4% Paraformaldehyde in PBSKeyGEN BioTECHKGIHC016
6-well Cell Culture PlateNEST703001
96-well Cell Culture PlateNEST701001
B27 SupplementGibco17504044
B27 Supplement Minus InsulinGibcoA1895601
Bovine serum albumin (BSA)GPC BIOTECHAA904-100G
Celldiscoverer 7ZeissInstruments used to take bright-field images throughout differentiation and final cTnT images
Donkey anti-Mouse IgG (H+L) Highly Cross-Adsorbed Secondary Antibody, Alexa Fluor 488ThermoA-21202Secondary Antibody
FACSAria IIIBD BiosciencesFlow cytometry sorter
Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS)VISTECHSE100-B
Hoechst 33342YEASEN40732ES03
Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Chemical-defined MediumCauliscell Inc400105Basal medium of PSC preparation medium
Jupyter NotebookN/AVersion 6.4.0
MATLABMathWorksVersion R2020aSoftware for scientific computation and image annotation
Matrigel MatrixCorning354230Matrigel
Mouse monoclonal IgG1 anti-cTnTThermoMA5-12960cTnT primary antibody
Normal Donkey SerumJackson017-000-121
ORCA-Flash 4.0 V3 digital CMOS cameraHamamatsuC13440-20CUThe digital camera assembled on Celldiscoverer7
Pluripotency Growth Mater 1 basal mediumCellapyCA1007500-1Basal medium of PSC culture medium
Pluripotency Growth Mater 1 supplementCellapyCA1007500-2Supplement of PSC culture medium
PrismGraphpadVersion 8/9Statistical software for statistical analysis and plotting
PythonN/Aversion 3.6Python 3 environment for scientific computation, with packages pytorch (1.9.0), numpy, scipy, pandas, visdom, scikit-learn, scikit-image, opencv-python, and matplotlib software for scientific computation and image annotation.
RPMI 1640Gibco11875176
Supplement hPSC-CDM (500x)Cauliscell Inc00015Supplement of PSC preparation medium
TiENikonAn inverted fluorescence microscope (with modification) for region-selevtive purification
Triton X-100Amresco9002-93-1
Versene SolutionThermo15040066EDTA solution for PSC digestion
ZenZeissVersion 3.1A supporting software of Celldiscoverer7 for  image acquisition, processing and analysis


  1. Yoshida, Y., Yamanaka, S. Induced pluripotent stem cells 10 years later: for cardiac applications. Circ Res. 120 (12), 1958-1968 (2017).
  2. Shi, Y., Inoue, H., Wu, J. C., Yamanaka, S. Induced pluripotent stem cell technol....

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