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Here, a protocol for assaying nucleic acid metabolizing enzymes is presented, using examples of ligase, nuclease, and polymerase enzymes. The assay utilizes fluorescently labeled and unlabeled oligonucleotides that can be combined to form duplexes mimicking RNA and/or DNA damages or pathway intermediates, allowing for the characterization of enzyme behavior.


The availability of a range of modified synthetic oligonucleotides from commercial vendors has allowed the development of sophisticated assays to characterize diverse properties of nucleic acid metabolizing enzymes that can be run in any standard molecular biology lab. The use of fluorescent labels has made these methods accessible to researchers with standard PAGE electrophoresis equipment and a fluorescent-enabled imager, without using radioactive materials or requiring a lab designed for the storage and preparation of radioactive materials, i.e., a Hot Lab. The optional addition of standard modifications such as phosphorylation can simplify assay setup, while the specific incorporation of modified nucleotides that mimic DNA damages or intermediates can be used to probe specific aspects of enzyme behavior. Here, the design and execution of assays to interrogate several aspects of DNA processing by enzymes using commercially available synthetic oligonucleotides are demonstrated. These include the ability of ligases to join or nucleases to degrade different DNA and RNA hybrid structures, differential cofactor usage by the DNA ligase, and evaluation of the DNA-binding capacity of enzymes. Factors to consider when designing synthetic nucleotide substrates are discussed, and a basic set of oligonucleotides that can be used for a range of nucleic acid ligase, polymerase, and nuclease enzyme assays are provided.


All life forms require nucleic acid processing enzymes to carry out fundamental biological processes, including replication, transcription, and DNA repair. Key enzymatic functionalities for these pathways are polymerases, which generate copies of RNA/DNA molecules, ligases which join polynucleotide substrates, nucleases that degrade them, and helicases and topoisomerases, which melt nucleic acid duplexes or change their topology1,2,3,4,5,6,....


1. Design and purchase of oligonucleotides

NOTE: Design single-stranded oligonucleotides to be assembled and annealed into the desired duplexes. One or more of the strands in a duplex must bear a fluorescent moiety for tracking oligonucleotide processing by the enzyme of interest. A basis set of single-stranded sequences that can be assembled for a range of activities is provided in Table 1.

  1. Incorporate the specific modifications needed for the enzyme of interest as described below.
    1. For DNA ligase substrates (Figure 1): Assemble the simplest substrate fr....

Reprezentatywne Wyniki

Ligation by DNA ligase
DNA ligase enzymatic activity will result in an increase in the size of the fluorescently labeled oligonucleotide when visualized on a urea PAGE gel. In the case of the substrates for both DNA- and RNA-ligation listed in Table 2, this corresponds to a doubling in size from 20 nt to 40 nt (Figure 3A). Optimal enzyme activity can be determined by changing conditions such as temperature, protein concentration, or incubation time (


Critical steps in the protocol
Oligonucleotide design and purchase: When purchasing the oligonucleotides for duplex formation, it is essential to consider sequence design. It is recommended to use an oligo analyzer tool to predict properties of the nucleotide sequence, such as GC content, melting temperature, secondary structure, and dimerization potential, before ordering57.

Assembly and annealing of nucleic acid duplexes: When preparing RNA/RNA-.......


SEG and UR are employees of ArcticZymes Technologies AS which distributes the R2D ligase. AW, ER-S and RS have no competing interests.


AW is supported by a Rutherford Discovery Fellowship (20-UOW-004). RS is the recipient of a New Zealand Post Antarctic Scholarship. SG and UR acknowledge the Chemical Institute at the University of Tromsø - The Norwegian Arctic University for technical support.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
30% Acrylamide/Bis Solution (29:1)BioRad1610156
Adenosine triphosphate (ATP)Many suppliers
Ammonium persulfate (APS)Many suppliers
Benchtop centrifugeMany suppliers
BorateMany suppliers
Bromophenol blueMany suppliers
Dithiothreitol (DTT)Many suppliers
Electrophoresis system with circulating water bathMany suppliers
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA)Many suppliers
Fluoresnence imager, e.g. iBright FL1000Thermo Fisher ScientificA32752
FormamideMany suppliers
Gel casting systemMany suppliers
Heating blockMany suppliers
Magnesium ChlorideMany suppliersOther metal ions may be preferred depending on the protein studied
Microcentrifuge tubes (1.5 mL)Many suppliers
Micropipettes and tipsMany suppliers1 mL, 0.2 mL, 0.02 mL, 0.002 mL
Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+)Many suppliers
OligonucleotidesIntegrated DNA TechnologiesNAThermo Fisher, Sigma-Aldrich,  Genscript and others also supply these
pasture pipetteMany suppliers
PCR thermocyclerMany suppliers
PCR tubesMany suppliers
RNAse awayThermoFisher7002PKOnly needed when working with RNA oligos
RNase AWAYMerck83931-250MLSurfactant for removal of RNAse contamination on surfaces
RNAse-free waterNew England BiolabsB1500LOnly needed when working with RNA oligos
Sodium ChlorideMany suppliers
SUPERase IN RNase inhibitorThermo Fisher ScientificAM2694Broad spectrum RNAse inhibitir (protein-based)
SYBR GoldThermo Fisher ScientificS11494This may be used to post-stain gels and visualise unlabelled oligonucleotides
Tetramethylethylenediamine (TMED)Many suppliers
Tris, or tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethaneMany suppliers
Ultrapure water (Milli-Q)Merck
ureaMany suppliers
VortexMany suppliers


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Modified Synthetic OligonucleotidesNucleic Acid Metabolizing EnzymesAssaysFluorescent LabelsPAGE ElectrophoresisEnzyme BehaviorDNA ProcessingLigasesNucleasesSynthetic Nucleotide SubstratesDNA binding CapacityPolymerase Assays

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