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Presented here is a protocol for chitosan/dsRNA nanoparticle delivery in silkworm Bombyx mori larvae to induce gene silencing through ingestion.


The silkworm, Bombyx mori, is an important economic insect with thousands of years of history in China. Meanwhile, the silkworm is the model insect of Lepidoptera with a good accumulation of basic research. It is also the first insect in Lepidoptera with its complete genome sequenced and assembled, which provides a solid foundation for gene functional study. Although RNA interference (RNAi) is widely used in reverse gene functional study, it is refractory in silkworms and other Lepidopteran species. Previous successful RNAi-related research to deliver double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) was performed through injection only. Delivery of dsRNA through feeding is never reported. In this article, we describe step-by-step procedures to prepare the chitosan/dsRNA nanoparticles, which are fed to the silkworm larvae by ingestion. The protocol includes (i) selection of the proper stage of silkworm larvae, (ii) synthesis of dsRNA, (iii) preparation of the chitosan/dsRNA nanoparticles, and (iv) feeding the silkworm larvae with chitosan/dsRNA nanoparticles. Representative results, including gene transcript confirmation and phenotype observation, are presented. dsRNA feeding is a simple technique for RNAi in silkworm larvae. Since silkworm larvae are easy to rear and large enough to operate, it provides a good model to demonstrate larval RNAi in insects. In addition, the simplicity of this technique stimulates more student involvement in research, making silkworm larvae an ideal genetic system for use in a classroom setting.


The silkworm, Bombyx mori, is an insect domesticated more than 5000 years ago in China. Due to its ability to produce silk, the silkworm is an important economic insect in Chinese agriculture and sericulture. The silkworm is second only to the fruit fly as the model insect. As a model insect in Lepidoptera, the silkworm is easy to rear, with a large body size and plenty of mutants. Meanwhile, the silkworm is the first Lepidopteran insect with its complete genome sequenced1. A lot of databases providing information for genome2, transcriptome3, expressed sequence tag (EST)....


1. Silkworm species and rearing

  1. Rear at least 120 freshly hatched 1st instar silkworm larvae of B. mori P50 strain with fresh mulberry leaves at 25 ± 1 °C, photoperiod 12 h Light:12 h Dark, and 75% ± 5% relative humidity.

2. Selection of silkworm larvae

  1. Pick day 1 of the 5th instar larvae for the RNAi experiment; the silkworm larvae grow fast after day 3 of the 5th instar, which is ideal for comparing the differences in the larval appearance.
    NOTE: Alternatively, younger stages, such as the 3rd or 4

Reprezentatywne Wyniki

To evaluate the RNAi efficiency, an immune gene targeting BmToll9-2 was chosen for analysis. BmToll9-2 gene is well characterized in the lab, and gene silencing by dsRNA injection results in lighter and smaller larvae in our recent publication20. To confirm the RNAi efficacy by ingestion through chitosan/dsRNA nanoparticles, chitosan nanoparticles were used as a control, and naked dsRNA was compared at the same time.

Compared with the control, chitosan.......


A proper stage is important for RNAi phenotype observation, depending on the genes targeted. Our preliminary results showed that Toll9-2 is involved in the growth of the silkworm. The size and weight of the silkworm larvae increase rapidly at the 5th instar21. Therefore, the 5th instar larvae are selected as the stage for the chitosan/dsRNA nanoparticles feeding experiment. It is also possible to select the 3rd or 4th instar larvae for feeding e.......


The authors have nothing to disclose.


This study was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31501898), the Science and Technology Program of Guangzhou (202102010465), the Guangzhou Higher Education Teaching Quality and Teaching Reform Project (2022JXGG057), and the Research project of the Open Online Course Steering Committee of Guangdong Provincial Universities (2022ZXKC381).



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
1.5 mL centrifuge tubeSangonF601620for dsRNA or nanoparticles reaction
10 μl pipetteEppendorfP13473Gto aspirate or resuspend liquid
100 μl pipetteEppendorfQ12115Gto aspirate or resuspend liquid
2.5 μl pipetteEppendorfP20777Gto aspirate or resuspend liquid
20 μl pipetteEppendorfH19229Eto aspirate or resuspend liquid
200 μl pipetteEppendorfH20588Eto aspirate or resuspend liquid
6-well Clear TC-treated Multiple Well PlatesCostar3516for silkworm rearing individually
Acetic acidAladdinA116165to make TAE
Agarose MBBI Life SciencesA610013for agarose gel electrophosis
Analytical balanceSartoriusBSA224Sto weight ingredients
Centrifuge SartoriusCentrisart A-14Cto centrifuge to form dsRNA or nanoparticles
ChitosanSigma-AldrichC3646to combine with dsRNA for preparation of nanoparticles
EDTASangonA500895to make TAE
EthanolAladdinE130059to make TAE, or for dsRNA precipitation
FreezerSiemensiQ300to store dsRNA or nanoparticles
GoTaq Green Master MixPromegaM712for PCR reaction
GoTaq qPCR Master MixPromegaA6002for qRT-PCR reaction
Isopropanol AladdinI112011for dsRNA precipitation
NanoDrop Microvolume UV-Vis SpectrophotometerThermoFisherOneto determine the concentration of dsRNA
ph meterSartorius PB-10to prepare buffers
SanPrep Column PCR Product Purification KitSangonB518141for PCR product purification
Sodium acetateSigma-AldrichS2889to make 100 mM sodium acetate buffer
Sodium sulfate Sigma-Aldrich239313to make 100 mM sodium sulfate buffer
T7 RiboMAX Express RNAi SystemPromegaP1700for dsRNA synthesis
ThermoMixerEppendorfCfor dsRNA generation or nanoparticles heating
TrisSangonA501492to make TAE
Vortex IKAVortex 3to prepare chitosan/dsRNA nanoparticles


  1. Xia, Q., et al. A draft sequence for the genome of the domesticated silkworm (bombyx mori). Science. 306 (5703), 1937-1940 (2004).
  2. Kawamoto, M., Kiuchi, T., Katsuma, S. Silkbase: An ....

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Larval RNA InterferenceBombyx MoriChitosan dsRNA NanoparticlesDouble stranded RNA dsRNAGene Functional StudyLepidoptera Model InsectRNAi TechniquesSilkworm Larvae FeedingGenetic SystemClassroom Research Involvement

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