The study of liver sinusoidal endothelial cells (SECs) must be performed with primary cells obtained from the animal as no cell lines exist. This method relies on liver digestion and differential centrifugation for SEC purification for subsequent culturing and experimentation.
The liver is the metabolic center of the mammalian body and serves as a filter for the blood. The basic architecture of the liver is illustrated in figure 1 in which more than 85% of the liver mass is composed of hepatocytes and the remaining 15% of the cellular mass is composed of Kupffer cells (KCs), stellate cells (HSCs), and sinusoidal endothelial cells (SECs). SECs form the blood vessel walls within the liver and contain specialized morphology called fenestrae within in the cytoplasm. Fenestration of the cytoplasm is the appearance of holes (˜100 μm) within the cells so that the SECs act as a sieve in which most chylomicrons, chylomicron remnants and macromolecules, but not cells, pass through to the hepatocytes and HSCs 1 (Fig. 1). Due to the lack of a basement membrane, the gap between the SECs and hepatocytes form the Space of Disse. HSCs occupy this space and play a prominent role in regulation and response to injury, storage of retinoic acid and immunoregulation of the liver 2.
SECs are among the most endocytically active cells of the body displaying an array of scavenger receptors on their cell surface 3. These include SR-A, Stabilin-1 and Stabilin-2. Generally, small colloidal particles less than 230 nm and macromolecules in buffer phase are taken up by SECs, whereas, large particles and cellular debris is endocytosed (phagocytosed) by KCs 4. Thus, the bulk clearance of extracellular material such as the glycosaminoglycans from blood is largely dependent on the health and endocytic functions of SECs 5,6. For example, an increase in blood hyaluronan levels is indicative of liver disease ranging from mild to more severe forms 7.
With the exception of one report 8, there are no immortalized SEC cell lines in existence. Even this immortalized cell line is de-differentiated in that it does not express scavenger receptors that are present on primary SECs (our data, not shown). All cell biological studies must be performed on primary cells obtained freshly from the animal. Unfortunately, SECs dedifferentiate under standard culture conditions and must be used within 1 or 2 days upon isolation from the animal. Differentiation of SECs is marked by the expression of Stabilin-2 or HARE receptor 9 , CD31, and the presence of cytoplasmic fenestration 1. Differentiation of SECs can be extended by the addition of VEGF in culture media or by culturing cells in hepatocyte conditioned medium 10,11.
In this report, we will demonstrate the endocytic activity of SECs in the intact organ using radio-labeled heparin for hyaluronan for the SEC-specific Stabilin-2 receptor. We will then purify hepatocytes and SECs from the perfused liver to measure endocytosis.
1. Excision of the liver (adopted from P.O. Seglen12 and R. Blomhoff13 with modifications 14,15)
2. Internalization of 125I-SA-b-Hep (or other suitable labeled ligand)
3. Digestion of the liver by collagenase digestion
4. Hepatocyte and SEC purification
5. Representative results:
Hepatocyte purification is ≥97% and SEC purification is typically ≥95% using this method. Excision of the abdominal cavity, cannulation of the portal vein, and blanching of the liver all should occur within a minute for best results. HARE/Stabilin-2 is a specific receptor on liver SECs and is not expressed in other liver cell types. In this sample, cell lysates of both hepatocytes and SECs were separated by 5% SDS-PAGE and probed with a monoclonal antibody against both isoforms of Stabilin-2 (Fig. 3).
Unfractionated heparin injected into the blood stream is cleared by the liver16. Clearance is primarily performed by liver SECs in contrast to hepatocytes and KCs17. The Stabilin-2/HARE receptor is the main clearance receptor that binds and internalizes heparin in SECs18. In our example here, we labeled heparin with a biotin tag on the carboxylate group of GlcNAc/NS. The biotin was conjugated with iodinated streptavidin for detection of internalized heparin proteoglycan. Injection of the labeled heparin followed by exsanguination 30 minutes post-injection allows us to monitor which organs internalize this form of heparin. In this short time interval, the liver is the primary clearance organ (Fig. 4).
To more clearly understand which cell type is responsible for clearance, we added 125I-SA-b-Hep to RPMI media supplemented with 0.05% BSA and allowed it to circulate through the liver for 20 min. Following collagenase digestion and cellular purification, the vast majority of labeled heparin is internalized by SECs in contrast to hepatocytes (Fig. 5).
Figure 1. Basic liver architecture. SECs form the walls of the sinusoids and are normally fenestrated (small clusters of circles). Stellate cells (HSCs) are found in the Space of Disse in contrast to Kupffer cells (KCs) which are normally present in the microvasculature of the sinusoids. Hepatocytes occupy the other side of the Space of Disse.
Figure 2. Schematic of the perfusion apparatus. A) Set-up of apparatus during the flushing/washing of the sinusoids of the liver. TBS is in a 1 L flask. B) A 125 mL flask containing ~60 mL Buffer 2 with collagenase is used for digestion of the liver in a closed circuit. The effluent line is also changed from the waste container to flask B through a notch cut in the rubber stopper. The oxygen line is not submerged into the buffer containing collagenase (flask B) to avoid foaming. The stoppers on each flask are notched to allow efficient transfer of the effluent line and to prevent increased pressure from the oxygen gas.
Figure 3. Hepatocyte preparations are not contaminated with SECs. Equal amounts of cell lysates from purified batches of hepatocytes (lane 1) and SECs (lane 2) were separated by 5% SDS-PAGE and blotted to nitrocellulose. Monoclonal antibody #30 which is specific against both isoforms (315 kDa and 190 kDa) of HARE/Stabilin-2 was used to probe the lysates.
Figure 4. Distribution of labeled heparin in organs. Rats were injected via the lateral tail vein with 125I-SA-b-hep wait for 30 minutes and then exsanguinated. Blood was collected so as to not to give any organs artificially high readings. Counts per minute (CPM) of each organ were normalized against the weight of the organ in grams.
Figure 5. Amount of labeled heparin in hepatocytes and SECs. RPMI media containing 125I-SA-b-Hep was allowed to circulate through an intact liver for 20 min followed by collagenase digestion and cellular purification. Equal amounts of hepatocyte and SEC cell protein lysates were quantified with the Bradford Assay and counted by a gamma counter.
Figure 6. Kupffer cells are separated from SECs by adhesion on glass. Cells were placed in an acid-washed glass crystallizing dish and allowed to adhere for 15 min at 37°C, 5% CO2. The supernatent containing non-adhered cells was gently swirled and placed in a centrifuge tube. Lysates from both adhered cells on glass (lane 1) and from non-adhered cells (lane 2) were separated by 8% SDS-PAGE, blotted, and probed with an antibody against CD163 which is specific for Kupffer cells.
Figure 7. SECs plated on fibronectin coated plastic 6-well dishes were incubated overnight in RPMI supplemented with 0.1% BSA. Phase contrast images were taken at (A) 100x and (B) 200x magnification.
Anesthesia of the rat by the hanging drop method in which isoflurane vapor induces unconsciousness is the preferred method for our studies. A vaporizer may also be used instead of a syringe with cotton to maintain the animal outside the chamber, but the surgical procedures are so quick, it is not required. Polyethylene glycol is added to the isoflurane to decrease the vapor pressure and evaporation rate. Too much isoflurane vapor will induce death too quickly. If the animal dies before the liver is cannulated and blanched with TBS, pooling blood may clot in the liver and prevent efficient washing of the sinusoids and digestion with collagenase. The addition of heparin may be useful as an anticoagulant but is not used in these studies since we use labeled heparin as our probe.
Gey's buffered saline solution (GBSS) is often substituted by other laboratories for the purification of SECs. While it is useful for SEC purification, hepatocytes do not tolerate GBSS as well as Buffers 1-3 and viabilities are not nearly as high. When measuring endocytosis, it is good practice to measure background levels in the organ and in purified hepatocytes.
This method is one of two for efficient purification of SECs following the liver perfusion with collagenase. The other method separates the non-parenchymal cells by elutriation centrifugation 19 instead of Percoll gradient. The advantages for using elutriation over Percoll gradients are slightly higher cell viabilities and numbers. The downside is that elutriation centrifugation requires a specialized rotor, dedicated centrifuge, and peristaltic pump together which costs tens of thousands of dollars. This method only requires the use of a refrigerated table top centrifuge and peristaltic pump which is standard in many laboratories.
Separation of SECs and KCs by selective adhesion is a standard method20-22. While it is true that SECs will adhere to the glass and plastic, the key point is to use acid-washed clean glass with no more than a 15 minute incubation at 37°C at 5% CO2. KCs will always adhere faster than SECs and it is advisable to gently wash the KCs with media to extract any remaining SECs that have become loosely attached. Pronase and other proteases are also omitted from the collagenase digestion steps in this protocol to increase viabilities of the cells. Proteases digest extracellular receptors and may inhibit cellular adhesion in the final purification steps.
The method presented here has a wide variety of applications. Although we show the end result in which heparin is initially taken up for clearance, perfusion of the liver for obtaining primary hepatocytes, KC, SECs, and HSCs may be useful for a number of studies involving metabolic pathways, immunoregulation, scavenger activities, and other physiological studies. The most difficult part of this procedure is good cannulation, digestion of the liver, and handling of the liver without having the catheter slip from the portal vein.
No conflicts of interest declared.
We would like to thank Dr. Paul Weigel at the Univ. of Oklahoma for the use of monoclonal antibody 30 for detection of the HARE/Stabilin-2 receptor and Janet Weigel for her technical assistance. This research is funded by University of Nebraska Research Funds.
All salts are from Sigma-Aldrich
Name | Company | Catalog Number | Comments |
Name | Company | Model/catalog # | Comment |
20L water bath | ThermoFisher | 2231 | Water is about 45°C to compensate for cooling within the tubing. |
Peristaltic Pump | Cole-Parmer | 7553-70 | Masterflex series |
Refrigerated Centrifuge | Sorvall | Legend XTR | |
Catheter | BD Biosciences | 381444 | |
Dessicator chamber | Fisher | 08595E | Use internal plate |
Percoll | Sigma | P4937 | |
Bovine Serum Albumin | SeraCare | AP-4510-01 | |
100 μm mesh | Spectrum labs | 146488 | |
30 μm mesh | Spectrum labs | 146506 | |
RPMI 1640 | Invitrogen | 21870 | |
Polyethylene glycol | Spectrum labs | PO107 |
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