To advance, growth cones must exert traction forces against the external environment. The generation of traction forces is dependent on actin dynamics and clutch coupling. The present study describes methods for analyzing actin dynamics, clutch coupling and traction forces for growth cone advance.
To establish functional networks, neurons must migrate to their appropriate destinations and then extend axons toward their target cells. These processes depend on the advances of growth cones that located at the tips of neurites. Axonal growth cones generate driving forces by sensing their local microenvironment and modulating cytoskeletal dynamics and actin-adhesion coupling (clutch coupling). Decades of research have led to the identification of guidance molecules, their receptors, and downstream signaling cascades for regulating neuronal migration and axonal guidance; however, the molecular machineries required for generating forces to drive growth cone advance and navigation are just beginning to be elucidated. At the leading edge of neuronal growth cones, actin filaments undergo retrograde flow, which is powered by actin polymerization and actomyosin contraction. A clutch coupling between F-actin retrograde flow and adhesive substrate generates traction forces for growth cone advance. The present study describes a detailed protocol for monitoring F-actin retrograde flow by single speckle imaging. Importantly, when combined with an F-actin marker Lifeact, this technique can quantify 1) the F-actin polymerization rate and 2) the clutch coupling efficiency between F-actin retrograde flow and the adhesive substrate. Both are critical variables for generating forces for growth cone advance and navigation. In addition, the present study describes a detailed protocol of traction force microscopy, which can quantify 3) traction force generated by growth cones. Thus, by coupling the analyses of single speckle imaging and traction force microscopy, investigators can monitor the molecular mechanics underlying growth cone advance and navigation.
In the developing vertebrate brain, neurons undergo elaborately organized migrations and project axons toward appropriate synaptic partners to establish functional neuronal networks1,2,3. Growth cones, which are sensory and motile structures located at the tip of neurites, determine the speed and direction of neuronal migration and axon outgrowth3,4,5. Since neurons are surrounded by tightly packed environments, growth cones must exert forces against their environment to move forward6,7. To understand the mechanisms underlying neuronal migration and axonal guidance, analyses of the molecular mechanics for growth cone advance are essential.
Decades of analysis have revealed that traction force to drive growth cone advance is generated by the 'clutch' mechanism; this mechanism is thought to function not only in the axonal growth cone but also in the leading process growth cone of migrating neurons8,9,10,11,12. Namely, actin filaments (F-actins) in growth cones polymerize at the leading edge and depolymerize proximally, pushing out the leading-edge membrane13,14,15. The resultant force, in conjunction with actomyosin contraction, induces rearward movement of F-actins called retrograde flow7,11,16,17,18,19,20,21. Clutch- and cell adhesion molecules mediate mechanical coupling between F-actin retrograde flow and the adhesive substrate and transmit the force of F-actin flow onto the substrate, thereby generating traction force for growth cone advance7,8,9,11,12,22. Concurrently, the actin-substrate coupling reduces the F-actin flow velocity and converts actin polymerization into the force to protrude the leading-edge membrane9,10.
Axonal growth cones sense local chemical cues and transduce them into a directional driving force for growth cone navigation3,23,24,25. For example, an axon guidance molecule netrin-1 stimulates its receptor deleted in colorectal cancer (DCC), and activates the Rho guanosine triphosphate (GTP)-binding proteins cell division control protein 42 (Cdc42) and Ras-related C3 botulinum toxin substrate 1 (Rac1), and their downstream kinase p21-activated kinase 1 (Pak1)26. Cdc42 and Rac1 promote 1) actin polymerization, and Pak1 phosphorylates a clutch molecule shootin122,26. Shootin1 interacts with F-actin retrograde flow via an actin-binding protein cortactin27. Shootin1 also interacts with L1 cell adhesion molecule (L1-CAM)20,24. Shootin1 phosphorylation increases the binding affinities for cortactin and L1-CAM, and enhances shootin1-mediated 2) clutch coupling24,27. Within the growth cone, asymmetrical activations of actin polymerization and clutch coupling increase 3) traction force on the side of the netrin-1 source, thereby generating directional driving force for growth cone turning (Figure 1)24. Intensive research over the last few decades with respect to neuronal migration and axon guidance has enhanced the understanding of guidance molecules, their receptors, and associated downstream signaling cascades2,10,28,29,30. However, the molecular machineries to generate forces for growth cone advance are just beginning to be elucidated; this may be attributed to the limited usage of the protocols for mechanobiological analyses.
The present study describes a detailed protocol for monitoring F-actin retrograde flow by single speckle imaging16,18. Monitoring of F-actin retrograde flow has been extensively performed using super-resolution microscopy, spinning-disk confocal microscopy and total interference reflection fluorescence (TIRF) microscopy25,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38. The protocol in the present study, however, uses a standard epifluorescence microscope and is thus readily adoptable11,16,18,20,22,23,24,27,39,40,41,42. When combined with F-actin labelling by Lifeact43, single speckle imaging allows for quantifications of the actin polymerization rate and the clutch coupling efficiency between F-actin retrograde flow and the adhesive substrate39,42. The present study further describes a detailed protocol of traction force microscopy using a fluorescent bead-embedded polyacrylamide (PAA) gel11,22,23,24,27,39,41,42,44. This method detects and quantifies traction force under the growth cone by monitoring force-induced bead movements44,45. An open-source traction force analysis code is provided, and the method for quantifying traction force during growth cone migration is explained in detail. With the aid of single speckle imaging and traction force microscopy, understanding the molecular mechanics underlying growth cone migration and navigation will be facilitated. These techniques are also applicable for analyzing the molecular mechanics underlying dendritic spine enlargement, which is known to be important in learning and memory42.
All experiments using laboratory animals were performed with the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee of Nara Institute of Science and Technology. Investigators should follow established guidelines by their institutional and national animal regulatory committees for the care and use of laboratory animals.
1. Preparation of solutions and media
2. Preparation of poly-D-lysine (PDL)/laminin-coated substrates
3. Dissection and dissociation of the hippocampus
4. Transfection and culturing neurons
5. Single speckle imaging at neuronal growth cones
6. Quantifications of F-actin flow velocity and polymerization rate using an image processing and analysis software Fiji
NOTE: Refer to Supplemental File 3 for practice data for quantifying F-actin flow velocity and the actin polymerization rate.
7. Preparation of a PAA gel for traction force microscopy and neuron cultures
8. Traction force microscopy at neuronal growth cones
Single speckle imaging to quantify actin polymerization rate and clutch coupling efficiency
A high Lifeact expression permits F-actin visualization within the growth cone; a low HaloTag-actin expression allows the monitoring of F-actin retrograde flow (Figure 3, Supplemental File 2). Tracing of the actin speckles allows measurement of F-actin flow velocity (Figure 3C,D). Since the mechanical coupling of F-actin retrograde flow and the adhesive substrate reduces the F-actin flow velocity, the clutch coupling efficiency can be estimated from the velocity. Furthermore, F-actin labeling with Lifeact aids visualization of F-actin extension and is useful for quantifying the actin polymerization rate (Figure 3E,F).
Quantitative analysis of traction force
Strict adherence to the methodology presented here will reveal the movements of fluorescent beads under the growth cone (Figure 6C, Supplemental File 4). F-actin retrograde flow onto the substrate generates traction force causing the fluorescent beads to move rearward under the growth cone. The traction force analysis code estimates traction force from fluorescent bead displacement, and expresses the calculated traction force as a force vector. The direction and magnitude of the traction force are determined from the x- and y-components of the force vector (Figure 8C,D). The red box in Figure 8D represents the x- and y-components of a force vector; Figure 8C depicts the corresponding growth cone. In terms of x-y coordinates, the vector points to -93.8° against the x-axis; this orientation is directed toward the rear of the growth cone (Figure 8C). The magnitude of the traction force F was calculated as follows:
Figure 1: A growth cone machinery for force generation and growth cone navigation. A netrin-1 chemoattractant gradient induces asymmetrical stimulation of its receptor DCC on an axonal growth cone. This activates Rac1 and Cdc42, and their downstream kinase Pak1. Rac1 and Cdc42 promote (1) actin polymerization, whereas Pak1 phosphorylates shootin1, enhancing shootin1-mediated (2) clutch coupling. The asymmetric activation of actin dynamics and the clutch coupling within the growth cone increases (3) traction force on the side of the netrin-1 source, thereby generating a directional driving force for growth cone attraction. The protocols presented here allow for the quantification of the key variables (1)-(3) for growth cone navigation. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 2: Fluorescence images of a neuronal growth cone under a fully opened and narrowed diaphragm. The growth cone expresses Lifeact and HaloTag-actin. (A) A high Lifeact expression permits visualization of growth cone morphology. On the other hand, HaloTag-actin expression levels are very low, with dim signals when the diaphragm is fully opened. (B) When the diaphragm is appropriately narrowed, background signals diminish, and single actin speckles appear in the growth cone. Scale bars: 5 µm. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 3: Steps for quantifying F-actin flow velocity and actin polymerization rate using an image processing and analysis software Fiji. (A) Adjust the angle of the image for analysis. (1) Find and select an actin speckle (arrowhead) that flows in an F-actin bundle. (2) Select Image > Transform > Rotate. (3) Set the angle so that the F-actin bundle is directed upward. (4) The angle of the image will be changed. (B) Demarcate the region, including the actin speckle and the F-actin bundle. (1) Click on Rectangle on the toolbar. (2) Delineate a region on the image. The brightness and contrast of the image are increased to allow clear visualization of the actin speckle and the tip of the F-actin bundle. (3) Select Image > Duplicate. (4) Input the five time-frames that show actin speckle flow in the F-actin bundle. (5) The selected stack image will appear on the screen. (C) Overlay circles on the actin speckle. (1) Click on Oval on the toolbar. (2) Draw a circle on an actin speckle. (3) Select Image > Overlay > Add Selection. (4) The circle is overlaid. 5) Repeat overlaying the circles on the remaining actin speckles. (D) Measure the translocation distance of actin speckles during the five time-frames. (1) Click on Straight on the toolbar. (2) Draw a line which links the centers of the circles. (3) Select Analyze > Measure. The result, indicated by the parameter Height (red box), relaying the actin speckle translocation distance. (E) Measure the change in the length of F-actin protrusion during the five time-frames. (1) Draw a line which links the tips of the F-actin protrusion. (2) Select Analyze > Measure. The result (red box), Height, indicates the extension length of the F-actin bundle. (F) The actin polymerization rate is calculated from the sum of the F-actin flow velocity and the extension rate. See also Supplemental File 2. Supplemental File 3 assists investigators to practice the methodology described above. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 4: Steps for the PAA gel preparation. Please see step 7.1 for a detailed description. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 5: Determination of PAA gel rigidity. (A) A microsphere indentation method. When a microsphere is placed on a fluorescent bead-embedded PAA gel, the weight of the microsphere causes an indentation in the gel. The indentation depth is calculated by subtracting the z-positions of the PAA gel surface from the bottom of the microsphere (B,C) Fluorescence images of a PAA gel indented by a microsphere and containing fluorescent beads. A laser scanning confocal microscope was used to capture images of the gel surface (B) and the bottom of the microsphere (C). Signals from the fluorescent beads are not visible at the gel surface in the indented region (B, circle). They can, however, be observed at the bottom of the microsphere. Scale bars: 50 µm. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 6: Force mapping of a neuronal growth cone. (A-C) Fluorescence images of beads embedded in a PAA gel and a neural growth cone visualized with EGFP. Following the acquisition of time-lapse images (A), the neuron was released from the gel substrate by applying SDS solution, and an image of the beads in the unstrained substrate was captured (B). (C) The image of the beads in the unstrained substrate shows the beads in their original (green) and displaced (red) positions. The EGFP signal of the growth cone is shown in blue. Kymographs (right) show the movements of beads at 3 s intervals for a duration of 147 s, indicated by the arrows in boxed areas 1 and 2. The bead in area 2 is a reference bead. Scale bars: 2 µm for (A), (B) and (C, left), and 1 µm for (C, middle). See also Supplemental File 4. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 7: Steps for the correcting x-y position of the bead image in unstrained substrate using Fiji. (A) Concatenate the bead image in unstrained substrate with the time-lapse stack image of fluorescent beads. (1) Select Image > Stacks > Tools > Concatenate. (2) Select the beads image in unstrained substrate and the time-lapse stack image of fluorescent beads in Image1 and Image2, respectively. Click on OK. (3) The bead image in the unstrained substrate is added to the time-lapse stack image. (B) Correct the x-y position of the fluorescent bead image. (1) Use the scroll bar (red frame) to select the second frame (red arrow) in the image stack. (2) Select Plugins > StackReg. (3) Select Rigid Body from the drop-down list (red frame) and click on OK. The correction of the x-y position will begin. (C) Save the x-y position-corrected bead image. After selecting the first frame of the x-y position-corrected stack image, (1) select Image > Duplicate. (2) input 1 into the Range and deselect Duplicate stack. Then click on OK. (3) the x-y position-corrected bead image in the unstrained substrate will appear on the screen. Save this image as a tiff file. Supplemental File 6 assists investigators to practice the methodology described above. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 8: Analysis of traction force under a neuronal growth cone using an open-source traction force analysis code. (A) GUI for analyzing traction force. Time-lapse images selected on the GUI can be confirmed from the drop-down list and with the slider indicated (red box). (B) Select a region that includes the growth cone. (1) Click on ROI on the GUI. With the mouse cursor, specify two points (arrowheads) on the cell image. (2) A red box will appear on the cell image. Two clicks determine the locations of two corners. (C) Select the detected beads (white dots) under the growth cone. (1) On the GUI, click on Select beads, and demarcate a polygonal region that includes the growth cone by clicking. Press the Enter key. (2) The white dots within the polygonal region will change into a red color. (D) Calculated results of the direction and magnitude of the traction force. The red box in the spreadsheet represents the x- and y-components of the force vector, estimated by traction force analysis. On the x-y coordinate in the right panel, the force vector generated by the growth cone points to -93.8° against the x-axis; this orientation is directed toward the rear of the growth cone in (C). Supplemental File 6 assists investigators to practice the methodology described above. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Supplemental File 1: Recipes of solutions and media used in this study. See text for detailed usage. Please click here to download this File.
Supplemental File 2: Fluorescence imaging of Lifeact and fluorescent speckle imaging of HaloTag-actin in a nerve growth cone. Lifeact (green) and HaloTag-actin (magenta). Images were acquired every 3 s for a total duration of 147 s. Scale bar: 2 µm. See also Figure 3. Please click here to download this File.
Supplemental File 3: Practice data for quantifying F-actin flow velocity and the actin polymerization rate. A multichannel time-lapse stack image of Lifeact (green) and HaloTag-actin (magenta). See also Figure 3. Please click here to download this File.
Supplemental File 4: A force-mapping video detecting traction force at a neuronal growth cone. The original (green) and displaced (red) positions of the beads. The EGFP signal in the growth cone is shown in blue. Images were acquired every 3 s for 147 s. Scale bar: 2 µm. See also Figure 6. Please click here to download this File.
Supplemental File 5: Traction force analysis code. Please see Step 8.12 for detailed usage. Please click here to download this File.
Supplemental File 6: Practice data for quantifying traction force. A single-channel RGB image of the beads in unstrained substrate and single-channel time-lapse stack RGB images of fluorescent beads under a growth cone, EGFP, and bright-field. See also Figures 7 and 8. Please click here to download this File.
The protocols described in this study use commercially available materials and microscopy equipment routinely found in all the laboratories, institutes, and universities. Therefore, investigators can easily adopt the present single speckle imaging and traction force microscopy in their studies.
The speckle imaging can analyze actin polymerization and clutch coupling. In addition, speckle imaging can monitor the retrograde flow of clutch molecules such as shootin1 and cortactin, which interact with F-actin retrograde flow. By using a TIRF microscope, the retrograde flow of the cell adhesion molecule L1-CAM can also be monitored23,41; L1-CAM undergoes grip and slip behaviors that reflect the clutch coupling efficiency23,41. Although the present study employs the TMR-HaloTag system for speckle imaging, other fluorescent proteins, such as EGFP and monomeric red fluorescent protein, are also available in the analysis16,18,20,23,24,27,39. The essentials for visualizing actin speckles are a low expression level of fluorescent actin and the illumination of a minimum area (Figure 2). In this protocol, Lifeact and HaloTag-actin signals are sequentially acquired. Because actin retrograde flow is relatively slow (4.5 ± 0.1 µm/min)24, analysis of F-actin retrograde flow and actin polymerization are unaffected by sequential image acquisition of different fluorescent channels (~1 s interval). Lifeact is a widely-used F-actin marker, but can compete with actin binding proteins47. Of further importance, Lifeact can alter actin dynamics, thereby affecting F-actin structures and the cell morphology47,48,49.
Traction force microscopy can detect forces to drive growth cone advance. By mounting the neurons within an extracellular matrix, investigators can also analyze forces generated in a semi-3D environment11. High-magnification imaging is important for accurate quantification of traction force because growth cones generate weak traction forces7. Although other methods with nanopillars or stress-sensitive biosensors are also used to measure traction force50,51, PAA gel-based method is highly adaptable and allows for the adjustment of substrate rigidity by varying the concentrations of acrylamide and bis-acrylamide41,44,52. In this protocol, the PAA gel is prepared at a final concentration of 3.75% acrylamide and 0.03% bis-acrylamide; Young's modulus is ~270 Pa22 and this stiffness is within the range of brain tissue (100-10,000 Pa)53,54,55. Due to the thickness of the PAA gel (~100 µm), this method limits the use of high-magnification lenses during microscopy. To obtain high-magnification images, investigators should use the zoom function in a laser scanning confocal microscope.
In conclusion, the present speckle imaging and traction force microscopy enable quantitative analyses of the key events in force generations. This information will be invaluable for improving understanding of the mechanisms that underlie growth cone advancement and navigation.
The authors have nothing to disclose.
This research was supported in part by AMED under grant number 21gm0810011h0005 (N.I. and Y.S.), JSPS KAKENHI (JP19H03223, N.I.) and JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists (JP19K16258, T.M.), the Osaka Medical Research Foundation for Incurable Diseases (T.M.), and NAIST Next Generation Interdisciplinary Research Project (Y.S.).
Name | Company | Catalog Number | Comments |
0.5% trypan blue stain solution | Nacalai | 29853-34 | |
3-aminopropyltrimethyoxysilane | Sigma | 281778-100ML | |
Acrylamide monomer | Nacalai | 00809-85 | |
Ammonium persulphate | Cytiva | 17-1311-1 | |
Axio Observer Z1 | Zeiss | 431007-9902-000 | Epi-fluorescence microscope (single speckle imaging) |
B-27 supplement (50x) | Thermo Fisher Scientific | 17504-044 | |
Bovine serum albmine | Sigma | A7906-10G | |
C-Apochromat 63x/1.2 W Corr | Zeiss | 421787-9970-799 | Objective lens (traction force microscopy) |
Coverslip (diameter 18 mm) | Matsunami | C018001 | |
D-glucose | Nacalai | 16806-25 | |
DNaseI | Sigma | DN25-100MG | |
Fetal bovine serum | Thermo Fisher Scientific | 10270-106 | |
Fiji | Open source software package | | |
FluoSpheres carboxylate-modified 0.2 mm, red (580/605), 2% solid | Thermo Fisher Scientific | F8810 | carboxylate-modified microspheres |
Glass bottom dish (14 mm diameter) | Matsunami | D1130H | |
Glass bottom dish (27 mm diameter) | Matsunami | D1140H | |
Glutaraldehyde solution | Sigma | G5882-10X10ML | |
HaloTag TMR ligand | Promega | G8251 | |
HBO103 W/2 | Osram | 4050300382128 | Mercury lamp (single speckle imaging) |
Image Processing Toolbox | MathWork | | |
Laminin solution from mouse EHS tumor | Wako | 120-05751 | |
Leibovitz’s L-15 medium | Thermo Fisher Scientific | 11415064 | |
L-glutamine | Nacalai | 16919-42 | |
LSM710 | Zeiss | N/A | Conforcal laser microscope (traction force microscopy) |
MATLAB2018a | MathWork | | |
Mouse C57BL/6 | Japan SLC | N/A | |
Mouse neuron nucleofector kit | Lonza | VPG-1001 | |
N,N,N’,N’-tetramethylethylenediamine (TEMED) | Nacalai | 33401-72 | |
N,N’-methylenebisacrylamide | Nacalai | 22402-02 | |
Neurobasal medium | Thermo Fisher Scientific | 21103-049 | |
Nucleofector I | Amaxa | AAD-1001 | Electroporation apparatus |
ORCA Flash 4.0 V2 | Hamamatsu | C11440-22CU | CMOS camera (single speckle imaging) |
Papain | Nacalai | 26036-34 | |
Parallel Computing Toolbox | MathWork | | |
pEGFP-C1 | Clontech | 1528177 | |
Penicillin-streptomycin (100x) | Nacalai Tesque | 26253-84 | |
pFN21A-HaloTag-actin | (Minegishi et al., 2018) | N/A | |
Phosphate buffered saline (PBS) pH 7.4 (10x) | Thermo Fisher Scientific | 70011-044 | |
Plan-Apochromat 100x/1.4 Oil | Zeiss | 420790-9901-000 | Objective lens (single speckle imaging) |
pmNeonGreen-N1-Lifeact | (Kastian et al., 2021) | N/A | |
Poly-D-lysine hydrobromide | Sigma | P6407-5MG | |
Slulfo-SAMPHA | Thermo Fisher Scientific | 22589 | |
Sodium dodecyl sulfate | Nacalai | 08933-05 | |
Sodium hydrate (NaOH) | Nacalai | 31511-05 | |
Steel ball | Sako tekkou | N/A | Microshpere to determin PAA gel rigidity. 0.6 mm diameter, 7.87 g/cm3. |
ZEN2009 | Zeiss | | Image acquisition software (traction force microscopy) |
ZEN2012 | Zeiss | | Image acquisition software (single speckle imaging) |
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