We describe a method to efficiently separate retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) from the retina in human eyes and generate whole RPE/choroid flatmounts for histological and morphometric analyses of the RPE.
The retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) and retina are functionally and structurally connected tissues that work together to regulate light perception and vision. Proteins on the RPE apical surface are tightly associated with proteins on the photoreceptor outer segment surface, making it difficult to consistently separate the RPE from the photoreceptors/retina. We developed a method to efficiently separate the retina from the RPE of human eyes to generate complete RPE/choroid and retina flatmounts for separate cellular analysis of the photoreceptors and RPE cells. An intravitreal injection of a high-osmolarity solution of D-mannitol, a sugar not transported by the RPE, induced the separation of the RPE and retina across the entire posterior chamber without causing damage to the RPE cell junctions. No RPE patches were observed attached to the retina. Phalloidin labeling of actin showed RPE shape preservation and allowed morphometric analysis of the entire epithelium. An artificial intelligence (AI)-based software was developed to accurately recognize and segment the RPE cell borders and quantify 30 different shape metrics. This dissection method is highly reproducible and can be easily extended to other animal models.
The retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) and the neural retina are strongly interconnected with each other because of the strong physiological dependence of the photoreceptors on the RPE. During dissection, the mechanical separation of the neural retina from the RPE causes tearing of the RPE cells, with the apical portions of the RPE remaining attached to the outer segments of the retinal photoreceptors. The extent of RPE-retinal adhesion is so great that the amount of pigment remaining on the retina after separation is used to quantify the strength of retinal adhesion1. Specifically, RPE tight junctions and the actin structure that connects them, which are located on the apical side, break off during mechanical separation. Therefore, staining RPE flatmounts for cell borders results in a patchy monolayer in which many cells have missing borders. This effect is exacerbated when the tissue is fixed with paraformaldehyde (PFA) before dissection, as the proteins become crosslinked.
Studies on intravitreal drug delivery have shown that injections of hyperosmotic solutions in the posterior chamber induce retinal detachment2,3. In these experiments, 50 µL of different solutions, ranging from 1,000 mOsm to 2,400 mOsm, injected in the mid-vitreous caused retinal detachment within minutes. Notably, even after long exposures to high-osmolarity solutions, the RPE tight junctions appeared intact in the transmission electron microscopic images of both rabbit and monkey eyes3. Following a similar strategy, we injected into the mid-vitreous a hyperosmotic solution of D-mannitol to induce an efficient retinal detachment before performing RPE dissection. As D-mannitol is not transported by the RPE4, a high intravitreal concentration is maintained, generating an osmotic gradient. The efficient separation of the RPE and retina across the entire posterior chamber guarantees the preservation of the RPE cellular junctions and allows for the study of RPE morphometry on the entire flatmount. In addition, we developed an artificial intelligence (AI)-based software that recognizes and segments fluorescently labeled RPE cell borders, quantifies 30 different shape metrics, and produces heatmaps of each metric for visualization5,6.
Cadaver human globes were obtained from the Advanced Sight Network (Birmingham, AL). Work performed on cadaver tissue is exempted by the NIH Institutional Review Board from the research ethics committee.
1. Eye globe shipment
2. Silicone mold preparation
3. RPE dissection
4. Staining
5. REShAPE analysis
NOTE: As the REShAPE AI-based algorithm was trained on 10x and 20x images, it is, therefore, highly recommended to use a 10x or 20x objective when imaging. If not, the images will need to be rescaled accordingly.
Figure 1: REShAPE graphical user interface. The GUI has different tabs for selecting the working directories (Directories tab), modifying the segmentation options (NN Segmentation Options and Tiled Image Options tabs), specifying the parameters for analysis (Cell Size Restrictions for Analysis and Automated Unit Conversion tabs), and for heatmap generation (Output Graphics Options tab). Abbreviation: GUI = graphical user interface. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
This protocol results in a single-plane image of a flatmount, where the cell location and 30 shape metrics are measured for every correctly identified RPE cell (Figure 2). A folder named "Processed" is automatically generated inside the input directory. This folder contains four subdirectories, named "Analysis," "Color Coded," "Combined Files," and "Segmented Images," and some temporary files generated during the analysis. The "Combined Files" folder contains a spreadsheet with all the shape measurements and a spreadsheet with the frequencies of the cell neighbor counts of all the files combined. The "Analysis" folder contains a spreadsheet with all the shape measurements and a spreadsheet with the frequencies of the cell neighbor counts for each image separately. The "Segmented Images" directory contains the final binary masks of the RPE cell borders; it can be used to evaluate the quality of the segmentation. The "Color Coded" directory contains heatmaps for each shape measurement to visualize the shape patterns in each image. The shape metric definitions and abbreviations can be found in Table 1.
Sometimes RPE flatmounts can contain residual pieces of retina that were not cleanly removed, especially around the optic nerve. Phalloidin staining of the sample results in a strong signal coming from the retina, and this can cause problems for RPE cell border segmentation. Some tiles will appear completely black, while the surrounding tiles will show normal segmentation. Other bright objects that may be present in the image will also cause the generation of black tiles (Figure 3). In these cases, choosing one of the filtering options (Weak, Regular, Strong) available in the Arti Filter dropdown menu will prevent the formation of black tiles.
REShAPE takes 8-bit or 16-bit greyscale images as input but not RGB images. Using RGB images for the REShAPE analysis will produce entirely black binary images. If this occurs, converting the RGB images to greyscale will produce correctly segmented binary images (Figure 4). On some occasions where the RPE borders are not recognized correctly, for example, if the staining is not optimal or if the sample is damaged by a scratch (Figure 5A), large clumps of cells may be identified as a single very large cell (Figure 5B). In this case, large objects can be excluded from the analysis by reducing the cell size threshold (Figure 5C). This can be achieved by inserting a lower value in the Upper Cell Size text box. However, this will result in a change in the range of the heatmap. If a researcher chooses to do so, it is also possible to maintain the original heatmap range (Figure 5D) by checking the box Yes in the Use Manual Limits? feature. Subsequently, the researcher must left-click on the Set Limits button and insert the desired values in the text boxes to specify the manual limits.
Figure 2: Complete morphometric analysis of an entire human RPE monolayer. (A) A low magnification view of an entire human RPE/choroid flatmount (magenta: phalloidin). (B) A zoomed-in view of phalloidin-stained RPE cells. (C) REShAPE-generated segmentation of the RPE cell borders for an entire human RPE/choroid flatmount and (D) the corresponding zoomed-in view. (E) A software-generated heatmap illustrating the cell area of the individual RPE cells in the entire human flatmount. The thermal scale on the top-left corner shows the range of values used. (F) The corresponding zoomed-in view showing individual RPE cells colored by area. Scale bars = (B,D,F) 50 µm, (A,C,E) 5 mm. Abbreviation: RPE = retinal pigment epithelium. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 3: Filtering of bright artifacts. (A) A human RPE flatmount stained for cell borders (magenta: phalloidin) can present bright areas (green rectangles) that interfere with segmentation. (B) The RPE cell border segmentation of the entire flatmount contains three completely black tiles (green arrows) corresponding to bright regions of fluorescence. (C,E) Two of the black tiles correspond to areas containing bright dots, which are possibly some debris. (D) One of the black tiles was generated by a piece of neural retina around the optic nerve that was not correctly removed. The pieces of neural retina are considerably brighter than the RPE layer and hinder cell segmentation. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 4: Input image requisite. The RPE cells stained for cell borders were saved as (A) RGB or as (B) greyscale 16-bit images for REShAPE analysis. (C) The output of the RBG image analysis is a black binary image, (D) while the analysis of the greyscale image produces a correctly segmented binary of the cell borders. REShAPE can only analyze 8-bit or16-bit greyscale images. Scale bars = 50 µm. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 5: Suboptimal results. (A) An image of a portion of the RPE monolayer where the cells stained with phalloidin were accidentally scratched. (B) A heatmap of RPE cells colored by the dimension of cell area. A large upper cell size threshold includes large objects in the analysis. (C) A cell area heatmap in which a smaller upper cell size threshold was chosen to exclude large objects from the analysis. (D) A cell area heatmap in which a smaller upper cell size threshold was chosen and manual limits were set to maintain the heatmap range used originally. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Table 1: REShAPE parameters. The table reports the definition of each parameter and the abbreviations used in the raw spreadsheets ("_Data.csv" files) and for the heatmaps. Please click here to download this Table.
The consistent and efficient separation of human RPE and retinas can be achieved using this protocol. This method allows for the study of regional differences in RPE shape across entire human retinas5. A crucial step in the protocol is the physical separation of the RPE and retina. If the two tissues are not completely detached in some areas, one should gently lift the retina, ensuring not to break the tissues. The REShAPE analysis of large flatmounts may require the use of systems with considerable RAM resources. In this case, the reassembly of the entire image can be disabled to allow the software to successfully finish the analysis despite a lack of processing resources.
The main limitation of using REShAPE to segment human RPE flatmounts is that the AI algorithm was mostly trained on images of induced pluripotent stem cell-derived RPE. As a consequence, the segmentation of human RPE flatmounts is less accurate. RPE cells from aged donors contain a large amount of lipofuscin7, and the broad spectrum of its autofluorescence interferes with cell border segmentation. In the future, more images of RPE flatmounts will be used to improve cell border segmentation in this kind of sample. Despite this limitation, REShAPE was specifically trained to recognize and segment RPE cell borders and performs better than other existing methods, such as Voronoi8 and CellProfiler9 segmentation of RPE cells.
Moreover, compared to manual segmentation10, REShAPE provides the advantage of analyzing large images quickly (~130,000 pixels x 130,000 pixels were tested). In conclusion, this dissection method is highly reproducible and can be easily extended to other animal models. In addition, the software can be used to study RPE shape in eye flatmounts or in cell culture models to examine the effect of certain treatments. Finally, REShAPE's versatility makes it broadly applicable for the analysis of other types of epithelial cells.
The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose.
We thank the National Eye Institute (NEI) histology core for the use of the Zeiss Axio Scan.Z1. We also thank the donors, their families, the Advancing Sight Network, and the Lions Eye Institute for their generosity. This work was supported by NEI IRP funds (grant number ZIA EY000533-04).
Name | Company | Catalog Number | Comments |
Biopsy punch 1.5 mm | Acuderm Inc. | P1525 | |
Bovine albumin | MP Biomedicals | 160069 | |
Coverglass 50 x 75 mm, #1.5 thickness | Brain Research Laboratories | 5075-1.5D | |
Curved spatula | Katena | K3-6600 | |
D-Mannitol | Sigma | M9546 | |
DPBS 1x with Ca2+ and Mg2+ | Gibco | 14040-133 | |
Fine Scissors | Fine Science Tools | 14558-11 | |
Fluormount-G | Southern Biotech | 0100-01 | |
Forceps - Dumont #5 | Fine Science Tools | 11252-23 | |
Microscope slides 50 x 75 x 1.2 mm | Brain Research Laboratories | 5075 | |
Needles 21 G x 1-1/2" hypodermic | Becton Dickinson (BD) | 305167 | |
Needles 27 G x 1-1/4" hypodermic | Becton Dickinson (BD) | 305136 | |
Paraformaldehyde 16% | Electron Microscopy Sciences | 15710 | |
Petri dish 100 mm | Corning | 430167 | |
Phalloidin-iFluor 647 | Abcam | ab176759 | |
Razor blades | PAL (Personna) | 62-0177 | |
Round bottom tubes 50 mL | Newegg | 9SIA4SR9M88854 | |
Silicon Elastomer Kit | Dow Corning Corporation | 4019862 | |
Square weighing boat (81 mm x 81 mm x 25 mm) | Sigma | W2876 | |
Surgical Vitrectomy System | BD Visitrec | 585100 | optional |
Syringe 1 mL | Becton Dickinson (BD) | 309659 | |
Triton X-100 | Sigma | T9284 | |
TrueBlack | Biotium | 23007 | autofluorescence quencher |
Tween 20 | Affymetrix | 20605 | |
Vannas Spring Scissors - 3 mm cutting edge | Fine Science Tools | 15000-10 |
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