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We describe here methods for inducing and analyzing olfactory experience-dependent remodeling of antennal lobe synaptic glomeruli in the Drosophila juvenile brain.


Early-life olfactory sensory experience induces dramatic synaptic glomeruli remodeling in the Drosophila juvenile brain, which is experientially dose-dependent, temporally restricted, and transiently reversible only in a short, well-defined critical period. The directionality of brain circuit synaptic connectivity remodeling is determined by the specific odorant acting on the respondent receptor class of olfactory sensory neurons. In general, each neuron class expresses only a single odorant receptor and innervates a single olfactory synaptic glomerulus. In the Drosophila genetic model, the full array of olfactory glomeruli has been precisely mapped by odorant responsiveness and behavioral output. Ethyl butyrate (EB) odorant activates Or42a receptor neurons innervating the VM7 glomerulus. During the early-life critical period, EB experience drives dose-dependent synapse elimination in the Or42a olfactory sensory neurons. Timed periods of dosed EB odorant exposure allow investigation of experience-dependent circuit connectivity pruning in juvenile brain. Confocal microscopy imaging of antennal lobe synaptic glomeruli is done with Or42a receptor-driven transgenic markers that provide quantification of synapse number and innervation volume. The sophisticated Drosophila genetic toolkit enables the systematic dissection of the cellular and molecular mechanisms mediating brain circuit remodeling.


The remodeling of juvenile brain circuits during early life represents the last chance for large-scale synaptic connectivity changes to match the highly variable, unpredictable environment into which an animal is born. As the most abundant group of animals, insects share this evolutionarily conserved, foundational critical period remodeling mechanism1. Critical periods open with the onset of sensory input, exhibit reversible circuit changes to optimize connectivity, and then close when stabilization forces resist further remodeling2. Insects are particularly reliant on olfactory sensory information and show a well-define....


1. Odorant exposure

  1. Using a fine paintbrush, sort 40-50 developmentally-staged animals as pharate dark pupae (90+ h post-pupariation at 25 °C) into 25 mm x 95 mm polystyrene Drosophila vials containing standard cornmeal molasses food (Figure 1A).
  2. Place fine stainless-steel wire mesh over the end of the Drosophila vials to contain the flies while also allowing good airflow. Secure the wire mesh caps with taped transparent film onto the side of the Drosophila vials.
  3. In a 1.5 mL microcentrifuge tube, place 1 mL of 100% mineral oil (vehicle control) or dissolve t....

Representative Results

Figure 1 shows the workflow for the olfactory experience-dependent critical period odorant exposure and brain imaging methods. The protocol starts with the age-matching of pharate dark pupae immediately prior to eclosion (Figure 1A). The pupae are placed into odorant chambers for 4 h, and then newly-eclosed adults are flipped into fresh vials in either the vehicle control or dosed EB odorant chambers (Figure 1B). We typically expose.......


The odorant exposure and brain imaging protocol presented here can be used to reliably induce and quantify experience-dependent olfactory sensory neuron synaptic glomeruli pruning during an early-life critical period. Earlier studies utilizing this treatment paradigm to explore olfactory circuit remodeling began odorant exposure on the 2nd day after eclosion3,4,5. In contrast, we begin odorant exposure in pharate pupa.......


The authors declare no competing interests.


We thank the other Broadie Lab members for their valuable input. Figures were created using BioRender.com. This work was supported by National Institute of Health grants MH084989 and NS131557 to K.B.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
For Odor Exposure
Drosophila vialsGenesee Scientific32-110
Ethyl butyrateSigma AldrichE15701
Microcentrifuge tubes Fisher Scientific 05-408-129
Mineral oilSigma AldrichM3516
Odor chambersGlasslock
Paint brushesWinsor & NewtonSeries 233
Wire meshScienceware378460000
Brain Dissection
Ethanol, 190 proofDecon Labs2801Diluted to 70%
ForcepsFine Science Tools11251-30Dumont #5
Paraformaldehyde Electron Microscope Sciences157-8Diluted to 4%
Petri dishesFisher Scientific 08-757-100B
Phosphate-buffered salineThermo Fisher Scientific70011-044Diluted to 1x
SucroseFisher Scientific BP220-1
SylgardElectron Microscope Sciences24236-10
Triton-X 100Fisher Scientific BP151-100
Brain Immunocytochemistry
488 goat anti-chickenInvitrogenA11039
546 goat anti-ratInvitrogenA11081
Bovine serum albumin Sigma AldrichA9647
Chicken anti-GFPAbcam13970
CoverslipsAvantor48366-06725 x 25 mm
Double-sided tapeScotch34-8724-5228-8
Fluoromount-G Electron Microscope Sciences17984-25
Microscope slidesFisher Scientific12-544-275 x 25 mm
Nail polishSally Hansen109Xtreme Wear, Invisible
Normal goat serumSigma AldrichG9023
Rat anti-CadNDevelopmental Studies Hybridoma BankAB_528121
Any computer/laptop
Confocal microscopeCarl ZeissZeiss 510 META 
Fiji softwareFijiVersion 2.14.0/1.54f


  1. English, S., Barreaux, A. M. The evolution of sensitive periods in development: insights from insects. Curr Opinion Behav Sci. 36, 71-78 (2020).
  2. Fabian, B., Sachse, S. Experience-....

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Brain PlasticityOlfactory Sensory NeuronsCritical PeriodSynapse RemodelingExperience dependentOdorant ReceptorGlomeruliDrosophilaEthyl ButyrateOr42aSynapse EliminationConfocal MicroscopyGenetic Toolkit

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