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We present a protocol for high-throughput production of vascular channels with flexible sizes and desired patterns on a standard six-well plate using 3D bioprinting technology, referred to as vessels-on-a-plate (VOP). This platform has the potential to advance the development of therapeutics for the disorders associated with compromised endothelium.


Vascular permeability is a key factor in developing therapies for disorders associated with compromised endothelium, such as endothelial dysfunction in coronary arteries and impaired function of the blood-brain barrier. Existing fabrication techniques do not adequately replicate the geometrical variation in vascular networks in the human body, which substantially influences disease progression; moreover, these techniques often involve multi-step fabrication procedures that hinder the high-throughput production necessary for pharmacological testing. This paper presents a bioprinting protocol for creating multiple vascular tissues with desired patterns and sizes directly on standard six-well plates, overcoming existing resolution and productivity challenges in bioprinting technology. A simplified fabrication approach was established to construct six hollow, perfusable channels within a hydrogel, which were subsequently lined with human umbilical vein endothelial cells to form a functional and mature endothelium. The computer-controlled nature of 3D bioprinting ensures high reproducibility and requires fewer manual fabrication steps than traditional methods. This highlights VOP's potential as an efficient high-throughput platform for modeling vascular permeability and advancing drug discovery.


The vascular network throughout the human body functions as a crucial transport barrier by dynamically regulating the exchange of molecules and cells between the blood and surrounding tissues. This regulation is essential for preventing tissue edema and enabling selective nutrient and cell exchange, thus supporting tissue metabolism and homeostasis1. Altered endothelial permeability, a factor in many health conditions, affects both disease severity and treatment efficacy2. Vascular endothelium acts as a selective barrier, facilitating the transfer between vessels, tissues, and organs. This regulation involves several mec....


1. Generation of G-code for the bioprinter

  1. To generate and visualize the printing path, visit an online G-code simulation tool (e.g., NCviewer).
  2. Click the New File icon on the interface to create a new G-code file.
  3. Generate a printing path by manually writing the G-code commands for the sacrificial channel and the silicon chamber. Use the dimensions of a standard six-well plate as a reference for creating the geometry.
    NOTE: G-code used here is based on Computer Numerical Control (CNC) code. The functions of each command are provided in Supplemental Table S1. The six-well plate f....

Representative Results

The VOP platform, featuring flexibility in size and pattern, was fabricated with a multi-head bioprinting system. Channels, both hollow and capable of perfusion, were seeded with HUVECs to facilitate endothelialization and were subsequently assessed with a permeability assay (Figure 1A). To demonstrate the multiscale manufacturing capability of this method, we printed three distinct configurations: straight, bifurcated, and convoluted (Figure 1B). Through a stra.......


Taking advantage of the precision, automation, and computer-controlled nature of 3D bioprinting technology, we established a streamlined method for fabricating vascular channels in standard six-well plates, which were chosen for their compatibility with commercial microplate readers and microscope imaging setups. The plate's design can accommodate multi-size channels and a sufficient volume of media for the growth of larger channels while decreasing the necessary frequency of media changes. Future adaptations of this.......


The authors declare no competing financial interests.


This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grants funded by the Korea government (Ministry of Science and ICT, MSIT) [No. NRF-2019R1C1C1009606; No. 2020R1A5A8018367; and No. RS-2024-00423107]. This research was supported by the Bio and Medical Technology Development Program of the NRF grants funded by the MSIT [No. NRF-2022M3A9E4017151 and No. NRF-2022M3A9E4082654]. This work was supported by the Technology Innovation Program [No. 20015148] and the Alchemist Project [No. 20012378] funded By the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (MOTIE, Korea). This work was also supported by Korea Institute of Planning and Evaluation for Technology....


NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
10 mL Serological PipetteSPLSPL 91010
10 mL syringe Shinchang Medical
15 mL conical tubeSPL50015
3D Bioprinter T&R Biofab3DX-Printer
6-well plate SPL37206
Biological Safety CabinetsCHC LABPCHC-777A2-04, 
Brightfield Inverted MicroscopesLeicaDMi1
Cell Counting Kit (CCK8)GlpBioGK10001
Cell Counting Kit (CCK8)GlpBioGK10001
Cell Culture Flask 75TSPL70075
Corning Matrigel Growth Factor Reduced (GFR) Basement Membrane Matrix, LDEV-free, 10 mLCorning354230
Distilled water
DMSO, Cell Culture GradeSigma aldrichD2438
Dow-Corning, PDMS-Sylgard 184a KitDOWDC-184
DOWSIL SE 1700 Clear W/C 1.1 KG Kit DOW2924404
D-PBS - 1xWelgeneLB001-01
Endothelial Cell Growth Medium MV 2 (Ready to use)PromocellC-22022
Eppendorf Micro pipette(1000,200,100,20,10)eppendorf
Ethyl Alcohol 99.9%DuksanD5
Fibrinogen from bovine plasmaSigma AldrichF8630-1G
FITC Dextran 70 kDaSigma Aldrich46945-100MG-F
Fluorescent beads (1.0 μm, green)Sigma AldrichL1030-1ML
GelMA-powder (Gelatin methacrylate) 50 g3D Materials 20JT29
Gibco, Recovery Cell Culture Freezing Medium, 50 mLGibco
HUVECs (Human Umbillical Vein Endothelial Cells)Promocell
ImageJ softwareNIH
IncubatorThermo SCIENTIFICForma STERI-CYCLE i160 CO2 Incubator
Invitrogen, Live/dead viability/cytotoxicity Kit (for mammalian cells)Thermo FisherL3224
Lithium Phenyl (2,4,6-trimethylbenzoyl) phosphate powder Tokoyo Chemical Industry CO.85073-19-4 
Marienfeld Superior, Counting chamber coverMarienfeld Superior
Marienfeld Superior, Hemocytometer, cell counting chamberMarienfeld SuperiorHSU-0650030
MicrocentrifugeeppendorfCentrifuge 5920 R
Parafilm MamcorPM-996
Penicillin-Streptomycin Solution (100x)GenDEPOTCA005-010
Planetary MixerTHINKY CORPORATION, japanARE-310
Plasma treatment machineFEMTO SCIENCECUTE-1MPR
Pluronic F-127Sigma aldrichP2443-250G
Pre-made buffer, (P2007-1) 10x PBSBiosesangPR4007-100-00
Reagent storage cabinetZIO FILTER TECHSC2-30F-1306D1-BC
Real time Live cell Imaging MicroscopeCarl ZEISS
ROCKER 2D digitalIKA4003000
sigma,Trypsin-EDTA solition, 0.25%Sigma aldrichT4049-100ML
Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate (SDS)Thermo Fisher scientific151-21-3
Syringe Barrel Tip CapFISNAR3051806
Tally counterControl Company C23-147-050
Tapered Nozzle (18 G)MushashiTPND-18G-U
Tapered Nozzle (22 G)MushashiTPND-22G-U
Tapered nozzle 20 GMusashiTPND-20G-U
Thrombin from bovine plasmaSigma AldrichT7326-1KU
Timer, 4-channelETLSL.Tim3005
Trypan Blue Solution 0.4%Gibco15250061
Trypsin Neutralizing SolutionPromocellC-41120
UG 24 mL UG ointment jarYamayuNo. 3-53
UG 58 mL UG ointment jarYamayuNo. 3-55
Water BathDAIHAN ScientificWB-11
Weight machineSartoriusbce2241-1skr


  1. O'Connor, C., Brady, E., Zheng, Y., Moore, E., Stevens, K. R. Engineering the multiscale complexity of vascular networks. Nat Rev Mater. 7 (9), 702-716 (2022).
  2. Claesson-Welsh, L., Dejana, E., McDonald, D. M. Per....

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