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Here, we describe two quantitative methods for studying the protein-ligand interactions of vitamin A membrane receptors and photoreceptor opsin with their respective physiological ligands.


Distribution of dietary vitamin A/all-trans retinol (ROL) throughout the body is critical for maintaining retinoid function in peripheral tissues and generating the retinylidene protein for visual function. RBP4-ROL is the complex of ROL with retinol-binding protein 4 (RBP4), which is present in the blood. Two membrane receptors, Retinol Binding Protein 4 Receptor 2 (RBPR2) in the liver and STimulated by Retinoic Acid 6 Retinol (STRA6) in the eye, bind circulatory RBP4 and this mechanism is critical for internalizing ROL into cells. Establishing methods to investigate receptor-ligand kinetics is essential in understanding the physiological function of vitamin A receptors for retinoid homeostasis. Using Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) assays, we can analyze the binding affinities and kinetic parameters of vitamin A membrane receptors with its physiological ligand RBP4.

These methodologies can reveal new structural and biochemical information of RBP4-binding motifs in RBPR2 and STRA6, which are critical for understanding pathological states of vitamin A deficiency. In the eye, internalized ROL is metabolized to 11-cis retinal, the visual chromophore that binds to opsin in photoreceptors to form the retinylidene protein, rhodopsin. The absorbance of light causes the cis-to-trans isomerization of 11-cis retinal, inducing conformational changes in rhodopsin and the subsequent activation of the phototransduction cascade. Decreased concentrations of serum and ocular ROL can impact retinylidene protein formation, which in turn can cause rhodopsin mislocalization, apoprotein opsin accumulation, night blindness, and photoreceptor outer segment degeneration, leading to Retinitis Pigmentosa or Leber Congenital Amaurosis.

Therefore, spectrophotometric methodologies to quantify the G protein-coupled receptor opsin-11-cis retinal complex in the retina are critical for understanding mechanisms of retinal cell degeneration in the above-mentioned pathological states. With these comprehensive methodologies, investigators will be able to better assess dietary vitamin A supply in maintaining systemic and ocular retinoid homeostasis, which is critical for generating and maintaining retinylidene protein concentrations in photoreceptors, which is critical for sustaining visual function in humans.


Dietary obtained Vitamin A/all-trans retinol/ROL is an important component playing a role in visual function1,2. The chromophore 11-cis retinal, a metabolite of dietary vitamin A, binds to the G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) opsin to generate the retinylidene protein, rhodopsin, in the photoreceptors. When light falls on the eye, the configuration of rhodopsin undergoes a fundamental change via the conversion of its 11-cis-retinal component to the all-trans-retinal. This configuration change triggers a phototransduction cascade within the rod photoreceptors, converting lig....


1. Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) methodology

  1. Preparation and purification of mouse RBP4 protein
    1. Design primers to generate full-length mouse RBP4 (msRBP4) cDNA (NCBI Reference Sequence: NM_001159487.1). Clone the msRBP4 cDNA into a pET28a His-tag Kanamycin-resistant expression vector and express in BL-21 DE3 cells (Table of Materials).
    2. Transform the BL-21 DE3 competent cells (according to the manufacturer's protocol) with ligated msRBP4-pET28a vector and then plate onto Luria-Bertani (LB) broth Agar plates containing Kanamycin 50 Β΅g/mL30


Quantitative methods are described to study protein-ligand interactions of vitamin A membrane receptors and photoreceptor opsin with their respective physiological ligands. The recombinant mouse RBP4 should be expressed in E. coli and the purified protein used as a conjugated ligand on a SPR Chip. The chemically synthesized RBPR2, STRA6, and mutant S294A RBPR2 "SYL motif RBP4 interacting extracellular site" of a ~40 amino acid peptide is used as analyte at various concentrations to measure the kinetics o.......


Critical steps in the protocol
SPR Methodology
In silico modeling and docking analysis: The predicted structure of RBPR2 (https://alphafold.ebi.ac.uk/entry/Q9DBN1) and STRA6, and the known structure forΒ msRBP4 PDB database (RSCB PDB ID: 2wqa), should be used for docking study29,31. Additionally, in vitro methods (cell culture) should be used to confirm the interaction of the putative bi.......


The authors declare no conflict of interest. The funders had no role in the design of the study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript, or in the decision to publish the results.


The authors thank Dr. Beata Jastrzebska, Ph.D. (Department of Pharmacology, Case Western Reserve University, OH) for her advice on the rhodopsin absorbance protocol. This work was supported by an NIH-NEI grant (EY030889 and 3R01EY030889-03S1) and, in part, by the University of Minnesota start-up funds to G.P.L.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
2-D Quant KitCytiva80648356
Amine Coupling KitCytivaBR100050
Biacore evaluation softwareBiacore S200Version 1.1
Biacore Sensor chip CM5CytivaBR100530
Bis tris propaneSigmaB6755-25G20 mM
BL21 DE3 competent cellsThermo ScientificEC0114
CD spectrophotometerJascoJ-815 Spectropolarimeter
Glycine HCLFisher BioreagentsBP381-1
GraphPad PrismΒ Model fitting, data analysis
LB brothFisher BioreagentsBP1426-500
n-dodecyl-Ξ²-d-maltoside (DDM)EMD Millipore324355-1GM2-20 mM
pET28a His-tag Kanamycin-resistant expression vectorΒ Addgene69864-3
Plasmid purification kitQiagen27106
Rho1D4 MagBeadsCubeBiotech33299
Slide-A_Lyzer 10K dialysis cassetteThermo Scientific66810
Tween20Fisher BioreagentsBP337-5000.05%
UV vis SpectrophotometerAgilentΒ Cary 60 UV-Vis
Peptide namePeptide sequenceHPLC-purityMass Spec
Mouse Rbpr2 mutant S294A (42)HVRDKLDMFEDKLEAYLTHM


  1. Dowling, J. E., Wald, G. Vitamin A deficiency and night blindness. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 44 (7), 648-6618 (1958).
  2. Dowling, J. E., Wald, G. The biological function of vitamin A acid. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 46 (5), 587....

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BiochemistrySurface Plasmon ResonanceRetinolRBPR2STRA6RBP4Rhodopsin absorbanceApoprotein opsin

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