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  • Protocol
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This protocol describes a procedure for rat retinal sampling and utilizing hematoxylin-eosin staining, TUNEL assay, and Western blot to detect pathological changes and apoptosis in the retina after intraperitoneal injection of N-Methyl-N-Nitrosourea.


Retinopathy can be observed in most ocular diseases and the late complications of diabetes mellitus. The specific pigment epithelial cells and optic cells' damage and degeneration are the main features of retinopathy. Many traditional medicines have shown substantial clinical efficacy in treating retinopathy. How to obtain a retina quickly and completely is a key step in traditional medicine research for the treatment of retinopathy. In this study, we aim to provide a standardized and exercisable procedure for sampling of N-methyl-N-nitrosourea (MNU)-induced rat's retina damage and multi-index evaluation of pathological changes. Rats were injected intraperitoneally with 60 mg/kg MNU once to induce retina damage, and retina samples were obtained after 7 days. Additionally, we performed hematoxylin-eosin staining to assess retinal pathological changes. Determination of the apoptosis rate and apoptosis protein by TUNEL and Western blot. These standardized protocols for retinal sampling and evaluation of pathological changes are helpful in promoting the exploration of the mechanism of retinopathy and the discovery of novel and effective traditional herbs.


Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is a hereditary and blinding retinal disease1. The incidence of RP is between 1/3500 and 1/5000, affecting the visual function of about 2.5 million people in the world. It is one of the most well-known diseases leading to visual impairment in human beings, imposing a significant burden on the whole society2. The disease is characterized by the gradual loss of retinal pigment epithelial cell function and the progressive apoptosis of photoreceptors. In the early stage, patients experience night blindness, which manifests as peripheral visual field defects and eventually leads to the loss of centra....


All protocols and surgical procedures were approved by the Ethics Committee of Ningxia Medical University (Ethics number: NO. 2020-Q066). SPF Sprauge-Dawley (SD) male rats, aged 7-8 weeks and weighing 200-220 g, were purchased from Ningxia Medical University with the animal license number SCXK (Ning) 2020-0001. All the animals were raised in the Laboratory Animal Center of Ningxia Medical University. The temperature and humidity were suitable, the day-night light cycle was maintained, and the food and water were free and sufficient.

1. Preoperative preparation

  1. Preparation of materials
    1. Prepare rat pla....

Representative Results

After HE staining, all retinal layers of rats in the control group had clear tissue structure, orderly cell arrangement, and uniform staining, while the retinal structure of rats in the model group was significantly damaged, the outer retinal layer was thinner, the outer nuclear layer was almost completely integrated with the inner core layer, the arrangement of cells in the layer was extremely disordered, the number of cell layers was significantly reduced, and the thickness of the photosensitive cell layer and outer nu.......


RP is a common retinal disease in clinics. The onset, severity, and progression of RP are related to genes and genetic modes and are affected by the environment8,11. RP includes familial RP and occasional RP, of which familial RP accounts for about 60% of the patients. Through tracing the family genetic history, 83 genes related to RP have been identified so far, while occasional RP accounts for about 40%, which means this kind of patient lacks a family history a.......


The authors have nothing to disclose.


This work was supported by the Scientific Research Project of the Higher Education Department of Ningxia (NYG2022029).



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
Amersham ImagerGE680
Ammonium persulfate Boster Biological Technology Co.,LtdA8090
Analytical BalanceMettler ToledoME104E
BCA protein quantization kit Ken Gen Biotech. Co. LtdKGP902
cleaved caspase-3 antibodyCell Signaling Technology#9664
cleaved caspase-7 antibodyCell Signaling Technology#8438
cleaved caspase-9 antibodyCell Signaling Technology#9507
DeadEnd Fluorometric TUNEL SystemPromegaG3250
Glycine Boster Biological Technology Co.,LtdAR1200
Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG H&L (HRP)Bioss Antibodiesbs-80295G-HRP
Goat serumBiosharpBL210A
High speed  crusherThermo Fisher ScientificAG22331
Immobilon-P SQ Transfer membranesMerck Millipore. LtdISEQ00010
IsofluraneRWD Life ScienceR510-22-10
MethanolChengdu Kelong Chemical Co., Ltd20230108
Microplate ReaderThermo Fisher Scientific1510
Microscope slideCitotest Labware Manufacturing Co., Ltd7105P-G
Mini-PROTEAN TetraBIO-RAD1658001
OvenShanghai Yuejin Medical Equipment Co., LtdDHG-8145
Page Pre-solution (30% )Doublehelix Biology Science and Technology Co.,LtdL3202A
PageRuler Prestained Protein LadderThermo Fisher Scientific26617
PBS bufferBiosharpG4202
SDS-PAGE Protein loading buffer (5×)Beyotime BiotechnologyP0015
Skim milk powderBioFroxx1172GR500
Sprague Dawley ratsNingxia Medical UniversitySCXK (Ning) 2020-0001
TEMED Boster Biological Technology Co.,LtdAR1165
Total protein extraction kit Ken Gen Biotech. Co. LtdKGP2100
Trans-Blot ModuleBIO-RAD1703935
Tris base Boster Biological Technology Co.,LtdAR1162
Tweezer Changde BKMAM Biotechnology Co., Ltd130302027
β-actinCell Signaling Technology#4970


  1. Cehajic-Kapetanovic, J., et al. Association of a novel intronic variant in RPGR with hypomorphic phenotype of X-linked retinitis pigmentosa. JAMA Ophthalmol. 138 (11), 1151-1158 (2020).
  2. Pan, M. Y., et al.

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RetinopathyN methyl N nitrosoureaRetina DamagePathological ChangesTraditional MedicineSampling ProcedureRat ModelHematoxylin eosin StainingApoptosis RateTUNEL AssayWestern BlotClinical EfficacyHerb DiscoveryOcular Diseases

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