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The manipulation of RNA interference (RNAi) presents a formidable challenge in many parasitoid species with diminutive size, such as Trichogramma wasps. This study delineated an efficient RNAi method in Trichogramma denrolimi. The present methodology provides a robust model for investigating gene regulation in Trichogramma wasps.


The egg parasitoids, Trichogramma spp, are recognized as efficient biological control agents against various lepidopteran pests in agriculture and forests. The immature stages of Trichogramma offspring develop within the host egg, exhibiting remarkable diminutiveness (approximately 0.5 mm in adult length). RNA-interference (RNAi) methodology has emerged as a crucial tool for elucidating gene functions in numerous organisms. However, manipulating RNAi in certain small parasitoid species, such as Trichogramma, has generally posed significant challenges. In this study, we present an efficient RNAi method in Trichogramma denrolimi. The outlined procedure encompasses the acquisition and isolation of individual T. dendrolimi specimens from host eggs, the design and synthesis of double-stranded RNA (dsRNA), the in vitro transplantation and cultivation of T. dendrolimi pupae, the micro-injection of dsRNA, and the subsequent assessment of target gene knockdown through RT-qPCR analysis. This study furnishes a comprehensive, visually detailed procedure for conducting RNAi experiments in T. dendrolimi, thereby enabling researchers to investigate the gene regulation in this species. Furthermore, this methodology is adaptable for RNAi studies or micro-injections in other Trichogramma species with minor adjustments, rendering it a valuable reference for conducting RNAi experiments in other endoparasitic species.


Trichogramma spp. are a group of egg parasitoids that have been extensively utilized as highly efficient biological control agents against a wide spectrum of lepidopteran pests in agricultural and forest ecosystems worldwide1,2,3,4. The application of mass-reared Trichogramma provides an environmentally friendly approach for the sustainable management of pests5,6,7. Understanding the molecular biology of Trichogramma wasps....


NOTE: See the Table of Materials for details related to all materials, instruments, software, and reagents used in this protocol.

1. Collection and maintenance of insect culture

  1. Adhere a group of ~5,000 eggs of Corcyra cephalonica (Stainton) onto a 9 cm by 16 cm card using a 1:5 (v/v) solution of gum arabic powder and water25,26.
    NOTE: Avoid attaching too many host eggs to the card as overcrowding makes it impractical for subsequent transfer and dissection procedures.
  2. To prevent the hatching of host eggs, subjec....

Reprezentatywne Wyniki

The emergence rate of T. denrolimi pupae injected with dsFerhch was significantly lower than that of those injected with dsGFP or those without injection (Table 1). Among the emerged wasps, 51.85% of T. denrolimi wasps subjected to dsFerhch developed deformed small wings. The deformed wasps were not observed in the wasps injected with dsGFP or without any injection (Table 1). Moreover, the abdomens of T. denrolimi pupae injec.......


Trichogramma wasps are recognized as effective biological control agents, specifically targeting a range of lepidopteran pests in agriculture and forestry1. These diminutive wasps undergo their immature stages within the host egg, a characteristic that presents challenges in conducting RNAi experiments5,18. This study offers a comprehensive visual guide for conducting RNAi experiments in T. denrolimi. Given the shared bio.......


The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.


This research was funded by the Projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (32172476, 32102275), the Agricultural Science and Technology Innovation Program (CAAS-ZDRW202203, CAAS-ZDRW202108), and Central Funds Guiding the Local Science and Technology Development (XZ202301YD0042C).



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
2x ES Taq MasterMix (Dye)Cowin Biotech, ChinaCW0690HTo amplify the dsRNA sequences
20x PBS Buffer, DEPC treated (7.2-7.6)Sangon Biotech, ChinaB540627-0500To dilute dsRNA
Agar stripShishi Globe Agar Industries Co.,Ltd, Chinan/aTo make culture medium
Ampicillin sodiumSangon Biotech, ChinaA610028To make culture medium
Bioer Constant temperature metal bath BIOER, ChinaMB-102To synthesis dsRNA
Borosilicate glass capillary WPI, USA1B100-4To pull capillary glass needle
Clean bench Airtech, ChinaSW-CJ-1FDTo extract RNA
Double distilled waterSangon Biotech, ChinaA500197-0500To dilute cDNA
Environmental Testing chamber Panasonic, JapanMLR-352H-PCTo culture T. denrolimi
Eppendorf Centrifuge Eppendrof, Germany5418RTo store RNA content
Eppendorf FemtoJet 4iEppendrof, GermanyFemtoJet 4iTo inject T. denrolimi
Eppendorf Refrigerated Centrifuge Eppendrof, Germany5810RCentrifuge
Ethanol solution (75%, RNase-free)Aladdin, ChinaM052131-500mlTo extract RNA
Gel Extraction KitOmega, USAD25000-02To extract cDNA
GUM ArabicSolarbio, ChinaCG5991-500gTo make egg card
Isopropyl alchoholAladdin, China80109218To extract RNA
Laser-Based Micropipette Puller SUTTER, USAP-2000To pull capillary glass needle
Microloader Eppendrof, Germany20 µLTo load dsRNA
Multi-sample tissue grinder LICHEN, ChinaLC-TG-24To grind T. denrolimi
Needle Grinder SUTTER, USABV-10-ETo grind capillary glass needle
Nuclease-Free WaterSangon Biotech, ChinaTo dilute RNA
OLYMPUS MicroscopeOLYMPUS, JapanXZX16To observe T. denrolimi
PCR machine Bio-rad, USAS-1000For DNA amplification
PowerPac BasicBio-rad, USAPowerPacTM BasicTo detect the quality of dsRNA 
Primer of Ferhch for qPCR (Forward)TGAAGAGATTCTGCGTTCTGCT
Primer of Ferhch for qPCR (Reverse)CTGTAGGAACATCAGCAGGCTT
Primer of Ferhch for RNAi (Reverse)[TAATACGACTCACTATAGGG]AG
Primer of Ferhch for RNAi(Forward)[TAATACGACTCACTATAGGG]
Primer of FoxO for qPCR (Reverse)TGCTGTCGCCCTTGTCCT
PrimeScript RT reagent Kit with gDNA Eraser (Perfect Real Time)TaKaRa, JapanRR047A
Quantitative Real-time PCR Bio-rad, USACFX 96 TouchTo perform reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) 
Real-time PCR (TaqMan) Primer and Probes Design Tool
T7 RiBoMAX Express RNAi SystemPromega, USAP1700To synthesis dsRNA  in vitro 
TB Green Premix Ex TaqTM figure-materials-5268 (Til RnaseH Plus)TaKaRa, JapanRR820ATo perform RT-qPCR
TrichloromethaneKESHI, ChinaGB/T682-2002To extract RNA
TRIzol ReagentAmbion, USA15596018To extract total RNA content from samples
Ultra-low Temperature Freezer Thermo, USAForma 911


  1. Zang, L. S., Wang, S., Zhang, F., Desneux, N. Biological control with Trichogramma in China: History, present status and perspectives. Annu Rev Entomol. 66, 463-484 (2020).
  2. Zhou, J. C., et al.

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RNA InterferenceTrichogramma DendrolimiEgg ParasitoidWolbachiaSex DeterminationGene FunctionDevelopmental BiologyBiological ControlLepidopteran PestsMicro injectionRT qPCR

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