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  • Summary
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Protocol
  • Representative Results
  • Discussion
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Blastocyst biopsy and vitrification are required to efficiently conduct preimplantation genetic testing. An approach entailing the sequential opening of the zona pellucida and retrieval of 7-8 trophectoderm cells in day 5-7 post-insemination limits both the number of manipulations required and the exposure of the embryo to sub-optimal environmental conditions.


Blastocyst biopsy is performed to obtain a reliable genetic diagnosis during IVF cycles with preimplantation genetic testing. Then, the ideal workflow entails a safe and efficient vitrification protocol, due to the turnaround time of the diagnostic techniques and to transfer the selected embryo(s) on a physiological endometrium in a following natural cycle. A biopsy approach encompassing the sequential opening of the zona pellucida and retrieval of 5-10 trophectoderm cells (ideally 7-8) limits both the number of manipulations required and the exposure of the embryo to sub-optimal environmental conditions. After proper training, the technique was reproducible across different operators in terms of timing of biopsy (~8 min, ranging 3-22 min based on the number of embryos to biopsy per dish), conclusive diagnoses obtained (~97.5%) and live birth rates after vitrified-warmed euploid blastocyst transfer (>40%). The survival rate after biopsy, vitrification and warming was as high as 99.8%. The re-expansion rate at 1.5 h from warming was as high as 97%, largely dependent on the timing between biopsy and vitrification (ideally ≤30 min), blastocyst morphological quality and day of biopsy. In general, it is better to vitrify a collapsed blastocyst; therefore, in non-PGT cycles, laser-assisted artificial shrinkage might be performed to induce embryo collapse prior to cryopreservation. The most promising future perspective is the non-invasive analysis of the IVF culture media after blastocyst culture as a putative source of embryonic DNA. However, this potential avant-garde is still under investigation and a reliable protocol yet needs to be defined and validated.


The main goal of modern human embryology is to maximize the number live births per stimulated cycle and reduce costs, time and efforts to achieve a pregnancy. To accomplish this goal, validated approaches for embryo selection should be employed to identify reproductively competent embryos within a cohort obtained during an IVF cycle. According to the latest evidences, blastocyst culture1 combined with comprehensive chromosomal testing and vitrified-warmed euploid embryo transfer (ET) is the most efficient framework to increase IVF efficiency2. Clearly, aneuploidy testing requires an embryonic specimen, which at present i....


The protocol for human blastocyst biopsy, here described, follows the guidelines of G.EN.E.R.A. Human Research Ethic Committee.

NOTE: Refer to the Table of Materials for materials required. Further material required entails laboratory footwear and outfit, surgical facemask, hair cover, surgical gloves, a permanent non-toxic marker, forceps and disinfectant. The use of surgical gown, disposable surgical gloves, facemask, hair cover is mandatory to prevent risk of contamination. All the working areas, as well as the equipment involved in the process, must be cleaned thoroughly with laboratory disinfectant (e.....

Representative Results

Figure 6 represents a scheme of all the outcomes of a biopsy procedure that can be adopted to standardize the protocol and monitor the performance of each operator. The main procedural outcome is the timing to complete the biopsy/biopsies; the main technical outcome is the quality of the plot produced after genetic testing that might result in either a conclusive or inconclusive diagnosis, the latter of which requires a re-biopsy of the undiagnosed blastocyst.......


Only well-experienced skilled embryologists who have completed their training period should perform both TE biopsy and blastocyst vitrification. Furthermore, a witness is required to monitor the procedures and guarantee an efficient traceability during i) the movements of the biopsied blastocyst from the biopsy dish (Supplementary Figure 1) to the post-biopsy dish (Supplementary Figure 1), then to the vitrification plate (Supplementary Figure 1) and lastly to the vitrifi.......


The authors have nothing to disclose.


AG and RM collected the data and drafted the manuscript. DC analyzed the data, drafted the representative results, performed the statistics and revised the manuscript. FMU and LR provided critical discussion of the results and of the whole manuscript.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
Cold tube rackBiocisionXTPCR96
Electronic pipette controllerFisher Scientific710931
Flexipet adjustable handle setCookG18674Stripper holder
Gilson PipetmanGilson66003p20
IVF Electronic Witness SystemCooperSurgical Fertility & Genomic SolutionsRI Witness ART Management System
Inverted microscopeNikonEclipse TE2000-U
Laminar Flow HoodIVF TECHGrade A air flow
Laser objectiveRISaturn 5
MicroinjectorsNikon NarishigeNT-88-V3
Mini centrifuge for PCR tubesEppendorfCSLQSPINfor 0.2ml PCR tubes
StereomicroscopeLeicaLeica M80
Tri-gas incubatorPanasonicMCO-5M-PE02/CO2
Biopsy pipetteRI7-71-30FB3572030µm ID, flat 35°C
CSCM completeIrvine Scientific90165IVF culture medium supplemented with HSA
Embryo Transfer CatheterCookG17934
Flexipet pipetteCookG26712140µm stripping pipette tip
Flexipet pipetteCookG46020300µm stripping pipette tips
Holding pipetteRI7-71-IH35/2030µm ID, flat 35°C
Human Serum AlbuminIrvine Scientific9988
IVF One well dishFalcon353653
Mineral Oil for embryo cultureIrvine Scientific9305
Modified HTF MediumIrvine Scientific90126Hepes-Buffered medium
Nuclon Delta SurfaceThermofisher scientific176740IVF dish 4-well plate with sliding lid
Primaria Cell culture dishCorning35380260x15mm
Serological pipetteFalcon35755110ml
Sterile disposable Gilson tipsEppendorf0030 075.021200µl
Tubing KitProvided by the genetic labPCR tubes (0.2mL), loading solution, biopsy washing solution
Vitrification mediaKitazatoVT801Equilibration and vitrification solutions
Warming mediaKitazatoVT802Thawing and dilution solutions


  1. Glujovsky, D., Farquhar, C., Quinteiro Retamar, A. M., Alvarez Sedo, C. R., Blake, D. Cleavage stage versus blastocyst stage embryo transfer in assisted reproductive technology. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. (6), CD002118 (2016).
  2. Dahdouh, E. M., Balayla, J., Garcia-Velasco, J. A.

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Blastocyst BiopsyVitrificationIVFPreimplantation Genetic TestingTrophectoderm BiopsyZona PellucidaLaser ObjectiveBiopsy PipetteHEPES buffered MediumEmbryoCell SamplingGenetic Analysis

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