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We describe fluorescence photoactivation methods to analyze the axonal transport of neurofilaments in single myelinated axons of peripheral nerves from transgenic mice that express a photoactivatable neurofilament protein.


Neurofilament protein polymers move along axons in the slow component of axonal transport at average speeds of ~0.35-3.5 mm/day. Until recently the study of this movement in situ was only possible using radioisotopic pulse-labeling, which permits analysis of axonal transport in whole nerves with a temporal resolution of days and a spatial resolution of millimeters. To study neurofilament transport in situ with higher temporal and spatial resolution, we developed a hThy1-paGFP-NFM transgenic mouse that expresses neurofilament protein M tagged with photoactivatable GFP in neurons. Here we describe fluorescence photoactivation pulse-escape and pulse-spread methods to analyze neurofilament transport in single myelinated axons of tibial nerves from these mice ex vivo. Isolated nerve segments are maintained on the microscope stage by perfusion with oxygenated saline and imaged by spinning disk confocal fluorescence microscopy. Violet light is used to activate the fluorescence in a short axonal window. The fluorescence in the activated and flanking regions is analyzed over time, permitting the study of neurofilament transport with temporal and spatial resolution on the order of minutes and microns, respectively. Mathematical modeling can be used to extract kinetic parameters of neurofilament transport including the velocity, directional bias and pausing behavior from the resulting data. The pulse-escape and pulse-spread methods can also be adapted to visualize neurofilament transport in other nerves. With the development of additional transgenic mice, these methods could also be used to image and analyze the axonal transport of other cytoskeletal and cytosolic proteins in axons.


The axonal transport of neurofilaments was first demonstrated in the 1970s by radioisotopic pulse-labeling1. This approach has yielded a wealth of information about neurofilament transport in vivo, but it has relatively low spatial and temporal resolution, typically on the order of millimeters and days at best2. Moreover, radioisotopic pulse-labeling is an indirect approach that requires the injection and sacrifice of multiple animals to generate a single time course. With the discovery of fluorescent proteins and advances in fluorescence microscopy in the 1990s, it subsequently became possible to image neurofil....


All methods described here have been approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) of The Ohio State University.

1. Preparation of nerve saline solution

  1. Make 100 mL of Breuer’s saline10: 98 mM NaCl, 1 mM KCl, 2 mM KH2PO4, 1 mM MgSO4, 1.5 mM CaCl2, 5.6% D-glucose, 23.8 mM NaHCO3 in double-distilled water.
  2. Bubble 95% oxygen/5% carbon dioxide (carbogen) through the saline solution for at least 30 minutes prior to use. Leftover saline can be reused within one week; however, it must be reoxygenated before each use.

Representative Results

Figure 3 shows representative images from pulse-escape and pulse-spread experiments. We have published several studies that describe data obtained using the pulse-escape method and our methods for the analysis of those data5,6,7,8,17. Below, we show how the pulse-spread data can yield information on the directionality and velocity.......


Care must be taken in the analysis of pulse-escape and pulse-spread experiments because there is significant potential for the introduction of error during the post-processing, principally during the flat-field correction, image alignment and bleach correction. Flat-field correction is necessary to correct for non-uniformity in the illumination, which results in a fall-off in intensity across the field of view from center to periphery. The extent of non-uniformity is wavelength-dependent and thus, should always be perfor.......


The authors have nothing to disclose.


The authors would like to thank Paula Monsma for instruction and assistance with confocal microscopy and tibial nerve dissection and Dr. Atsuko Uchida, Chloe Duger and Sana Chahande for assistance with mouse husbandry. This work was supported in part by collaborative National Science Foundation Grants IOS1656784 to A.B. and IOS1656765 to P.J., and National Institutes of Health Grants R01 NS038526, P30 NS104177 and S10 OD010383 to A.B. N.P.B. was supported by a fellowship from the Ohio State University President’s Postdoctoral Scholars Program.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
14 x 22 Rectangle Gasket 0.1mmBioptechs1907-1422-100inner gasket
30mm Round Gasket w/ HolesBioptechs1907-08-750outer gasket
35 x 10mm dishThermo Fisher153066dissection dishes
40mm round coverslipsBioptechs40-1313-0319
60mL syringe - Luer-lock tipBD309653
Andor Revolution WD spinning-disk confocal systemAndoroutfitted with Perfect Focus and FRAPPA systems
Calcium chlorideFisherC79
CoverslipsFisher12-541-Bfor fluorescein slide
D-(+)-glucose solutionSigmaG8769
Dissecting pinsFine Science Tools26001-70
Dissection forcepsFine Science Tools11251-30fine tipped forceps
Dissection microscopeZeiss47 50 03
Dissection pan with waxGinsberg Scientific568859
Dissection scissorsFine Science Tools14061-09initial dissection scissors
FCS2 perfusion chamberBioptechs060319-2-03
Fluorescein sodiumFluka46960
Inline solution heaterWarner InstrumentsSH27-B
Laminectomy forcepsFine Science Tools11223-20initial dissection forceps
Magnesium sulfateSigma-AldrichM7506
Microaqueduct slideBioptechs130119-5
Microscope slidesFisher12-544-3for fluorescein slide
Microscope stage insertApplied Scientific InstrumentationI-3017
Objective heater systemOkolabOko Touch with objective collar
Objective oil - type ANikondiscontinued
Plan Apo VC 100x 1.40 NA objectiveNikonMRD01901
Potassium chlorideFisherP217
Potassium phosphateSigma-AldrichP0662
Sodium bicarbonateSigma-AldrichS6297
Sodium chlorideSigma-AldrichS7653
Sodium iodoacetateSigma-AldrichI2512
Syringe pumpSage InstrumentsModel 355
Tubing adapter - femaleSmall Parts Inc.1005109
Tubing adapter - maleSmall Parts Inc.1005012
Tygon tubingBioptechs1/16" ID, 1/32" wall thickness
Vannas spring scissorsFine Science Tools15018-10fine scissors


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Neurofilament TransportFluorescence MicroscopyPhotoactivatable Fluorescent FusionMyelinated AxonsTibial NerveNerve DissectionPerfusion ChamberOxygenated SalineMicrodissectionNerve Imaging

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