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  • Summary
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Protocol
  • Results
  • Discussion
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  • Acknowledgements
  • Materials
  • References
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Here, a high-throughput protocol is presented to measure growth data, including growth curves, growth rate, and maximum growth rate. The protocol was verified and validated using two biofilm-producing bacteria. The results and approach applied in this study can be expanded to other high-throughput protocols using microplate readers.


This study aimed to develop a repeatable, reliable, high-throughput protocol to monitor bacterial growth in 96-well plates and analyze the maximum growth rate. The growth curves and maximum growth rates of two bacterial species were determined. Issues including (i) lid condensation, (ii) pathlength correction, (iii) inoculation size, (iv) sampling time interval, and (v) spatial bias were investigated. The repeatability of the protocol was assessed with three independent technical replications, with a standard deviation of 0.03 between the runs. The maximum growth rates of Bacillus mycoides and Paenibacillus tundrae were determined to be (mean ± SD) 0.99 h−1 ±  0.03 h−1 and 0.85 h−1 ± 0.025 h−1, respectively. These bacteria are more challenging to monitor optically due to their affinity to clump together. This study demonstrates the critical importance of inoculation size, path length correction, lid warming, sampling time intervals, and well-plate spatial bias to obtain reliable, accurate, and reproducible data on microplate readers. The developed protocol and its verification steps can be expanded to other methods using microplate readers and high-throughput protocols, reducing the researchers' innate errors and material costs.


Developing interest in multi-omics manipulation, including mechanism and metabolic studies of bacteria, emphasizes the importance of high-throughput and automated methods such as recording growth data1,2. Growth data comprising kinetic parameters, such as maximum growth rates, can help characterize bacterial responses to different physical, chemical, and antibacterial conditions. Growth rate data are a standard response variable utilized to uncover potential genotype-phenotypes linkages1 or indicate the microbial safety and shelf life of food produce


NOTE: All steps in this protocol must be followed in sterile conditions (i.e., between two flames or a biosafety cabinet). All materials and tools are autoclaved for 20 min. See the Table of Materials for details about all materials, equipment, and software used in this protocol. Gloved hands are disinfected, kept wet with hand disinfectant or 70% alcohol solution for at least 1 min, and not removed from the safety cabinet afterward. Otherwise, the disinfecting procedure must be repeated before introducing hands back into the safety cabinet. CAUTION: Ensure the disinfectant is completely evaporated before using an open flame.


OD reading validation and pathlength correction factor
Split samples of B. mycoides culture were taken at different time points and measured using the microplate reader and the spectrophotometer (Figure 1A). This step was taken to validate the results across different devices. The OD600 data correlated but did not match (Figure 1B). The correlation was linear with a slope of 0.55 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.53-0.58.......


Microplate readers allow for obtaining consistent and repeatable growth rates. This technology minimizes human error and enables high-throughput sampling. The small amount of culture required per sample makes this approach an attractive, low-cost alternative to cell counts using flasks or test tubes. Microplate readers allow a large sample size, increasing the statistical power and subsequently facilitating reliable growth rate calculations while keeping costs and labor low.

This article prese.......


The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.


This work was funded by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) / Halifax Water Industrial Research Chair in Water Quality and Treatment (Grant No. IRCPJ 349838-16). The team of authors also would like to acknowledge the help of Anita Taylor in reviewing this article.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
Centrifuge Eppendorf5810 R
Centrifuge tubes - 15 mL ThermoFisher- Scientific 339650Sterile
Centriguge tubes - 50 mL ThermoFisher- Scientific 339652Sterile
Disposable inoculating loop , 10 µLCole-Parmer UZ-06231-08Sterile
Erlenmeyer flasks - 250 mL Cole-Parmer  UZ-34502-59Glass 
Isopropanol ThermoFisher- Scientific 396982500≥99.0
Phosphate Buffer Saline Sigma-AldrichP4417
Pipett tips 1,000 µLThermoFisher- Scientific  UZ-25001-76
Pipett tips 10 mL ThermoFisher- Scientific UZ-25001-83
Pipett tips 200 µLThermoFisher- Scientific UZ-25001-85
Pipett tips 5 mL ThermoFisher- Scientific  UZ-25001-80
Pipettor 1,000 µLCole-Parmer UZ-07909-11
Pipettor 10 mLCole-Parmer UZ-07909-15
Pipettor 200 µLCole-Parmer  UZ-07909-09
Pipettor 5 mL Cole-Parmer UZ-07859-30
Tryptic Soy Broth Millipore22091Suitable for microbiology


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High throughput QuantificationBacterial GrowthMicroplate ReaderGrowth CurvesMaximum Growth RateBacillus MycoidesPaenibacillus TundraeLid CondensationPathlength CorrectionInoculation SizeSpatial BiasRepeatabilityProtocol DevelopmentSampling Time Interval

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