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Puncture Wound Hemostasis and Preparation of Samples for Montaged Wide-Area Electron Microscopy Analysis

Published: May 24th, 2024



1Department of Physiology and Cell Biology, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences


Hemostasis, the process of normal physiological control of vascular damage, is fundamental to human life. We all suffer minor cuts and puncture wounds from time to time. In hemostasis, self-limiting platelet aggregation leads to the formation of a structured thrombus in which bleeding cessation comes from capping the hole from the outside. Detailed characterization of this structure could lead to distinctions between hemostasis and thrombosis, a case of excessive platelet aggregation leading to occlusive clotting. An imaging-based approach to puncture wound thrombus structure is presented here that draws upon the ability of thin-section electron microscopy to visualize the interior of hemostatic thrombi. The most basic step in any imaging-based experimental protocol is good sample preparation. The protocol provides detailed procedures for preparing puncture wounds and platelet-rich thrombi in mice for subsequent electron microscopy. A detailed procedure is given for in situ fixation of the forming puncture wound thrombus and its subsequent processing for staining and embedding for electron microscopy. Electron microscopy is presented as the end imaging technique because of its ability, when combined with sequential sectioning, to visualize the details of the thrombus interior at high resolution. As an imaging method, electron microscopy gives unbiased sampling and an experimental output that scales from nanometer to millimeters in 2 or 3 dimensions. Appropriate freeware electron microscopy software is cited that will support wide-area electron microscopy in which hundreds of frames can be blended to give nanometer-scale imaging of entire puncture wound thrombi cross-sections. Hence, any subregion of the image file can be placed easily into the context of the full cross-section.

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Keywords Puncture Wound

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