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Here, we describe the application of a polymerized human hemoglobin (PolyhHb)-based oxygen carrier as a perfusate and the protocol in which this perfusion solution can be tested in a model of rat ex vivo lung perfusion.


Lung transplantation is hampered by the lack of suitable donors. Previously, donors that were thought to be marginal or inadequate were discarded. However, new and exciting technology, such as ex vivo lung perfusion (EVLP), offers lung transplant providers extended assessment for marginal donor allografts. This dynamic assessment platform has led to an increase in lung transplantation and has allowed providers to use donors that were previously discarded, thus expanding the donor pool. Current perfusion techniques use cellular or acellular perfusates, and both have distinct advantages and disadvantages. Perfusion composition is critical to maintaining a homeostatic environment, providing adequate metabolic support, decreasing inflammation and cellular death, and ultimately improving organ function. Perfusion solutions must contain sufficient protein concentration to maintain appropriate oncotic pressure. However, current perfusion solutions often lead to fluid extravasation through the pulmonary endothelium, resulting in inadvertent pulmonary edema and damage. Thus, it is necessary to develop novel perfusion solutions that prevent excessive damage while maintaining proper cellular homeostasis. Here, we describe the application of a polymerized human hemoglobin (PolyhHb)-based oxygen carrier as a perfusate and the protocol in which this perfusion solution can be tested in a model of rat EVLP. The goal of this study is to provide the lung transplant community with key information in designing and developing novel perfusion solutions, as well as the proper protocols to test them in clinically relevant translational transplant models.


Like any field in solid organ transplantation, lung transplantation suffers from a shortage of donor organs. In order to increase the donor pool, significant research has been dedicated to investigating the potential of allografts that were once thought to be unsuitable for transplantation, i.e., extended criteria donors (ECD). These allografts can be considered ECD for a milieu of reasons, including questionable quality, poor function, infection, trauma, prolonged warm or cold ischemic times, and advanced age1,2. In certain cases, where these lungs are suitable for immediate transplant3


Sprague-Dawley rats (300 g body weight) were commercially obtained and housed under pathogen-free conditions at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center Animal Facility. All procedures were humanely performed according to the NIH and the National Research Council's Guide for the Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals and with the approval of The Ohio State University Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC Protocol 2023A00000071).

1. PolyhHb synthesis and purification

NOTE: The production and synthesis of the PolyhHb material that was used for the following EVLP experiments....

Representative Results

The validation of our PolyhHb-based perfusate, and furthermore, the stability of this perfusate over several hours, is demonstrated in Figure 10. Over the first 1 h, all perfusates tested (PolyhHb, Control (Williams Media + 5% HSA), RBC based) showed a slight decrease in LA pO2 (Post pO2). However, the RBC-based perfusate showed a significant decrease at 1 h compared to PolyhHb (p < 0.05). When tested over the next several hours, both PolyhHb and Control perfusates .......


The development and testing of perfusion solutions is a novel endeavor that many throughout the globe are embarking on. Traditionally, standard perfusates offer the ability to suspend ischemic time and mitigate the associated injuries with ischemia, as well as reperfusion18. However, the next evolution of EVLP is to improve current perfusate technology as well as incorporate repair and reconditioning therapies39,40,


For the material presented in this work, A.F.P., A.G., and C.C. are inventors on the US patent application PCT/US2022/041743. A.F.P., C.C., B.A.W., and S.M.B. are inventors on US patent application PCT/US2023/017765.


This research was generously supported by the Jewel and Frank Benson Family Endowment and the Jewel and Frank Benson Research Professorship. B.A.W. is partially supported by National Institutes of Health (NIH) grant R01HL143000. A.F.P. is supported by NIH grants R01HL126945, R01EB021926, R01HL131720, and R01HL138116 and US Army Medical Research and Materiel Command grant W81XWH1810059. S.M.B. is supported by the NIH R01 DK123475.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
10 cc insulin syringe 29 G x 1/2" needleB-D309301
30 L Glass Batch BioreactorAce Glass
30g NeedleMed NeedlesBD-305106
Baytril (enrofloxacin) Antibacterial TabletsElancoNA
Calcium Chloride dihydrate (CaCl2.2H2O)Sigma Aldrich10035-04-8For modified Ringer's lactate
CFBA carrier frequency bridge amplifier type 672Harvard Apparatus731747
Connect kit D150Cole-Parmer VK 73-3763
Dumont #5 ForcepsFine Science tools11252-50
Dumont Medical #5/45 Forceps - Angled 45°Fine Science tools11253-25
Ecoline Star Edition 003, E100 Water HeaterLaudaLCK 1879
Expired human leukoreduced, packed RBC unitsWexner Medical Center
Canadian Blood Services
Zen-Bio Inc
Fiberoxygenator D150Hugo Sachs ElektronikPY2 73-3762
ForcepsFine Science tools11027-12
Glutaraldehyde (C5H8O2 70 wt%)Sigma Aldrich111-30-8 (G7776)
Halsted-Mosquito HemostatRoboz SurgicalRS-7112
Heparin 30,000 units per 30 mlAPP Pharmaceuticals
Human Serum Albumin (HSA)OctaPharma PlasmaPerfusate additive
IL2 Tube set for perfusateHarvard Apparatus733842
IPL-2 Basic Lung Perfusion SystemHarvard Apparatus
Ketamine 500 mg per 5 mlJHP Pharmaceuticals
Left Atrium cannulaHarvard Apparatus730712
Liqui-Cel EXF Series G420 Membrane Contactor3MG420gas contactor
low potassium dextran glucose solution (perfadex)XVIVOsolution flushing the lung
Masterflex Platinum Coated Tubing(Size: 73,17,16,24)Cole-Palmer
N-Acetyl-L-cysteine (NALC, C5H9NO3S)Sigma Aldrich616-91-1 (A7250)For modified Ringer's lactate
Nalgene Vessels (10L, 20L)NalgeneFiltration vessels
Peristaltic Pump Ismatec ISM 827B
PES, 0.65 µm TFF moduleRepligenN02-E65U-07-N
PhysioSuiteKent Scientific CorporationPS-MSTAT-RT
polyethersulfone (PES), 0.2 µm TFF moduleRepligenN02-S20U-05-N
Polysulfone (PS), 500 kDa TFF moduleRepligenN02-P500-05-N
Potassium Chloride (KCl)Fisher Scientific7447-40-7For PBS
PowerLab 8/35 ADInstruments730045
Pulmonary Artery cannulaHarvard Apparatus730710
Pump Head tubing (Size: 73,17,16,24)PharMed BPT
Puralube Ophthalmic OintmentDechraNA
ScissorsFine Science tools14090-11
SCP Servo controller for perfusion type 704Harvard Apparatus732806
Small Animal Ventilator model 683Harvard Apparatus55-000
Sodium Chloride (NaCl)Fisher Scientific7647-14-5 (S271-10)For PBS and saline
Sodium cyanoborohydride (NaCNBH3)Sigma Aldrich25895-60-7
Sodium Dithionite (Na2S2O4)Sigma Aldrich7775-14-6
Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH)Fisher Scientific1310-73-2For modified Ringer's lactate
Sodium Lactate (NaC3H5O3)Sigma Aldrich867-56-1For modified Ringer's lactate
Sodium phosphate dibasic (Na2HPO4)Fisher Scientific7558-79-4For PBS
Sodium phosphate monobasic (NaH2PO4)Fisher Scientific7558-80-7For PBS
SomnoSuite Small Animal Anesthesia SystemKent Scientific CorporationSS-MVG-Module
Sprague-Dawley ratsEnvigo
TAM-A transducer amplifier module type 705/1Harvard Apparatus73-0065
TAM-D transducer amplifier type 705/2Harvard Apparatus 73-1793
TCM time control module type 686Harvard Apparatus731750
Tracheal cannulaHarvard Apparatus733557
Tube set for moist chamberHarvard Apparatus 73V83157
Tubing CassetteCole-ParmerIS 0649
Tweezer #5 DumostarKent Scientific Corporation INS500085-A
Tweezer #5 stainless steel, curvedKent Scientific CorporationIND500232
Tweezer #7 TitaniumKent Scientific Corporation INS600187
Tygon E-3603 Tubing 2.4 mm IDHarvard Apparatus721017perfusate line entering lung
Tygon E-3603 Tubing 3.2 mm IDHarvard Apparatus721019perfusate line leaving lung
Vannas-Tubingen Spring ScissorsFine Science Tools15008-08
VCM ventilator control module type 681Harvard Apparatus731741
William's E MediaGibco, ThermoFisher ScientificA12176-01Perfusate additive
Xylazine 100 mg per 1 mlAkorn


  1. Valapour, M., et al. OPTN/SRTR 2021 annual data report: Lung. Am J Transplant. 23, S379-S442 (2023).
  2. Gouchoe, D. A., et al. Ex vivo l....

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