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  • Introduction
  • Protocol
  • Representative Results
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Here we present a protocol to transplant cells with high spatial and temporal resolution in zebrafish embryos and larvae at any stage between at least 1 and 7 days post fertilization.


Development and regeneration occur by a process of genetically encoded spatiotemporally dynamic cellular interactions. The use of cell transplantation between animals to track cell fate and to induce mismatches in the genetic, spatial, or temporal properties of donor and host cells is a powerful means of examining the nature of these interactions. Organisms such as chick and amphibians have made crucial contributions to our understanding of development and regeneration, respectively, in large part because of their amenability to transplantation. The power of these models, however, has been limited by low genetic tractability. Likewise, the major genetic model organisms have lower amenability to transplantation.

The zebrafish is a major genetic model for development and regeneration, and while cell transplantation is common in zebrafish, it is generally limited to the transfer of undifferentiated cells at the early blastula and gastrula stages of development. In this article, we present a simple and robust method that extends the zebrafish transplantation window to any embryonic or larval stage between at least 1 and 7 days post fertilization. The precision of this approach allows for the transplantation of as little as one cell with near-perfect spatial and temporal resolution in both donor and host animals. While we highlight here the transplantation of embryonic and larval neurons for the study of nerve development and regeneration, respectively, this approach is applicable to a wide range of progenitor and differentiated cell types and research questions.


Cell transplantation has a long and storied history as a foundational technique in developmental biology. Around the turn of the 20th century, approaches using physical manipulations to perturb the developmental process, including transplantation, transformed embryology from an observational science into an experimental one1,2. In one landmark experiment, Hans Spemann and Hilde Mangold ectopically transplanted the dorsal blastopore lip of a salamander embryo onto the opposite side of a host embryo, inducing the nearby tissue to form a secondary body axis3. This experiment sho....


All aspects of this procedure that pertain to work with live zebrafish have been approved by the University of Minnesota Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) and are performed in compliance with IACUC guidelines.

1. One-time initial setup of transplant apparatus (Figure 1)

  1. Assemble the transplant microscope per manufacturer's instructions.
    NOTE: This protocol uses an upright fluorescence microscope with a 40x water dipping objective.
  2. Assemble the coarse and fine micromanipulators and mount them on the right side of the microscope ....

Representative Results

The outcomes of transplantation experiments are directly observed by visualizing fluorescently labeled donor cells in host animals at appropriate timepoints post transplantation using a fluorescence microscope. Here, we transplanted individual anterior vagus neurons at 3 dpf. Host animals were then incubated for 12 or 48 h, anesthetized, mounted in LMA on a glass coverslip, and imaged with a confocal microscope (Figure 5). At 12 h post transplantation (hpt), we observe a successfully transpl.......


Developmental and regenerative biology has for over a century relied on transplantation experiments to examine principles of cell signaling and cell fate determination. The zebrafish model already represents a powerful fusion of genetic and transplantation approaches. Transplantation at blastula and gastrula stages to generate mosaic animals is common but limited in what types of questions it can address. Later-stage transplantation is rare, although methods to transplant embryonic spinal motor neurons and retinal gangli.......


The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose.


We thank Cecilia Moens for training in zebrafish transplantation; Marc Tye for excellent fish care; and Emma Carlson for feedback on the manuscript. This work was supported by NIH grant NS121595 to A.J.I.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
10 mL "reservoir syringe"Fisher Scientific14-955-459
150 mL disposable vacuum filter, .2 µm, PESCorning431153
20 x 12 mm heating blockCorning480122
3-way stopcockBraun Medical Inc.455991
3 x 1 Frosted glass slideVWR48312-004
40x water dipping objectiveNikonMRD07420
Calcium chloride dihydrateSigma-AldrichC3306
Coarse ManipulatorNarishigeMN-4
Custom microsyringe pumpUniversity of OregonN/AManufactured by University of Oregon machine shop (tsa.uoregon@gmail.com). A commercially available alternative is listed below.
Dumont #5 ForcepsFine Science Tools1129500
Eclipse FN1 "Transplant Microscope"NikonN/A
electrode handleWorld Precision Instruments5444
Feather Sterile Surgical Blade, #11VWR21899-530
Fine micromanipulator, Three-axis Oil hydraulic NarishigeMMO-203
HEPES pH 7.2Sigma-AldrichH3375-100G
High Precision #3 Style Scalpel HandleFisher Scientific12-000-163
Kimble Disposable Borosilicate Pasteur Pipette, Wide Tip, 5.75 inDWK Life Sciences63A53WT
KIMBLE Chromatography Adapter DWK Life Sciences420408-0000
KimwipesKimberly-Clark Professional34120
Light Mineral OilSigma-AldrichM3516-1L
LSE digital dry bath heater, 1 block, 120 VCorning6875SB
Manual microsyringe pumpWorld Precision InstrumentsMMPCommercial alternative to custom microsyringe pump
Microelectrode HolderWorld Precision InstrumentsMPH310
MicroFil Pipette FillerWorld Precision InstrumentsMF28G67-5
Nail PolishElectron MIcroscopy Sciences72180
Nuclease-free waterVWR82007-334
P-97 Flaming/Brown Type Micropipette PullerSutter InstrumentsP-97
Penicillin-streptomycinSigma-Aldrichp4458-100ML5,000 units penicillin and 5 mg streptomycin/mL
pipette pump 10 mLBel-Art37898-0000
Potassium chlorideSigma-AldrichP3911
Professional Super GlueLoctiteLOC1365882
Round-Bottom Polystyrene Test TubesFalcon352054
Sodium chlorideSigma-AldrichS9888
Stage micrometerMeiji Techno AmericaMA285
Syringes without Needle, 50 mLBD Medical309635
Tricaine MethanosulfonateSyndel USASYNCMGAUS03
Trilene XL smooth casting Fishing lineBerkleyXLFS6-15
Tubing, polyethylene No. 205BD Medical427445
UltraPure Low Melting Point AgaroseInvitrogen16520050
Wiretrol II calibrated micropipettesDrummond50002010


  1. Solini, G. E., Dong, C., Saha, M. Embryonic transplantation experiments: Past, present, and future. Trends Dev Biol. 10, 13-30 (2017).
  2. Gilbert, S. F. . A Conceptual History of Modern Embryology. , (1991).
  3. Spemann, H., Mangold, H.

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High resolution Cell TransplantationEmbryonic ZebrafishLarval ZebrafishCellular InteractionsGenetic TractabilityTransplantation WindowNerve DevelopmentRegenerationDonor And Host CellsProgenitor CellsDifferentiated Cell TypesSpatiotemporal Dynamics

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