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  • Protocol
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Here, we present the first protocol for localized vacuum infiltration for in vivo studies of the genetic transformation of large-sized plants. Using this methodology, we achieved for the first time the Agrobacterium-mediated in planta transient transformation of cacao.


Transient in planta transformation is a fast and cost-effective alternative for plant genetic transformation. Most protocols for in planta transformation rely on the use of Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. However, the protocols currently in use are standardized for small-sized plants due to the physical and economic constraints of submitting large-sized plants to a vacuum treatment. This work presents an effective protocol for localized vacuum-based agroinfiltration customized for large-sized plants. To assess the efficacy of the proposed method, we tested its use in cacao plants, a tropical plant species recalcitrant to genetic transformation. Our protocol allowed applying up to 0.07 MPa vacuum, with repetitions, to a localized aerial part of cacao leaves, making it possible to force the infiltration of Agrobacterium into the intercellular spaces of attached leaves. As a result, we achieved the Agrobacterium-mediated transient in planta transformation of attached cacao leaves expressing for the RUBY reporter system. This is also the first Agrobacterium-mediated in planta transient transformation of cacao. This protocol would allow the application of the vacuum-based agroinfiltration method to other plant species with similar size constraints and open the door for the in planta characterization of genes in recalcitrant woody, large-size species.


Plant genetic transformation methods are essential for testing the biological functions of genes and are especially useful today given the large number of uncharacterized genes predicted in the post-genomic era1. These methods can be used to obtain fully transformed lines or to express genes transiently. Stable transformation occurs when the foreign DNA the host has taken up becomes fully and irreversibly integrated into the host genome, and the genetic modifications are passed down to subsequent generations. Transient expression, known as transient transformation, occurs from the multiple copies of T-DNA transferred by Agrobacterium i....


1. Agrobacterium tumefaciens culture

  1. Thaw electrocompetent cells of Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain LBA4404.
  2. Add 1 mL of Yeast Malt (YM; Table 1) broth to a 17 mm x 100 mm culture tube. Save this tube for later, and keep it at room temperature (RT).
  3. In a 1.5 mL microfuge tube, add 30 µL of the thawed Agrobacterium cells and 100-250 ng (up to 5 µL) of the DNA containing 35S:RUBY. Mix gently.
    NOTE: The 35S:RUBY was a gift from Yunde Zhao. To avoid sample arcing, reduce the presence of ionic compounds as much as possible. These....

Representative Results

This protocol presents an effective agroinfiltration method for large-sized woody plants. With this protocol, we were able to achieve a vacuum pressure of -0.07 MPa, resulting in the effective, localized infiltration of cacao leaves. In Figure 4, we observe the infiltration system setting up process, and in Figure 5, the final configuration.


In this work, we presented an efficient, low-cost agroinfiltration protocol for the in planta transient transformation of woody plants, using cacao plants as an example. Given the well-known constraint that the cuticle of leaves represents for the transformation of plant tissues, we concentrated on developing a strategy to facilitate agroinfiltration by vacuum in woody plants, which are usually recalcitrant to this procedure.

The achieved vacuum pressure inside the vacuum chamber was .......


Authors have no conflict of interest to declare.


We thank Lic. Jesús Fuentes González and Néstor Iván Robles Olivares for their assistance in filming the video footage. We acknowledge the generous gifts by Dr. Antonia Gutierrez Mora of CIATEJ (Theobroma cacao plants). We also thank CIATEJ and Laboratorio Nacional PlanTECC, México, for facility support. H.E.H.D. (CVU: 1135375) conducted master studies with funding from the Consejo Nacional de Humanidades, Ciencia y Tecnología, México (CONAHCYT). R.U.L. acknowledges support from Consejo Estatal de Ciencia y Tecnología de Jalisco (COECYTJAL), and Secretaría de Innovación Ciencia y Tecnología (SICYT), Jalis....


NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
35S:RUBY plasmidAddgene160908http://n2t.net/addgene:160908 ; RRID:Addgene_160908
1 mm electroporation cuvetteThermo Fisher Scientific FB101Fisherbrand Electroporation Cuvettes Plus
DesiccatorBel-Art SP SCIENCEWARWEF42400-2121
Freeze dryerLABCONCO700402040
K2HPO4Sigma AldrichP8281-500GFor YM medium add 0.38 g/L
LBA4404 ElectroCompetent AgrobacteriumIntact Genomics USA1285-12https://intactgenomics.com/product/lba4404-electrocompetent-agrobacterium/
MannitolSigma Aldrich63560-250G-FFor YM medium add 10 g/L
MESSigma AldrichPHG0003(For LB, YM and resuspension medium) add 1.95 g/L (10mM)
MgCl2Sigma AldrichM8266For resuspension medium add 0.952 g/L (10 mM)
MgSO4·7H20Sigma Aldrich63138-1KGFor YM medium add 0.204 g/L
MicroPulser Electroporation ApparatusBiorad 165-2100
NaClKaral60552For LB medium add 5 g/L; For YM medium add 0.1 g/L
NanoDrop One Microvolume UV-Vis SpectrophotometerThermo Fisher Scientific 13-400-518
President Silicone Impression materialCOLTENE60019938
Rifampicin Gold-BioR-120-1(100 mg/mL)
Silicone Impression material gunAndentTBT06
SpectinomycinGold-BioS-140-SL10(100 mg/mL)
StreptomycinGold-BioS-150-SL10(100 mg/mL)
Tryptone enzymatic digest from caseinSigma Aldrich95039-1KG-FFor LB medium add 10 g/L
Yeast extractMCD LAB9031For LB medium add 5 g/L; For YM medium add 0.4 g/L


  1. Yang, J., Jia, M., Guo, J., Huang, L. Q. Functional Genome of Medicinal Plants. Molecular Pharmacognosy. , (2019).
  2. Janssen, B. J., Gardner, R. C. Localized transient expression of GUS in leaf discs following cocultivation with ....

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Vacuum forced AgroinfiltrationIn Planta TransformationRecalcitrant PlantsCacaoAgrobacterium mediated TransformationLocalized InfiltrationTransient TransformationLarge sized Plants

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