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This protocol employs a bioluminescent reporter, allowing measurements of transcriptional activity in Saccharomyces eubayanus to monitor the glucose-to-maltose transition, enabling real-time analysis of metabolic adaptations and supporting strain optimization for industrial fermentation under diverse conditions.


Sequential sugar consumption, from a preferred sugar source to a less preferred one, represents a critical metabolic adaptation in yeast, which is particularly relevant for survival in fluctuating environments such as those found in beer fermentation. However, sugar transitions are an environmental variable that is challenging to predict and detect, impacting the outcome of beer fermentations. This protocol describes an in vivo system to monitor transcriptional activation associated with the glucose-to-maltose metabolic shift in Saccharomyces eubayanus that applies to different wild Saccharomyces yeast strains.

The system employs an episomal bioluminescent transcriptional reporter for maltose metabolism, focusing on MAL32, since it provides a good readout for metabolic shifts, as studied in S. cerevisiae. For this, yeast strains were transformed with plasmids containing the MAL32 regulatory region from S. eubayanus, controlling the expression of a gene encoding for a destabilized version of firefly luciferase1, and a hygromycin resistance gene used exclusively during transformation to ensure plasmid acquisition. Following selection, transformed yeast cells can be cultured under non-selective conditions, as the episomal plasmid remains stable in culture conditions for up to 7 days.

This system was validated under a complex sugar environment in microfermentation assays, confirming the effectiveness of the luciferase reporter in informing metabolic transitions. Samples were collected regularly and analyzed with a luminometer, providing continuous insights into yeast responses. While broadly applicable, this protocol is particularly valuable for assessing yeast performance under fermentation conditions, where metabolic changes pose a significant challenge. Additionally, this methodology can be adapted by selecting alternative promoters to explore a broader range of responses to environmental changes, allowing characterization as well as optimization of wild yeast strains for diverse industrial applications.


Microorganisms such as yeasts must constantly adapt to dynamic environmental conditions to maintain fitness and survive1. These adaptations often involve complex gene regulatory circuits integrating multiple extracellular signals to orchestrate precise metabolic responses2,3. In industrial settings, the efficiency of these metabolic transitions is critical, particularly in fermentation processes where disruptions can lead to suboptimal yields or incomplete fermentations3. A key metabolic challenge to overcome is when cells transition from a preferred to a seconda....


1. Construction of episomal reporters

NOTE: We selected a reporter regulatory region based on yeast literature to construct the episomal plasmid for monitoring maltose consumption6,11,12. The promoter of the candidate reporter gene was defined as the regulatory sequence immediately upstream from the candidate ORF up to the nucleotide flanking the adjacent upstream ORF. This region was amplified from the genomic DNA of S. eubayanus CBS12357T reference strain10. This approach ensures the high....

Representative Results

The following results demonstrate the usability of the newly constructed luminescent reporter to monitor the glucose-to-maltose transition in yeast cells in a fermentative process. The reporter plasmids are initially assembled using yeast recombinational cloning13 to generate episomal reporter constructs. This process requires nucleotide sequence overlapping of at least 30 nucleotides between the different amplicons, all depicted in Figure 1. The regulatory regions co.......


This study demonstrates the effectiveness of an episomal bioluminescent reporter for monitoring transcriptional activation in S. eubayanus under metabolic transitions. By employing MAL32 as a transcriptional reporter11, we could track key metabolic transitions in real time, providing a robust framework for understanding strain-specific adaptations. This reporter, selected for their role in maltose metabolism, offers distinct advantages in evaluating metabolic flexibility in yeast.......


The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose.


This research was funded by Agencia Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo (ANID) FONDECYT (1220026) and ANID-Programa Iniciativa Científica Milenio ICN17_022 and NCN2024_040. FM was supported by ANID FONDECYT Postdoctorado grant N°3220597. PQ was supported by ANID grant N°21201057. Financial support is also acknowledged to Centro Ciencia & Vida, FB210008, Financiamiento Basal para Centros Científicos y Tecnológicos de Excelencia de ANID.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
Ampicillin, sodium saltThermoFisher Scientific11593027
DpnINew England BiolabsR0176S
EcoRINew England BiolabsR0101S
Hygromycine BGold BiotechnologyH-270-1
L-LuciferineGold BiotechnologyL-127-10
Maltose monohydrateSigma-Aldrich47288
Phusion Plus PCR Master MixThermoFisher ScientificF631S
Tecan Infinite 200 PRO MTecan
Wizard Plus SV Minipreps DNA Purirfication SystemPromegaA1330
XhoINew England BiolabsR0146S
Zymoprep Yeast Plasmid Miniprep IZymo ResearchD2001


  1. Salinas, F., Rojas, V., Delgado, V., López, J., Agosin, E., Larrondo, L. F. Fungal light-oxygen-voltage domains for optogenetic control of gene expression and flocculation in yeast. mBio. 9 (4), e00626-18 (2018).
  2. Jacob, F., Monod, J. Genetic regulatory mechanisms in the synthesis of proteins. J Mol Biol. 3, 318-356 (1961).
  3. Perez-Samper, G. et al. The Crabtree Effect shapes the Saccharomyces cerevisiae lag phase during the switch between different carbon sources. mBio. 9 (5), e01331-18 (2018).
  4. Vermeersch, L. et al. On the duration of the microbial lag phase. ....

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